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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. This is rich. You think it only fair that TJ, three times the size of Libya, be allowed to fight even up with Libya, but you need Syria to bail you out when Turkey, no larger than you, is kicking your butt. You should change your name to Baghdad Bob. So Turkey "screwed" you because you made a request and he didn't do it? So your requests are basically orders? I have done very little in the ME so far, but I can tell you, I have not yet begun to fight, and when I do, I am sure you will have plenty more to whine about.
  2. Hmm, might want to read your first line, and reevaluate.
  3. Hey Ken and Kerry, are you guys good there?
  4. Hope you choke on it! In almost 20 games of Victory!, I have never broken an alliance on the first turn, or had it done to me, but three times in this game it has happened to me now. It is unfortunate you couldn't have waited a few turns to break with Turkey, rather than first try, he could have had a nicer party planned for you.
  5. Time will tell. I hope you packed a lunch.
  6. I count 43 major cities owned by the purple team, and only 23 for us greenies. Throw in the 8 owned by Hungary, and it looks like a tough fight ahead. I can't wait, I live for these kind of battles! We had almost the same negative against the brownies, so let's see if we can do it again.
  7. Lol, I have no grand plan. At the start of the game in our deal as agreed to you promised to stay out of Egypt. Granted, TJ was not involved in that discussion, and we had no idea he would later join you guys, but regardless, I still have the email where you said you would not attack in Egypt. I don't think Turkey and Libya feel like casualties of war, but I suspect Iraq and TJ soon will.
  8. POLITICAL ACTIVITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE Iraq has broken its political agreement with your nation Iraq has declared war on your nation POLITICAL ACTIVITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE (TURKEY) Iraq has declared war on your nation I guess so!
  9. Things are heating up in the east. Iraq has broken with Turkey, and sent minelayers into the Bosphorus. Green is being squeezed in a vice.
  10. When you offered that,we hadn't. We did that in response to the threat to Libya. Very simple to me, threaten a TA, threaten me.
  11. Now that's funny. You told us TJ was going to attack Libya, and asked if Turkey and Greece would be willing to TA with you. I would ten times rather die defending my TA than stab him and join those attacking him even if that won the game for me. Yet you then dramatically state how your TA offers were rebuffed. I will deal just fine with this can of worms, thank you. We shall see how TJ deals with it.
  12. I think perhaps you need to check facts before going to print, maybe you should change your handle to the Enquirer.
  13. I know of no "supergroup". I guess it depends on what you consider a supergroup.
  14. By Yodel war, I presume you mean the war in the Alps. Must be why I didn't see any Hungarian bombers this turn. Kudos to Rumania for continuing to play, he has no real production, but I like a guy who shows some spunk.
  15. As is so often the case, your understanding is incorrect.
  16. It looks like the end is near in the Balkans. The Rumanian air force was annihilated last turn. This turn, their navy was decimated and their army crushed. Rumania is half conquered. Hungary, here we come!
  17. Oh for Gods sake Limburgia, show a little spunk! It's a war game, with diplomacy. Congrats to the NE block for winning the diplomacy part, now show some balls and fight, you should have plenty of it.
  18. Sad how dead this board is. Hungary, is delaying to try and deny me intel your only tactic? Come on, play the game. Obviously, it doesn't work, so why keep doing it?
  19. The Canadians are attacking Island outposts in the western Med, that are former provinces of our defeated ally, Spain. I guess they are trying to surround Iberia. Hungary, why so silent? You going to leave those tanks in Pristina until they grow moss?
  20. No! LOL Well, you asked. Ouch! You wound me!
  21. Austria is here, anybody want to talk to me?
  22. Those marines didn't last two days in Greece, but I think your 90% number is rather inflated. We own 7 of 11 cities and provinces, are exchanging 2-3 provinces per turn, and oh yeah, there is a nice surprise awaiting you.
  23. They didn't last long in Greece. Question is, will you Hungary the Turks, or ignore them again? Will Hungary actually take a risk to save Bulgaria?
  24. Hmm, maybe, but not sure their will be any Hungarians around long to crow about it.
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