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B'tai Hazra

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About B'tai Hazra

  • Birthday 10/10/1975

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  • Location
    Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Interests
    Reading SF and Fantasy, playing strategy games (boardgames, PBMs and computer games) and my family...

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  1. Yes, I know I was very lucky in the Reubin system. But now I do lots of EXPLs in systems where I am stuck and can't crack the last WPs...
  2. Cycle 12: Clan Elder B’tai Hazra felt the vibrations in the ground. Some time ago Rear Admiral Evil Claw started a series of live fire exercises with the orbital defences in and around Dhalad Hur. It was some massive amounts of batteries that fired and that could be felt throughout the seat of Clan power. The research ministry had recently come up with new improved weaponry and they would soon be mass produced. Most would end up in new starships but he would make sure that some also boosted the defences at Dhalad Hur. It’s always best to prepare for the worst. The new Warq Riidyers have proven to be a great success. Their high tech warp sensors could solve the mysteries of many more warp points and the frontier had started to move farther away from Una again. With the Eleran colony up and running in Ludica it had been decided to change Ludicas status to ‘core’ system. Some 178.000 Hraas now lived on the planet and it was the first industrial colony built outside of Una. It still only produced minor amounts of fuel for the fleet but with time it stood a good chance to become a major base. Ludica was, with its 8 warp point, a hub in the Clans territory. The importance of the system could not be underestimated. Back in Una the Kaish Neer colony was also growing in importance. Close to two million Hraas of the Kaich Neer clan had been deported and now lived there. Combined with the birth control at Dhalad Hur the slave clans slowly lost their influence over the home world. One problem was slowly arising though. With all ships and armies being set up it was becoming harder to find good personnel. It wouldn’t be long until they would be forced to recruit from the slave clans. That was a major problem. Would they be loyal enough? Brief news: Eleran scientist group – A hitherto unknown scientist group at the small mining and factory colony in the Ludica system have made a small breakthrough in the development of an advanced computer system. This has brought the research project closer to completion. How the Eleran clan has managed to smuggle important scientists personal to Ludica is a mystery. The hunt after Shai-Elerist has still not shown any progress. Ruins of an astronomical observatory – the 107th Recon Group in Reubin has made an astonishing feat. Unable to survey the two warp points itself they headed for the main planet in the system. Exploration teams quickly found remains of an ancient astronomical observatory but more importantly, they also found data on both warp points and are now free to leave the system at will. Clan Elder B’tai Hazra is expected to announce them as Clan heroes! Comments cycle 12: Orders used: 59 Completed technologies: Condenser Beam, Improved Steel and Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive New ships: 3 Subaan-Raat and 10 Light Bunkers Claimed systems: Sharyon, Zobehard and Exibuable Following my own decisions from last cycle I refrain from building new military ships until I have better technology. Instead I put a lot of effort into transforming now redundant equipment into ‘screen’-outposts at my HW. This cycle I ordered to build 200 more of the light bunkers. Needless to say that I need a couple more shipyard slips… This gives me a whole lot of production which I’m not sure what to do with. This cycle I solved it by building 1,000,000 tonnes of food concentrates. Even if I don’t build the army divisions right now it will save me a lot of production the cycle I do want to build them. One thing that I’ve been thinking about lately is if I made a mistake in focusing on 2nd Gen Industrial Science in the beginning. Sure, a 10% industrial bonus is great but it’s nothing compared to the increased effectiveness when you research a new weapon. Each new grade of a weapon is at least 100% more effective... It goes without saying that new industrial sciences will be kept away from slot-1 while I use the rest of my saved research points for ship equipment upgrades. And yes, I’m really impressed by the 107th Recon Group. In two cycles they had two ‘survey’ hits and managed to find data on both warp points leading from the system!
  3. Sorry for the late update but work is giving me a hard time right now. I really can't focus on the game at the moment... Cycle 11: Clan Elder B’tai Hazra studied the report in detail. This was a major finding and could potentially change the whole Hraas society. A large amount of defensive batteries had been ordered around Dhalad Hur to defend against orbital attacks. The digging crews had stumbled upon ancient ruins - ruins from an advanced culture that once spread throughout the whole galaxy. A whole lot of scientists had been sent to investigate the ruins more closely. Apparently this culture was called the T’ckon Star League and the Hraas was once a part of this culture. This explained all the ruins and other signs that the Hraas had lived in the systems around Una as well. Perhaps Una wasn’t their home at all? One of the scientists had found, by accident it seemed when he fell down a hole in one of the ruins, a message from the Hraas of old. It spoke about the golden years of the League. It also spoke of the ruin that came when it all fell apart. Two miner factions calling themselves Hive and Tygen had a minor border conflict. It could have ended there but the Boo joined the fray by activating a super nova device in the Hive home system. The League answered in masse by condemning the Boo and Tygen and eradicating them from the physical universe. Rumours spoke about a sanctuary where some refugees had survived but the League never found it. The fragments of Hive that remained were quickly ‘saved’ by a species with tentacles calling themselves the Flagritz. Some years passed but the concept of war had spread through the League. Armed fleets weren’t disbanded after the Boo and Tygen had been defeated, instead they were reinforced. Distrust between the League races spread and before long multiple border clashes erupted. The super nova device used by the Boo against the Hive was built en masse and used throughout the galaxy. Thousands of races were exterminated and many more were brought back to the Stone Age. The Hraas fielded huge fleets and faced multiple enemies. But this was a war with no winners. Everybody lost and the Hraas faced the same fate as all the other races. The message ended with a warning: “Do not repeat our mistake. Never trust another species. Only the Hraas can make their own future.” B’tai Hazra read the report again, and again and several more times before he could put it away. Super nova device, could this explain all these empty systems found. Warp points leading to systems with no planets, systems like Vimond. And these ‘multiple enemies’, did it mean that other species could be close by like the prophecy said. And what about the rarity of rich mineral deposits, could this be the reason. Have all rich systems been destroyed? One thing was sure, he would follow advice from the past. Brief news: New systems found – The exploration ministry, led by high ranking officer Kilanuman, today announced that Warq Riidyers have entered three new systems, named Sharyon, Zobehard and Exibuable. They will become a part of the Clans as soon as basic surveys of them have been completed. Evil Claw promoted – With the increased importance of the military part of the fleet it was earlier announced that Commodore Evil Claw is promoted to Rear Admiral. In a speech Rear Admiral Evil Claw said, ‘The new defensive batteries around Dhalad Hur is an important step to ensure the safety of the Seven Clans.’ Sasonii update – Exploration teams in the Sasonii system have identified two worlds with ideal living conditions for the Hraas. One of them has good resources and the inner council is rumoured to consider it for the next colony. Comments cycle 11: Orders used: 73 Completed technologies: Mk I Force Shield, 1st Gen Planetary Engineering, Mk II Nuclear Engine, Improved Construction Materials, Subterranean Installation Construction, 1st Gen Terraforming, 4cm Gatling CIDS, Mk II Computer System, Frost Cannon, Heavy Carbine, Heavy Machinegun New ships: 12 Light Bunkers Claimed systems: None Yeah, this is my version of the galactic history based on the EXPL results at Dhalad Hur. It does not necessary need to be the true version. Who is the Hraas leaving the message? It comes from the past, but what past? Anyway, this is a truth that the Hraas easily embrace. I did two mistakes this cycle – One was a research miss where I changed the wrong research centre. Otherwise I should have completed the Mk II nuclear jump engine as well. It took me some time to find out what had happened and I first came to believe that I had forgot to start research on it all that time ago. The other was a faulty priority in my ships building program. In a few cycles 3 Subaan-Raat will be built... I’ll try to add some more before the Light Bunkers for next cycle. I do need more of them. Otherwise things are starting to speed up again. I have decided to refrain from designing new ships as I am putting new ship equipment in slot-1 at the moment. It’s better to wait a few cycles and build a ship that uses technology that will stay around for a while.
  4. I do have a trilogy in mind. It will be something like (I really have no clue why the first part is called episode IV but that is something they do in SF-trilogies ): Episode IV: Seven Clans of Una - A new hope Episode V: Seven Clans of Una - the Province strikes back Episode IV: Seven Clans of Una - Return of B'tai Hazra And no, I won't tell you what the Province is...
  5. Thank you both! I've been thinking on the problem as well but after consulting Vice Admiral Evil Claw I am satisfied with the way things are. Evil Claw seem to have something up his sleeve that will solve these first contact situations in a satisfactory manner.
  6. Cycle 10: It was not easy. Hearing all the news and rumours about the ministry he built from scratch. All the stuff he had been talking about was finally starting to become available to the Clans. Shai-Elerist, Academician on the run, had a bad grudge against B’tai Hazra and the dominating Dhalad Hur clan. He had defected to the Eleran clan and was boarding a Warq Riidyer disguised as a navigator. The first plan, to leave as a colonist on the first colony ships to the moon Eleran in Ludica had failed. Security had been too tight. Instead he had arranged to board one of the new Warq Riidyers which would pass Ludica on its path to the frontier. A ‘navigation problem’ would make sure that the ships passed the moon Eleran. His new home. Voyager Kilanuman also had a grudge against B’tai Hazra. He still waited for his promotion. Kilanuman firmly believed that he was the second in command after B’tai Hazra. Why wasn’t he promoted? His ministry had found two ideal worlds for colonisation and several more with the right atmosphere. His exploration vessels had dug up more ruins than he could count to and found indications that the Hraas had been space farers before. And not to mention all the other juicy stuff they had found. Perhaps now that he had taken personal command of the 1st Warp Point Group with the purpose of surveying the warp points in Vimond things would change? Commodore Evil Claw smiled evilly just by the thought of it. Kilanuman thought he had won the argument. His exploration ministry had control of the new Warq Riidyers. Evil Claw started to laugh, it was just so good! Let them think they controlled the situation. He had given all the captains special instructions; very special instructions. If everything went as planned his navy would be the most prioritised ministry and he would be rising in power. Perhaps he would even remove B’tai Hazra and become the new Clan Elder himself. He needed to think more about this, did he want to rule officially or from the back stage? It would sure be nice if B’tai Hazra could take all the blows while he could take all the rewards. Life had been good for General Darken Rahl since he took command of the Home Guard. Several promotions, wealth and unrivalled personal power now that he had the Clans largest army backing his every word! Although he knew he was the second in command after B’tai Hazra he felt a little worried. The army was not prioritized while the fleet gained all the supplies they could ever dream of. Sure, that was good in the short term, but who would they come to if the other clans rebelled? Not the navy, that was for sure. Darken Rahl himself guaranteed the safety and loyalty of the Clans. Without him B’tai Hazra would be nothing. It was a good thought. But like many thoughts it was not possible. He knew his limitations. He might be the best Hraas general out there, but he was not the stuff that made great Clan Elders. He was satisfied with his position in the Hraas society. Clan Elder B’tai Hazra himself knew who to trust and not. As long as Darken Rahl stood strong behind him there was no reason to worry. Distrust and enmity between his highest commanders was good. It kept them sharp and ready and if one or two would fall down it was only a sign that they didn’t have what it takes to be at the top. He knew without doubt that if the Hraas were to survive the coming hardships he needed the best of the best. He wanted the Hraas to write their own destiny. He wanted to rule the stars… Comments cycle 10: Orders used: 80 Completed technologies: Improved Electronics, 2nd Gen Social Science, Medium Thermal Lance, Titanium Composite Armor, 2nd Gen Life Science, 2nd Gen Medical Science Total # completed technologies: 18 New ships: 1 Tyrqa Araan, 1 Warq Riidyer and 3 Subaan-Raat Total Fleet tonnage: 5 384 200 tonnes Claimed systems: None Total # claimed systems: 7 Total Hraas population: 552 million The first time I need to use all 80 orders. And I could easily have used at least 2-3 more to finish up some stuff in Ludica. What really ate up orders this time were the new explorer fleets that needed to load up fuel, change ROE, pick up characters from different locations, move to warp points and finally jump to Ludica or Vimond. Next cycle they will eat up a few less orders I hope, but as build new Warq Riidyers they will need to go through the same process as well. As it is the tenth cycle I wrote a little longer and more detailed update. I’ll try to do the same cycle 20.
  7. Begins? I started waiting as soon as I had sent in my orders...
  8. Cycle 9: B’tai Hazra woke up with a gasp. His hearts pounded madly in his chest. Always the same nightmare, repeating itself but feeling really horrible each time. He did not have it every night but lately it had come more and more often. He rose from the warm blanket on the cave floor. Shaking his head to remove the last grogginess. The tiny light source at the roof was enough for him too see everything clearly in the large sleeping room. He had no problems remembering the nightmare. It was always the same. The dream always started at a space station above Dhalad Hur. The Hraas had finally reached the space age and started to send scouts to other planets in the Una system. It had taken them a long time to reach this mature state of peace and prosperity. But they had risen above all problems, all hatred and all that stuff. This was the good part of the dream. One day all contact was lost with one of the scout ships exploring a warp point. Huge telescopes at the space station was pointed at the warp point and showed an enormous fleet of starships that had entered the system. And they were coming towards Dhalad Hur faster than any of the Hraas could have imagined. Many attempts to contact them were initiated but no replies. When they came closer to the space station they didn’t hesitate. They just fired their cannons and destroyed everything. The rest of the dream consisted of the Hraas fighting a futile battle to defend Dhalad Hur against an invader that controlled the skies. Weapons of mass destruction were used to eliminate whole clans. This was when he woke up. And he was happy for that. He didn’t want to see the end. His role was to make the Hraas escape this fate. He knew of only one way to do it. Brief news: Hraas clothing found – The 106th Recon Group, operating in the Sasonii system, have made a fantastic discovery. While investigating an ancient alien laboratory they found a large amount of textiles. The textiles resemble traditional Hraas clothing both in style and size. Have the Hraas been in space before? Was this before the tunnel war? Eleran – The captain of the 102nd Recon Group, Tyyr Elraan, is rising fast in the Clans Hierarchy. His explorations of Eleran have made large progress the last cycle. Rumours indicate that he have been promoted to scout by the exploration ministry. Kaish Neer – Kaish Neer is becoming more and more important to the Clans economy. The last convoy from the new home of the Kaish Neer clan brought a total of 250 000 tonnes of resources to the factories at Dhalad Hur. The convoy administration indicates that this will rise rapidly the coming cycles. Comments cycle 9: Orders used: 57 Completed technologies: Improved Synthetic Materials, 2nd Generation Civil Engineering, 2nd Generation Planetary Science New ships: 5 Warq Riidyers mkII, 1 Subaan-Raat Claimed systems: None A really good cycle. The first non-slot-1 research projects are starting to be completed (I guess some of you veterans can draw some conclusions about my race from this) and 5 Warq Riidyers is completed. And as a bonus I got my second explorer guy to go with them. The Clans haven’t had much luck with their characters. They received their 9th one this cycle and my guess is that this is a fairly bad result. But he came at the right moment… Anyway, soon we should see some more systems added to the ‘claimed systems’ list.
  9. As regular research continues like nothing have happened I presume that character generation also does. With the change that they are created at the colony instead. But that lies far beyond my own limited knowledge of the game...
  10. Ouch... If it keeps on like that I'll need to find a better job...
  11. I remember when I wrote this. There really wasn't much happening (which you can see in the lack of comments). Everything was running as 'planned' and I really had to find things in the results to write about. But I believe there are some good updates coming soon when their past is starting to reveal itself...
  12. Cycle 8: The Warq Riidyer was a compromise. Voyager Kilanuman and the exploration ministry had wanted a real scout with cargo capacity but Commodore Evil Claw and the navy had demanded a patrol ship with some offensive capacity. There were not resources enough to please them both. Instead the Warq Riidyer was a compromise between a scout and a patrol destroyer. It had been a heated debate as to what organisation they belonged but it had resulted in one more compromise. During ‘peace time’ the exploration ministry was in charge of them but in ‘times of need’ the navy took over. Neither was happy about it, it was destined to become a problem in the future. Kilanuman and Evil Claw had fought their first battle. While this problematic political situation still was at its height the raw resources situation neared its climax. A total of 10 000 industrial complexes had now been converted to mines. It looked like the situation was starting to stabilise but it is bound to come back in force in the future. 3 Tyrqa Araan have been completed and will load up the first 69 000 Hraas from the Eleran clan to settle in the Ludica system. This would be the first colony outside the Una system. Clan Elder B’tai Hazra had major plans for colony. It had plenty of gaseous elements and the idea was to build a fuel depot for exploration, colonisation and naval interests. Brief news: The Navy recruits – Commodore Evil Claw have announced that a new senior captain has been recruited. With the plans to start building warships more captains will be needed the coming cycles. Voyager Kilanuman have been heard stating that it isn’t naval officers that must be recruited. More talented explorers must be found to continue the expansion. Moon named Eleran – The captain of the 102nd Recon Group, Tyyr Elraan, reported earlier today that his fleet had completed the survey of the moon in Ludica. In a small ritual he named the moon Eleran after the clan bound to settle there. About the moon he said, ‘This is paradise. While it might lack some critical resources it has the best climate I’ve ever seen.’ Kaish Neer – The exploration team led by Voyager Kilanuman at Kaish Neer discovered an alien laboratory yesterday. It seems to have been devoted to military research and the team has found several prototype tanks. These will be brought back to the research centres at Dhalad Hur. Comments cycle 8: Orders used: 40 Completed technologies: Improved Refined Crystals New ships: 1 Subaan-Raat, 3 Tyrqa Araan Claimed systems: None There is not much to say this cycle. While I wait for my new explorers to be built my old pathfinders keep on exploring those planets I’ve already found. This cycle I had two technological finds. I actually did manage to do everything I needed with only 40 orders…
  13. Yeah, I recently found out that I could ANZ items that are researchable. That will help. I also happened to repeat the mistake now that I run towards fusion engines and have forgotten (missed?) to I need improved processed radioactives as well... Quite expensive ships... I have cracked a couple of E's by using explorer characters and observatories. If I encounter more of these high level warp points I will have to follow your advice and build one or two of these ships. By then I should have transwarp as well as good engines making it worth investing such an amount of production in a single explorer.
  14. I must agree with the previous poster. A VERY impressive battle! I guess it decreased the size of the SN database as well...
  15. Cycle 7: Technologist Shai-Elerist was hiding. Death squads had stormed his cave only minutes after he had fled. News shows reported that he was wanted, dead or alive, by Clan Elder B’tai Hazra. They called him traitor, coward and much worse. The Eleran clan had never been among the larger clans but they felt it was their turn to be given a new place to live. Shai-Elerist was not against using them to survive. If he could stay hidden just a cycle or two more he planned to board the first Tyrqa Araan bound for the Ludica system. It was a win-win situation. If the Eleran clan kept him alive long enough he would see to it that he managed to get aboard the ship as well. He didn’t have many friends left, but he knew the system and how to modify the computer systems. Shai-Elerist had worked hard the last cycles, more desperate as each day passed. He had promised them all new equipment and B’tai Hazra had even stopped the ship building program to wait for the new mk III warp sensors. But he had failed to deliver. They had worked out the theory behind it but they lacked the sophisticated tools to build it. It looked like it was going to be at least three cycles delayed. It was apparently long enough to guarantee his death sentence. 4 new divisions of marines had completed training the last days. This was a major boost to the Home Guard and would also make sure that Kaish Neer could be protected in the future. Field General Darken Rahl had been on of those lucky to profit from the stop in the ship yards. Factories that once built equipment for the explorer ships had been diverted to build tanks and weapons. This whole affair with Shai-Elerist was a real mess and orders to his factories had arrived. They should all start building mk II warp sensors. The expansion must continue. Brief news: Geothermal Coretap – Captain Tyyr Elraan, leading the 102nd Recon Group, has made a strange discovery in the Ludica system. Ruins of what must be a Geothermal Coretap station indicate that Ludica have been populated long before the Clans arrived in the system. It is still unknown who this race can be or what happened to them. Mining report – A new report from the frontier systems indicate that many planets and moons have very poor resources. Almost to the point making it useless to colonise them. Clan Elder B’tai Hazra have commented it with the wise words, ‘This will not change our efforts to settle the new systems. We destroyed the clans and by letting them settle poor worlds we assure our dominance.’ Traitor on the run – There are still no news about the whereabouts of Shai-Elerist. Security troops patrol all space ports to make sure he won’t be able to leave the planet. Comments cycle 7: Orders used: 64 Completed technologies: Mk III Jump Survey Sensor New ships: 2 Subaan-Raat and 1 Rayaat Claimed systems: None Horay! MkIII JSS finally completed. But… but… NOOOOOOOOOO!!! It needs improved electronics and synthetic materials. And improved electronics also require improved refined crystals… It seems that I’ll have to send out some mk II JSS explorers to keep going while I continue the race to actually being able to build the mk III JSS. Not happy… What makes this worse is the thought that if I would have known this I could have started to build mk II JSS two cycles earlier and have the first ships ready by now. It’s impossible to say now how this will affect the Clans but there is a real chance that I will meet my first neighbour a system or two closer to my HW than otherwise. I have now created a second convoy to handle shipments to Kaish Neer. This leaves me with only needing to construct installations manually, the rest it on automatic. Good as it saves me a few orders now that I’m about to start building a new wave of explorers.
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