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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Uh, Bordeaux has never been in my hands, and the others I have basically owned all along.
  2. You can put Denmark and Switzerland as one color, and I believe you know you can change the color of Germany and Lowlands. Also, it appears Hungary and Bulgaria are TA, so Yugoslavia may need to look out.
  3. So Dag, where is the map? I presume it will show the Italian-French-Portuguese et al. TA.
  4. I may have to agree with Iraq here, I have never seen such a quiet forum at game start.
  5. The game is now full. Unreal how people are scared and hiding in their holes. Greece checking in, anybody want to talk?
  6. Hmm, I am a little slow, but do I detect a hint of sarcasm?
  7. Give me time Mickey, it will get a lot worse for you.
  8. Well, I can honestly say we were not privy to that info, but two years is not really accurate Mickey. I was in France around turn 20.
  9. Actually, no. I attacked into France against the Canadians and Americans early, and then your alliance made peace with them and combined with them to drive me out. The never quite made it though.
  10. Sweet, 5 QM's and a bunch of Bayfields, plus whatever was on them. Mighty cold in that water.
  11. You won't be the first to try, or even the fifth, good luck to you.
  12. Italy, you will have to fight me on more equal terms this time around. Last time, with France, Ireland, Great Britain, Canada and USA all pitching in, you didn't get the full benefit of my attention. We intend to have a little more fun this time around.
  13. Marklen X


    It was a fun game, and Mickey, you are the bomb! Thanks.
  14. I had hoped this game would be a mano a mano test, but alas as in virtually every game of Victory! people have found a way around the rules to still gain an advantage. All you need is a 0 counter ops level, and a decent intel level, and you can get all the battle reports from you co conspiritors. Hardly seems like the spirit of the game when we were discussing it, but if it helps certain people win, then I guess it's ok. I must say I am disappointed, though I guess not surprised.
  15. I'm just as much a victim of the chain of events that Morocco set in motion as you are, Mark. It was he who broke the pact between the peaceful Icelandic nation and the SAM-group. The reason he gave to break with me equally applies for me with regard to you. Hmm, all news to me. I am ok with the fight, just trying to keep the board going a bit. Not sure what Iceland has to fear from Spain though, unless you venture on to the continent. Now Canada, I am off to there this turn.
  16. It saddens me that our former friends from Iceland have now turned to the dark side. The Spanish people are tired of war, but will do what must be done. Come and get it Mickey!
  17. Well Mickey, we talked to our navy, and the commanders flat refuse to take the Siebel ferries to Reykjavik. Cowards! I guess you are safe from being overrun by the Spaniards.
  18. Hmm, have the Atlantics dropped en masse, now that they realize they can't take out Spain? It appears so.
  19. Marklen X


    Well, my fine TA Italy recaptured Warsaw, and then ceded it to me, so it didn't cost me the 20 plus points at the end. I want to congratulate and thank the people who picked up the dropped positions and gave us a fight. I appreciate their efforts. Also, Algeria and Tunisia fought hard to the end, kudos to them.
  20. Hmm, Bulgaria declares war on Rumania. I think this is a phony war, to allow Rumania to try and save the homeland. Should make it fun. I like the idea of fighting one on two with no intel.
  21. Preparing for an Icelandic invasion.. No, that would be Germany. I really feel the need to try and pit my air force against the humongou number of Ju-88's that Mark apparently has. I'm his TA in all the other Victory!-games i still play, time to switch it around! Preparing for an Icelandic invasion.. No, that would be Germany. I really feel the need to try and pit my air force against the humongou number of Ju-88's that Mark apparently has. I'm his TA in all the other Victory!-games i still play, time to switch it around! Lol, Mickey, my air force is puny in this game, comparatively speaking. It just looks large to the boys from across the pond. I welcome you to join the Balkanization of France. I just hope we meet someplace north, rather than south.
  22. Why? And why does your TA MarklenX-Spain say he doesn't know SA / Persia? ( http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=60700 ) And why does the new (conveniently appearing) SA doesn’t clear this up? As a TA of Sven-TJ you all should know. TJ stated mulitple times Des = (was) SA http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=58465 http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=58861 http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=59310 http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=59371 And Persia was / is Kurassier: http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=57446 Interesting conversation in hindsight: http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=58755 http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=58764 Maybe this post of yours is relevant? 'Of course how could you when it comes to propaganda your not even in my league...' (..) 'My group does indeed have a secret fourth member in this game that originated before any country even went to war...maybe if you are as smart as you think you are you can figure it out...' http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=59323 Maybe these wise Des-words are in order: http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=1573&p=31181 Seems Sun has some strong points. I'm still confused. Why? And why does your TA MarklenX-Spain say he doesn't know SA / Persia? ( http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=60700 ) And why does the new (conveniently appearing) SA doesn’t clear this up? As a TA of Sven-TJ you all should know. TJ stated mulitple times Des = (was) SA http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=58465 http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=58861 http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=59310 http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=59371 And Persia was / is Kurassier: http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=57446 Interesting conversation in hindsight: http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=58755 http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=58764 Maybe this post of yours is relevant? 'Of course how could you when it comes to propaganda your not even in my league...' (..) 'My group does indeed have a secret fourth member in this game that originated before any country even went to war...maybe if you are as smart as you think you are you can figure it out...' http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=59323 Maybe these wise Des-words are in order: http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=1573&p=31181 Seems Sun has some strong points. I'm still confused. Uh, because I don't. I know Kurassier and Des, but was unaware they had played those countries until very recently. The middle east has no interest for me, I have other things on my plate.
  23. I have been away from the boards for awhile, but I can say in all honesty I have no idea who is playing Persia, SA and UAE. I only know that I was offered a couple of alliances, and took them. I figured perhaps they followed the earlier discussion on this board, and were offering a hand. BTW, my morale problem is a thing of the past, as are money issues. I am now at war with all the bad guys, and have plenty of morale. From this point forward you will have to beat me on the field of battle, not in some smoky back room, hope you guys are ready.
  24. Marklen X


    Clearly somebody needs to reign in those Iraqis.
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