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game 93


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SMH....I see you like to put your own twist on anything I say...I don't expect to have to defend attacking a country with conquered territory in two other countries...nor do I expect you to defend your groups double teaming of lowlands, triple teaming of the swiss, and double teaming both the hungarians and austrians...I look forward to the march to Czechoslovakia...



A while ago, Lowlands was visited at the same time by France, Germany, Italy and Checho.

I started it though; it's all in the game :)

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SMH....I see you like to put your own twist on anything I say...I don't expect to have to defend attacking a country with conquered territory in two other countries...nor do I expect you to defend your groups double teaming of lowlands, triple teaming of the swiss, and double teaming both the hungarians and austrians...I look forward to the march to Czechoslovakia...



A while ago, Lowlands was visited at the same time by France, Germany, Italy and Checho.

I started it though; it's all in the game :)


Glad someone has a sense of humor :laugh:


To clear it up for those not as savvy; we were the defenders that counter-attacked. So there's a philosophical difference. I don't believe Italy ever marched on Lowlands soil, but otherwise, correct.

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err, I only saw Morocco DW Italy this tech, did I miss something?... BTW, he's not only " Ooohhh you so gooood", but also Oooohhh so Brave! (not)... Picking on a nation that already has a lot of enemies. The words opportunist and scavenger are more in line with this action; not "predator" :rolleyes:

Mmmm...no your not missing anything just expanding the Moroccon empire into Europe while also supporting my ta Spain...North Africa has proven to be disappointing from a challenge standpoint so what better way to challenge yourself than a two front war against two different groups....


For me Italy is simply the most logical geographic entrance into the European theatre..maybe you would have had a case for your arguement had I attacked France as he is being pressed from all sides but Italy has no foreign aggressors in his country and he seems to be the biggest scavanger both in Switzerland and Austria.


I look forward to the challenge...


So now you're the self proclaimed retribution for the long dead Switzerland and Austria too? Sure, keep telling yourself how justified you are, it's base human nature to do so at the expense of others... If you really wanted a challenge, there were better targets. hehe, challenge my arse.


If I'm a scavenger, at least I'll admit it. I wont try to puff up my own ego and beat my chest with rank BS! :joker:




Don't get me wrong, I don't have sour grapes. It's a game and we're supposed to have fun. -It's just an observation.


SMH....I see you like to put your own twist on anything I say...I don't expect to have to defend attacking a country with conquered territory in two other countries...nor do I expect you to defend your groups double teaming of lowlands, triple teaming of the swiss, and double teaming both the hungarians and austrians...I look forward to the march to Czechoslovakia...


Is it my own twist, or do I just have a slightly better grasp on reality? It seems you've made a lot of assumptions. To be honest, you do not have to defend your actions of attacking Italy, as it's a valid target of war. I was just having some fun pointing to the fact that others would pose a greater "challenge" (your point of validation)... For reasons I don't care to explain -although I've hinted to it.

If you had a better grasp on the big picture, you'd understand.


Aside from that, you have done a very fine job of conquest. Along with your buddies, I'll give the odds to you guys for end Victory (at this time).

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Hmm, Lowlands certainly would win the award for most picked on, in my opinion, with France a close second. France has more to fight, but also is bigger, and can take more. Morocco really had no option but Italy if he was to go into Europe. Sailing through the Atlantic is silly with the huge naval powers already active there and no air support available. USA has cleverly left every southern border province untaken, so the only way into Europe is through France and Italy.


As for Iceland, their huge presence is cowing Spain from sending anything into the Atlantic, no question.

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As for Iceland, their huge presence is cowing Spain from sending anything into the Atlantic, no question.


Ha! And rightly so!!!


*Flexes muscles and builds another 3 AIR40's*

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I love the taste of Arabian horsemeat in the morning. It tastes like...victory. Might not be kosher, though. (What my troops said after destroying Saudi's 1st Army--18 CAV 39 divisions.) Unfortunately, those 18 KV-1s that UAE has parked on my border will be a bit more...gamey. Hell, throw on enough catsup and pepper, and you can make damn near anything edible!

congrats on punishing the Saudi's...


I will definately thank Thor and his allies for standing strong against the baltic group despite half a dozen countries in france and the partial occupation of poland...when the game started and I saw that group form I was worried they would become too strong too quick and sweep into an already at war europe and dominate...


mad props to the Libyan player for playing down to his last city and last div...most people would drop a lost cause...thanks for keeping it interesting!


Unfortunately, for me, the phrase 'payback's a bitch' really applies. While my army was enjoying various recipes involving horsemeat, thanks to destroying 18 CAV 39 divisions, Saudi moves into the province behind me--negating my fighter cover--and then pounds me x3 with his pesky Ju-88's. And although his ground force is just namby pamby Pz II's and Motor 39's, they're all at 100%, while I am decidedly less so. And then of course is Feeney's usual habit of changing his run date. UAE's 14 KV-1's, on the other hand, did nothing but twiddle their thumbs--and looked up, while my bombers paid them a visit.


By the way, ol' boy, I'm looking forward to YOUR visit to the Holy Land!

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Is there anyone left in Europe that can stop Greece and her allies? :pirate: They seem to be all over the map and recent world events. I think I see them within shooting distance of Syria, oh my!


- Syria 93

Don't look at me or Italy. Even if we wanted to, we already have to work overtime. Also as far as Czech was concerned, there is a political alliance. Besides, he did a good deed for my son.


Now there was a certain Nation or two that *could* have gone for that true challenge and Victory contender... But It's possible they made some sort mutual arrangement instead... Lets see, One TA group has three members. The other has two... Hmmm, what's two plus three equal? A certain magic number in Victory I would say ;)

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Sorry old chap, we're a bit busy here on the continent, nice little tea party with bombs and grenades flying everywhere!

Now if only you would be so kind as to point them in the right direction? There's a certain Scavenger I have in mind.... ooops I said it!

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Is there anyone left in Europe that can stop Greece and her allies? :pirate: They seem to be all over the map and recent world events. I think I see them within shooting distance of Syria, oh my!


- Syria 93

Don't look at me or Italy. Even if we wanted to, we already have to work overtime. Also as far as Czech was concerned, there is a political alliance. Besides, he did a good deed for my son.


Now there was a certain Nation or two that *could* have gone for that true challenge and Victory contender... But It's possible they made some sort mutual arrangement instead... Lets see, One TA group has three members. The other has two... Hmmm, what's two plus three equal? A certain magic number in Victory I would say ;)


omg! too freakin funny...now who's not seeing the big picture!? of course how could you when it comes to propaganda your not even in my league...here's a bit of truth you can choke on...I have not had any contact with the greece alliance in this game whatsoever, I don't even know who is playing the positions the alliances where set up as blind offers......my group does indeed have a secret fourth member in this game that originated before any country even went to war...maybe if you are as smart as you think you are you can figure it out...



As for the greece alliance I have known at some point in the game we would cross swords but that is for another day...besides for now I don't have the fuel that would be required to go that far...that war will be fought when your group is a distant memory...LOL


Scavanger out.....BaaHaa :joker:

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Now that was funny too!

Glad you're not taking everything so seriously*cough*. I certainly do not :joker:


I don't pretend to be any more than I am... :rolleyes: A big ol clown

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.... Ouch.

Man did I just take a spanking with all those Spitfires. They were as thick as a swarm of Alaskan gnats in late summer!

Grats on skillful maneuvering.

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