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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Lol, I see that post, I think I was just teasing Panzerleader, he's a buddy of mine. Sorry for the confusion.
  2. I think the middle east group must have dropped.
  3. Please enlighten us about the reversal at Karnak, I must have missed it.
  4. If in doubt, go north or west, or turn on Poland
  5. Nothing going on on this board, but the game is looking like a fine one. Mega TA group in Europe and Africa, with Central Russia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Italy, Spain, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco all linked. Western European alliance of France, Lowlands, Portugal, Austria and Switzerland in survival mode, with the smart money on them not. In the SE Southern Russia, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria are a strong block, but not compared to the big boys. Meanwhile, the island nations and Americas are biding their time. They are at war with the Scandinavia/German portion of the mega alliance, but it's a bit early for major amphibious actions. Let's get some banter going!
  6. Hmm, exactly what I predicted when Africa attacked our group.
  7. The good dude part or the SR and Iberian situations?
  8. Dag, I've been your TA, and know you to be a good dude, meant no offense, but the SR and Iberian situations are not ideal for a competitive game.
  9. The inter marriage of TA groups is indeed a real problem for Victory! Germany won't be around long to see the end though, Norwegians invading from the north, Central and Northern Russians from the east, Algerians from the south, and now the Spanish from the west. There can't be a lot of satisfaction in dominating a game when you control half the board at the start.
  10. Please show me where anybody has claimed that red is only interested in taking down yellow? Or even anything remotely close. Dag, this silliness is beneath you. Red is interested in taking down all of Europe, and is likely not going to be stopped.
  11. Uh no. Complete whiff. You are not nearly hitting me as hard as the Russians. These things I know to be true. 1. The African alliance controls the most territory. 2. The Iberian countries original players dropped, and even though they were at war with the African alliance, they were replaced by toady's of the African alliance. 3. The Island nations appear to be in cahoots with the Iberian nations in their war against France, this is of course speculation, but based on hard facts. 4. Add those together, and over 50% of the map is on one side. I find it hard to believe the Island nations will meekly let Africa win the game, and I know the Russian/Balkan alliance won't. If they are successful in conquering Germany, they may have a fighting chance, but it's going to be very tough. Effectively there are 3 alliances left, Germany and France are functionally alone. One of the 3 (the smallest) has shown themselves to be friendly to the vassal states of the largest of the three.
  12. When you figure in the fact that Green is really red, and Purple is hand in glove with Green, it begins to look like a 1 sided game.
  13. I will be playing, though haven't got my setup yet. I'm sure I'll be easy prey for some predator out there
  14. Well, I must have missed the red team all declaring war on the blue team.
  15. Haven't seen any evidence of that, care to give me some facts?
  16. Red certainly looks dominant, and with blue and green your "friends" don't see them being stopped anytime soon.
  17. Sander had to make a choice. He was already fighting in the north, and he couldn't fight on both fronts. Could he have stemmed the African invasion? Possibly, but he was dead from the moment the Africans landed. His fate was likely sealed when Germany entered the war. I have no issue with his continued fighting in the north, the fact that he fought at all once Africa attacked him shows a commitment I wish others had for this game. Do I wish he'd fought the Africans instead of Germany and France? Of course I do, but I can't condemn him for his play. He backed the wrong horse, should have thrown in with us at the start of the game against Yugoslavia, but with Denmark and Lowlands as total allies, that wasn't going to happen. Good game Sander, I'm sure we'll meet again.
  18. Sounds like an excellent plan
  19. And I endorse the BR plan for Victory II.
  20. Venice has been German for awhile. You'll need more help if you want to take it.
  21. I am fighting the Balkan alliance, and wish that was all I was fighting, but I'm also fighting Italy, and though he dropped, his entire army is still facing me. I didn't even realize you were at war with France until the past couple of days, I suspect it's not relevant, with the Balkan-Russian group and our killing troops at an epic level, I suspect all of Europe will soon belong to Africa anyway.
  22. What? I've been fighting Italy for far longer than you. Why would I be condemned for attacking south but you feel you can attack north with impunity? Your comment makes no sense. Am I supposed to stop fighting the alliance I've been fighting since turn 3 just because you want to go further north? Besides, you completely ignored my email, not giving me negative or positive feedback, and it's more then a month ago. If you'd bothered to respond other than to laugh, and negotiated a peace line, we could have easily worked it out. Explain how your thought process works, I start fighting that TA group on turn 3, you start roughly turn 20, but even though we've had zero communication about any sort of lines of demarcation, you think I should stop fighting them but you should be able to fight as much as you want? Where do you want me to draw the line, the German border?
  23. Poor Germany, can't catch a break
  24. The African alliance looks really big to me.
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