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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. I'm convinced! Of course, they never listen to me.
  2. Hmm, looks pretty good Dag. A couple of small things. I believe Sweden and Finland are TA's for sure, not sure about the rest of red. You can color all of Portugal brown, except Castelo Blanco. Mickey is correct about the Americas and the British Ilses. Where are Icelands allies?
  3. Steve, I like your random setup idea, it will force a lot of diplomacy early in the game. My only problem with it is there are a few countries I feel I have been there, done that. I am sure you and others feel the same. Perhaps we can eliminate maybe 10 countries from our list or so, rather than make a preference list?
  4. Interesting, the Blue and the Gray.
  5. Here here! That is a weak excuse. You even owned your entire country. The ME TA did that to me while invading my country, making it impossible to retake parts of my country. Make the best of it and learn from it. I can tell you that tactic will be very difficult to pull on me in future games. But I didn't quit. I still had provinces and some army left. When all of my divisions and all of my cities are gone, then I would check with my TAs to see if they still needed me.
  6. My my Rogue Leader. xGuadalajara? If I don't break with Spain soon he will be irrelevant. Guess I need to start on Algeria.
  7. Wow, I was not going to play any more games either, but the list of guys I like who are coming back for this game continues to grow. I may have to reconsider this.
  8. ,For what it is worth, it happened to me in Game 86? Where I was Denmark. I lasted until the end of the game. (with a terrible score I might add) You were the US in game 86 Mark. It was not 87 either as you were GB that one. I must say I was not impressed with Team Iceland. We fought 3 of it's players and barely got a battle out of them. Portugal had already dropped so I guess he doesn't really count. Yes I was the US, but Tim was Denmark. I am not Kuraiser. You have me confused, which seems odd, since I am so much taller and better looking than he.
  9. Hey, Algeria has taken xCordoba! Does that mean I may get a fight some day, if I can ever break with Spain?
  10. Do what you gotta do. Hungary has no relationship as far as I know with anybody in the game but France, who is basically dead. None of the people whom you are fighting are involved in any way with Hungary, so why threaten them? I have already commented, I think it is chicken sh!t, but threatening to take your ball and go home when nobody who you are fighting is doing anything untoward to you, is a bit much.
  11. in that case i have to say Mea Culpa...I did not see the reports of the French/Polish battles ofcourse, i just noticed the speed with which the major french cities were taken.... Apology accepted. Now fight, damnit!
  12. Is Spain still played? Looking at the map, the ME alliance looks as impressive as ours.
  13. This sort of blatant lie is the kind of thing that internet bozos get away with all the time. France may look dead to you because he has hurled everything he has into the task of slowing down Poland, even though all he can do is cause me damage, and he knows he cannot win. Making blind accusations like this is reprehensible, and there is certainly no cooperation between France and Poland. It sounds like you have your panties in a bunch because somebody is kicking your ass. It is not me, but making up lies about me and then posting them does not give a good impression of you. For the record, I believe FP/BPA is chicken sh!t.
  14. A rather dodgy tactic, to be sure. May I ask who is employing it?
  15. I thought you wanted to take Denmark back?
  16. I took Turkey, gave Poland to Spongie.
  17. I have been able to fill the ME alliance with quality players, but Russ still needs to hear from the other players. Don't be a flake, nobody can like a game that has such a huge block empty.
  18. Sent a couple of emails, let's see if anybody is game.
  19. I don't believe anybody that used those tactics still survives in the game. I agree, our deal with the Norsemen has now unbalanced the game a bit, but only because the cowaradly mid east alliance quit as soon as their nose got bloodied. I do not look forward to fighting the computer for the next 30 plus turns, and if we cannot find a replacement group for the ME, feel the only way to make the game fun is to challenge the rest of the world to take us on. I hate breaking any deal with other players, and if they object to that, I will end up losing all interest in this game, which would suck, because it has been a great game up until now.
  20. Ok everybody, time to make this game interesting. The abject cowardice of the entire middle east group, dropping with one of the most powerful positions in the game, because their attack on the Balkans was repulsed, has put this game into a very boring position, where there are very few groups left playing. I have not heard from the Atlantic group in awhile, and hope they have not followed the ME group into retirement. We are proposing that the ME group be replaced, if we can find a group to replace it. It has to have 100% approval of the existing players, so would appreciate it if everybody still playing would send Russ an email approving this. Should that happen, our group would obviously have somebody to fight, and the game would continue to be interesting. If, on the other hand, we face another 33 turns of fighting the computer, I would want to look at an alternative that would be more fun. Perhaps our group against the world. Not sure we could win that, but I would rather lose fighting than win against the computer.
  21. Hmm, American spies were found infiltrating Polish positions. I guess we will have to deal with the USA now, despite my hopes for peace.
  22. Perhaps my biggest single bitch about Victory! is the player who has one thing go wrong and quits, even when they still have a strong position. The middle east alliance dropping this game is absolutely unforgivable. They still controlled a powerful position, with water between them and their principal antagonists, control of nearly 10 countries, and a prostrate Central Russia before them offering more riches. They lose an air force, and the next thing you know is they quit like a bunch of whiny 4 year olds who didn't get their way. I would love it if some enterprising soul could put together a group to revive that alliance, otherwise this game could get boring quick.
  23. You fought awesomely. I will leave you Corsica so you can continue the fight and compete for the final score... those 40K ARM-points destroyed will not be topped by many in this game. Well, I know of at least one other country with over 40k land kills.
  24. I meant the other green group.
  25. Wow, that green alliance can't possibly be such wusses that they would drop such a powerful position because of losing a few marine divisions could they?
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