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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. So far, this has been a great game, but I think that will likely change in the near future, as all the regional wars get gobbled up by the big fish in the east. I think some big changes in the map will happen soon.
  2. Well, at least we should have plenty of Hungarian POW's available for teaching them.
  3. Hmm, I think this sniping is really not necessary. I spent most of the game fighting 1 on 4 or 5, first the Atlantics, and then the Europeans. It would of been nice to last the entire game, but couldn't quite hold on. Kudos to the Europeans for a job well done.
  4. Sounds good. Remember to keep some reserve for the Russians. They'll be there soon. Russian classes are mandatory in all Greek public schools now, but it is a major expense equipping all of our new buildings designed to house Rumanian, Hungarian, Polish and whomever else refugees who we expect momentarily.
  5. The beast in the east continues to grow. I still see no red on the continent. Slowly but surely red is NOT gaining a foothold. How the weather in Greece these days? Still stormy? Falco, plenty stormy here, but lots of fun. Not sure Rumania is having as much fun as I am these days, but those things happen.
  6. The beast in the east continues to grow. I still see no red on the continent.
  7. Finally results! Congrats to our group, a great set of players. Thanks to all who fought long and hard to make it a fun game.
  8. Sometimes luck is better than skill. I remember many games ago losing a battle, which cost me the war, because a mech division could not go from green to line in 5 combats between 1 and 1.5 to 1. Stuff happens.
  9. My troops in Bulgaria feel like the US Marines must of felt in November 1950 at the Yalu River. There are 40 some Panzer/mech divisions on my front, against a few puny airborne and marine divisions. I see some fluidity coming soon.
  10. Where did you get King Tigers?
  11. I don't see any red in France, where did he attack? Glad I have enemies between me and the "unmentionable monster". Those it the monsters path should look for options now, before it is too late. My money is on Tunisia buckling first. Hopefully, there will be some RWE soon.
  12. Never abandoned a TA yet, if they were still playing. The Bulgarian army (not counting a few scrappy static divisions) is now dead, but then after her turn you knew that would happen. If she is still playing, I have no issue with you trying to save her. I am actually impressed and gratified she is still playing, many in her position wouldn't, which I think is the bane of Victory! As for the next few turns, best strap it on. I am not that easy to kill.
  13. What a dream team, Mickey and Spongebob. The ultimate number crunching diplomat and the vacuous dolt that everybody despises. Would love to see that.
  14. Aah, it is about kills! So explain to me then... how would i get more kills than by moving forward and fighting in Portugal? You're saying i should go backwards to get more kills? Perhaps a hidden victory condition of who kills the most reindeer in Greenland? While your thesis is generally sound, you will have to look hard to find many kills in the picked over carcass that is Spain.
  15. Hmm, then why start a war to the south? You are too late to save Bulgaria, and all it will do at best is bog down and attrit your forces. At worst, I will beat the Bears to your goodies.
  16. Yes, it appears Greece has a lot of hard work ahead. At least I know what I will be doing for the next 30 turns or so.
  17. Sometimes the die rolls are cruel. Turkey takes 7 turns to break their NAP with Bulgaria, and Rumania breaks their alliance with me in one. I guess the Rumanian diplomats were paying attention during perfidy class.
  18. This game has the makings of an epic fight. Some very good players are in this game but have not yet announced themselves. The Western Europe group has gotten off to a fast start, as has the NorthEast alliance. All others seem to be gaining some and losing some, or just standing pat. Those in Central Europe look like they may be surrounded by some big monsters, will be a bit uncomfortable.
  19. Babylon, I think we are the only people still using this forum. I have never seen a game with such a crowd of cowards afraid to announce themselves and engage in a little banter.
  20. Back at you Peter. We definitely got on a roll in this one. Was fun to play with 4 "cracks" as you put it.
  21. The naval situation in the Med looks incredible. 3 different nations doing amphibious assaults before turn 6? I have never seen such activity this early. Looks like it will be very interesting there. Hmm, Lowlands fake war with France is over I see. Never bought it anyway. Why not come clean? Really why the subterfuge?
  22. Want to talk about the game, I am all in. Silliness I can get anywhere.
  23. Are there any other kind of Russians?
  24. That is true, way back before this war started.
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