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About DezertCamel

  • Birthday 10/21/1969

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    http://e-mail pedmonds@twc.com
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  • Location
    United states
  • Interests
    military history and war games

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  1. Too bad I am not in the desert at the moment........ Currently on my way to Moscow......
  2. HOV - Last update was for game 96, game ended 2016-2017, results not posted til 2022. Currently now in game 110. So we are now 14 games and at least 7 years since some of these games ended. We are now 2 plus years removed from the last update. I am currently in game 107 which will be ending in about 7 months....... So will there be any updates for the games going forward game 97+......???????? I ask, because it is part of the reason we play, to see who wins and how well we do for those that survive. DezertCamel
  3. vicman will only work on 32 bit versions of windows 7 or 10. it will not run on a 64bit version.
  4. game done, thanks everyone for the fun, especially morocco. Fighting against 3 to 1 nice job. Now to get everyone to trade results so we can see everything. Let me know if interested Dezertcamel
  5. Good luck, we are still waiting on games 97 and onward.
  6. Greetings from the USA..... Been a fun and entertaining game. Canada - good fight Iceland - Ireland - Morocco ... fun fighting 1 vs 3 made the game very interesting. Iceland held out longer then i wished. Now Lowlands and France, If you wanted to fight declaring war on me, the last few turns of a game. Is not the way. Next time do it sooner so i can return the favor. not that either one of you did much damage. Oh and falco, I have plenty of money, not as much since large navies are expensive. DezertCamel
  7. Paul edmonds, 10 miles south of cicninnati oh, located in KY
  8. Paul Edmonds - just 10 miles south of Cincinnati OH, in Kentucky.
  9. thanks to those that replied. I will see all of you in 104.....
  10. Looking to join game 104. It currently is 47.5% full. Normally I would join the game and then try to make allies. Sometimes it works out, most times not. This time, I am looking for allies before I join..... Let me know DezertCamel
  11. I do not believe the air general would have any effect on the atr of the airunits.
  12. Survived another game (first time as Iceland). Thanks to all of those who fought and stayed. It was interesting as usual, now to wait and see who won and HOV updated with the survivor stats. Willing to trade final results with my former enemies, especially Norway. Off to game 100.... Dezertcamel
  13. Minor Supergroup Morocco Libya Egypt Trans-Jordan
  14. it appears this game is going to be large groups vs large groups again. Some very interesting group setups as well. ta's and non ta's working with other ta's.....oh my
  15. Just in the swiss have invaded italy.....
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