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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Hehe, I have plenty of work to do before I can trouble myself with Iceland.
  2. You are mistaken on xLogrono and xTaragona.
  3. That's impressive, given that according to the RWE list you're still down six major cities in Iberia. 6? I figure just 3. What 3 am I missing?
  4. Well, Spanish production today is better than the day they invaded, so I doubt they have accomplished their mission.
  5. Marklen X


    Wish I had times to meet up with you Hamish, you have a nice little air force there, would be fun to cross swords. Not going to happen in this game though.
  6. That purple France does not surprise me. The Iceland green I think a bit misleading. How many of those just dropped because they were bored with the position. I know of at least 3 times that happened in games I was playing, so suspect it was a lot more.
  7. Hey Woodsy, I will talk to you. How about you attack my neighbors, and then we make a deal?
  8. Marklen X


    Been a fun game, but some unfortunate developments. Kudos to all the people putting up a fight. Made the game worth playing.
  9. Wow Race, you have a lot of nerve. You are obviously playing two countries at one time. Iceland continues to fight for Canada, while Canada conquers all of Iceland, and you accuse others of foul play? Funny, but I am ok with your games, it will make it more fun to fight you with the extra production. When I deal you a couple of big blows, will you quit again?
  10. Much of what you say is true Thors, but a couple of minor points. First, I was never offered most of France. I had a deal with Alan to not attack each other through turn 20. After that, I approached Alan to see if he would be interested in a joint effort to expel the Atlantics from France, he said he would get back to me. Two turn cycles later, I had no response, and emailed him to see what was up. He replied that your group had decided to go in another direction. Then I DW France and attacked. When I attacked France, a USA province was in my path. The turn I did a DW on USA, Ireland, Canada, GB and USA landed troops in Iberia. Do you not believe that they were already planning that? There is no chance that those amphibious forces just happened to be passing by. There was never any question in anybodies mind that I would have to go to war with the Atlantics. The only question was would I have war with your group also. Now that France is gone anyway, and you are facing a powerful Atlantic alliance, you may question your decision, but that is none of my business. I have no knowledge of any issue you may have with either of my TA's, I have known both for many years, and consider them fine players and decent people, this is the first I have heard there may be something personal there. And of course, as Spain with German tech, an alliance with France long term is impossible. A TA could work with great effort, but an alliance just means I spend the game in Iberia.
  11. Not true, Spain declared war on USA, who owned the provinces on my northern border, GB, Canada, Ireland and Lowlands DW on Spain.
  12. I made a decision to not complain on this subject, since I hate poor losers. I will only say this. From the beginning of this fight, I feel the USA/Canada/GB/Ireland group has used very poor tactics. They could have easily overrun me in a few turns, but have repeated the same mistakes over and over again. It has reached a point where they were on the verge of losing, as USA has been crushed, Canada can only survive by constantly delaying until the day before me, and the Irish army is a shell of its former self. GB is in a strong position, but only because I have been ignoring them. In 20 games of Victory! this is the only time I have ever hit negative morale, and it figures it would bite me. I think the USA FP to save Castello Branco is dodgy, but I have to agree with Mickey that is is a tactical weapon of value. Canada ceding the province of Huesca to USA is absolutely what I would expect from a player whose only idea of strategy is to try and blind his opponent. Lowlands I have no experience with, but his FP after an air assault is rather crappy also. Most people would drop at this point, but I am not most people. I recognize that being completely craven, my opponents will not fight me, and must try gamey tactics to drive me from the game, but it will not be so easy for you. For the record, I have never issued a FP order on an active player, nor would I ever do so. I will always share my battle reports with an enemy if they are unable to receive them. I do this because I consider those to be glitches in an otherwise great game, and I want to have a competitive fight and win on merit, not on technicalities. To each his own. I am not going to get into a pissing match on this, I stated my opinion, and will drop the matter, but I am not done fighting either.
  13. I hope you do both of these, and soon. How about unprotected Canada?
  14. BTW, I see Iceland is still active. Makes me happy, hate to fight the computer.
  15. Good to see some fight is left in the Swedes! Iceland, did you drop? I see Canada has gone to war with Iceland, Race, did you make a deal to steal your TA's provinces again?
  16. Seriously USA? Now you need to delay? Canada is already full on chicken sh!t by delaying until the day before me, knowing I can't delay enough to get reports, with your other TA's going right after me. You guys all delayed before attacking me until just before my turn, (except GB) which gave you all two turns before I could react. You have 6 guys attacking 1. And still the only solution you can come up with is to try and prevent me from getting battle reports. Man up, sheesh. BTW, it won't save your marines in Pau. Just like last turn, I knew where the Canadians were going, and I know where you are going too. I will kill them all, and there will be great sadness in the USA.
  17. We were not trying to amuse you. I told you it would not be easy. By having everybody go just ahead of me, you got 2 turns each on me, and there are 6 of you, so you had some nice early success, but now you have to actually fight, and I hope you packed a lunch, because it will take you awhile if you plan on winning.
  18. Canada, did you drop? Iceland? Sweden? Hello, is anybody there?
  19. Well, as you know, I am old and can miss stuff. 1 other thing for you to consider, 110's are perfect for upgrading to 262's later!
  20. 110's have one other significant benefit Mickey, which you are discounting. You can upgrade them to 262's in another 30 turns or so. Of course, that has no relevance to the Italian situation today.
  21. I'm certainly not complaining. This is what is fun. I was offering to let them get some help after all. Canada, you were practically begging me to go to war with you just a couple of weeks ago, and now we have it. I think you will not like it so much.
  22. Bah, USA, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain and France are all that attacked me last turn. You guys want me to give you a couple of turns, let you round up more help to maybe even the odds a bit?
  23. Well, if anybody in your group could read a map, or had the sense of a donkey, they would know that taking a swath across the south of France isolating the Iberian penninsula, was the same as a declaration of war with any person who ever played the game.
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