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About Panzerleader

  • Birthday 10/04/1952

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    Elk Grove, California
  • Interests
    Book collecting, gaming, sports, gardening

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  1. Kevin, Take it easy on Portugal. He's a newbie. Why don't you join us (Portugal/Morocco) and everyone moves East. -Don
  2. Portugal; are you ready to go? I hear the Spanish are on the march.
  3. With hostilities soon to start, we haven't heard from any of the African or Middle East countries. Are you there?
  4. And Portugal, too bad your invading army is trapped in Portalegre.
  5. Lowlands, your time is limited in this game.
  6. Or if you just want to avenge past defeats by my hands, your comments are also welcome.
  7. Welcome to Game 110! This is Morocco checking in. As a solo, I'm looking for TAs or ALLs. Pete says these countries are still available: Austria, Baltic States, Central Russia, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Libya, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and Trans Jordan. Germany, Poland, Baltic States, and Switzerland are tough countries to play, but with the right alliances they can survive and prosper. There is even a Russian country available. It will be a regular game - no special rules. If you want to join Morocco in ruling the world in 110, message me or post.
  8. I apologize. I forgot about Greece whose turns left are now single digits. No parting words?
  9. Not too many posters on this game. Here it is mid-September and the last post was June?! Doesn't the Middle East group post? Or those Island nations? What about the last vestiges of Austria, Switzerland, France, and Lowlands (sorry, Portugal already gone)? I'm sure we'd all love to here from you.
  10. Panzerleader checking in. Still active in Game 107 as Poland. Great Britain in this game. Looking to rule the seven seas.
  11. Except for Marklen, the Middle East Hegemony has been rather quiet. I guess they have been stunned by the reversal at Karnak. Maybe they have grown too long in the tooth. And it seems that U.S. and Canada are working with France even while declaring war on him. I guess if you're not TA and can't cede territory you take what you need at the cost of 50 national morale.
  12. Where's el paso pete on this board? He has a vested interest in this game. After all, communication is the key to success.
  13. Well, war in Europe has begun, the lines are drawn, and the real work begins. Not wishing everyone the best - let the chips fall where they may. Whoever comes out on top will have to deal with the island alliance or the Arabian peninsula one. They'll come in after we're all exhausted.
  14. I would like to get in touch with Denmark. -Poland
  15. Poland here. Anyone from Hungary or Romania on board?
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