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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. If you are really in that big a hurry, why don't you try and break with me, rather than just sit around waiting for me to break.
  2. Well, the Spanish diplomatic corps is not quite as efficient as the Spanish armed forces, all I can say.
  3. Are you comparing the Icelandic armed forces to the Duchy of Fenwick?
  4. Pray tell, who is this villain?
  5. Hmm, Lowlands certainly would win the award for most picked on, in my opinion, with France a close second. France has more to fight, but also is bigger, and can take more. Morocco really had no option but Italy if he was to go into Europe. Sailing through the Atlantic is silly with the huge naval powers already active there and no air support available. USA has cleverly left every southern border province untaken, so the only way into Europe is through France and Italy. As for Iceland, their huge presence is cowing Spain from sending anything into the Atlantic, no question.
  6. Race, you need to look up the definition of facts in the dictionary. What you have here is 100% conjecture, and it is 100% wrong. I can tell you that Ireland and USA were new players, and early in the game, I was committed to attacking Ireland. The Irish player sent me an email asking for advice, as he was new to the game. I have a soft spot for newbies, often to my detriment, so I agreed to postpone my attack until at least turn 20. I gave them help on any questions they asked of me, and though they pleaded hard with me not to break with them, in order for GB to continue moving forward, I felt that I needed to do that. I had no idea until 2 or 3 turns ago that USA held provinces in Norway, and until reading the explanation above, was at a loss as to how he aquired them. I found it odd that Ireland appeared to have been converted into a fuel depot for the USA. Virtually all the armament factories were scrapped and replaced with oil refineries. As far as Spongie is concerned, for the second time, I had no contact of any kind with him in this game. He is obviously incompetent, and I can only speculate as to why he does what he does, but what you are doing is also speculation, not fact. You have accused me twice now in this game of unethical play, and frankly I am pissed. I have never made a deal with somebody to turn over their country. Ireland was dug in in all of his cities on DD with superior or better fortifications, and the fight was a tough one. I am trying to keep this civil, but claiming you have "facts" when all you have is guesses is a pure fabrication.
  7. French Cruisers off of Lisbon? Don't the French have enough enemies?
  8. It was definitely clever to have Denmark take provinces in Norway and Sweden for you and Great Britain to "recapture" later. The Sponge is clearly a useful tool. Can he be rented? Race Uh, no British forces have been anywhere near Norway, during the entire war. As for Sponge, I can honestly say I had no communications with him in this game. You might want to check your facts there Race.
  9. Well, we may build some light cruisers, instead of just destroyers, and actually improve upon the Tirpitz.
  10. Finally, a human opponent! Two of them, even. Should be fun.
  11. Nice idea in a perfect world, but I suspect there will be people who will join this knowing other people who have joined, and while they can't actually team up, they will certainly know each others identity and be able to communicate. I would like to try it as you say, and see how it works though.
  12. hehe, what I was indicating was that Polish children are more than a match for Southern Russian soldiers.
  13. Well, it looks like this is the truth. We had Polish children all over the country out picking up rocks, to see what crawled out. Sometimes they were little disgusting bugs, which they didn't care for, but occasionally, a slimy Southern Russian would crawl out. Fortunately, they were no match for the Polish children, who could easily crush them with their boot heel.
  14. Dag, you were not compared to a pack of wolves. You are just one wolf in the pack! I am excited to get in a game like this, and will be anonymous also, though if everybody is anonymous, it will make the boards a bit boring.
  15. Is there anybody that hasn't conquered Paris in this game?
  16. Grat point Mickey. You signing up? Get a bunch of your Dutch buddies to sign up, see if they can fight alone.
  17. You are right, it was Rick Ratliff, not Rick Reece.
  18. Whild I like the concept, and would love that if I got a big country, the small central European countries could never fill out 3 turn sheets in the early going. I think that just gives a bigger advantage to the bigger countries, which have a bit of an advantage already. I am in with the random setup though, sounds fun, and am anxious to see what Russ sticks me with. Having just finished a game with no TA's,(fighting you Rick, I believe) I learned how frustrating it can be, but with no TA's for my enemies, it would really even things out.
  19. Lol, now I have heard everything. The Russians "lighting the lamp of freedom". Stop it, your killing me.
  20. Bah! This sounds like typical Russian propaganda to me!
  21. Predator, if you really want another front...
  22. Ahh, the sounds of spring. Birds chirping, kids playing outside, and Polish panzers starting their engines and speeding off across the countryside to liberate yet another oppressed people.
  23. Awesome! The Morale change is very wise, Thank You! As for excluding countries from a random list that is also a fine way to solve the issue and thanks for taking on the extra work. I for one will have no exclusions as I fear no country or the challenges they pose. Sure Steve, but you're a pro, us mortals need a little help!
  24. Interesting, the Blue and the Gray. Well, we know who wins then! Not this time me bucko!
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