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President James Tiberius Kirk

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President James Tiberius Kirk's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I, for one, would like to see Obsidian sent to Oblivion. Sooo, anybody fighting him is a friend of mine, no matter who your other allies and foes may be.
  2. Congratulations! We salute you. An enemy of my enemy is my friend. Kirk
  3. When I first encountered Obsidian, Inc., MMB was the only person who responded. He later stated he was not running Obsidian, Inc. Based upon previous communications and other information received, it has been my conclusion for a long time that if Obsidian, Inc. and the Eyre are not run by the same person, they are at least working together. Kirk
  4. Obsidian does seem to affect aliens that way!
  5. I tried contacting him, and all he did was Declare War and attack. Maybe you'll have better luck. Anyway, feel free to send me a note. President, James T. Kirk
  6. Not much comfort to the crew members of the Stargazer.
  7. I have just encountered the Obsidian Inc. and it appears they have declared war on me. I was an old ship, but a good one. Kirk ** NAVAL BATTLE REPORT ** ----- System [ [single Star] - 2 ----- Obsidian, Inc # 1827 (No Naval Commanders) Total tonnage: 5,000,000.....Base Fire Control: 40 [202,500,000 bridge] The United Federation of Planets # 1936 (No Naval Commanders) Total tonnage: 432,300.....Base Fire Control: 1 [4,000 bridge] Fleet 1011 The United Federation of Plane #1936 Ranger Vaush ------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ----------------------------------- Obsidian, Inc # 1827 [Mailed Fist With Single Claw Extended To The Stars] Ominous Sky [ROE: R] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 5,000,000) [Deploy Location 2] 1 BB Stormcrow (Battleship - 5,000,000 tons [each]) <350,000 Fuel> ------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ----------------------------- The United Federation of Planets # 1936 [Map Of Galaxy With Olive Branches Crossing Below] Fleet 1011 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 432,300) [Deploy Location 11] 1 XK Stargazer (Blockade Runner - 432,300 tons [each]) <47,680 Fuel> ** Battle Damage Assessment Report ** -------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 -------------------------------------------------------- **MINOR DAMAGE** BB Stormcrow (Battleship - 5,000,000 tons) [integrity: 1,696,810,667 / 1,696,960,000] (Green, Timid) 250 Fuel Shuttle, 1,250,000 Fuel Tankage, 2,500 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 1,250 Mk I Gravitic Thruster 1 Mk VI Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 100 Siege Tachyon Blaster, 1,695,000 Tckon 68 Particle Beam: 422,400,009 Maneuverability: 32.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 % ** Battle Damage Assessment Report ** -------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 11 ------------------------------------------------------------ **DESTROYED** [1st] XK Stargazer (Blockade Runner - 432,300 tons) [integrity: 0 / 350,420] [shields: 0 / 30,000] (Green, Timid) 30,000 Cargo Bay, 10 Fuel Shuttle, 50,000 Fuel Tankage, 100 Mk I Force Shield, 2,594 Mk I Fusion Engine 20 Mk I Heavy Torpedo, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 1 Mk II Computer System, 1 Mk V Jump Survey Sensor 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 4 Siege Beam Laser, 3 Survey Lander, 10,000 Titanium Composite Armor 2 Type A Science Lab Coherent Beam: 140,800, Missile: 32,000 Maneuverability: 6.00, Missile Defense: 42.90 %, Sensors: 0.60 % ----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report----- Side 1 [2] 1 Stormcrow class BB..................................................1 Minor Side 2 [11] 1 Stargazer class XK..................................................1 Destroyed
  8. Sounds like a good use for all those Primitive Artworks.
  9. Greetings all, I know this thread is rather old, but does anyone care to update us on the Roman/Valkor vs. Eyre/Tentacled Horrors war? and did they stay out of Shai...... Kirk
  10. Greetings, Communicator on its way. Along with extra medical supplies and a phaser (set to stun of course.....) Kirk
  11. Thank you. We are glad to be here and we thank you for your hospitality. We will try not to get under foot. We look forward to a long friendly relationship with the Gosht Kohr. President James T. Kirk
  12. The best way to defend your border is to expand it.
  13. Greetings Lord Uriel, We at the Federation have been in this game for several years now and have read these forums as a guest. We joined the Forums recently because we finally ran into an active alien race. We have pm'd and emailed the race (they seemed quite active here) as well as a message to an apparent ally of his. Still no respnse. Any suggestions?
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