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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. This led me to believe that a war had erupted between Britain and Ireland. I apologize if I was mistaken. P.S. Mike B, it's Hara-Kiri as far as I know. Wikipedia tells me the official term is Seppuku. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seppuku ? Heh, same thing one is writing, other speech, same characters. Given the GB-Ireland match-up, it would more aptly be called a 神風.
  2. GB has not done one untrustworthy thing in this game, bucko. On turn 4, my plans to attack Ireland were interrupted when I received a missive fromt he Irish leader explaining he was a newbie to the game. Being a guy who likes to help newbies, and promote the game, I told him I would not attack him before turn 20, and we would see what happens after that. The problem now is, nations in victory! are like sharks. They have to keep swimming or die. We must keep adding production, or suffer the same fate. I have still done nothing to the Irish, and it is turn 25, so explain your comment about Britain proving how untrustworthy they are.
  3. Are you not counting you Scots?
  4. The countries in white: Denmark and Baltic States, three posts before you Dag, Libya and Tunisia are TA's.
  5. Hmm, why is Baltic States white, did you drop Falco?
  6. Heh, well i noticed one very annoying thing about the German fleet... not only can i only build 1 BB per turn (against 3 Marats per turn), but even the cruisers are precisely so expensive you can't buy even 5... by 1 SHIP-point! We'll see... looking forward to epic sea battles! My queens of the Sea against the old Marats.... a horde of boars against the noble lionesses. Hey, I wanna play too!
  7. Isn't his northern frontier and his southern frontier the same thing? Just asking..... Well, they seem to be getting closer, certainly.
  8. Hey Switzerland, just curious. How are the defenses on your northern frontier?
  9. I can proudly say I killed Sponge in this game. Still have most of the bottle of scotch to prove it!
  10. Hungary is likely the original player, but Yugoslavia isn't, and whomever is playing that position is doing the same thing.
  11. Wish I could of been there for the end. Was a very fun game while I played, but the massive numbers arrayed against me just made it impossible.
  12. All right Des, the Luftwaffe bugged out, the Wermacht has fled to the northern frontier. What kind of way is that to defend the Fatherland? If you are going to leave me the keys to the cities though, you could at least leave the air bases in tact.
  13. Somehow, this just seems funny to me.
  14. Lol, the French have a lot on their minds these days. Germans too, I suppose.
  15. Hmm, I like the large size of the crimson team, but that middle location sure seems precarious.
  16. I went to war with you, just for drill. Of course, I am at war with Des too, so not sure that helps.
  17. Peter, I have a hunch none of those countries will be the one that drives the final nail in your French coffin in 91.
  18. Hmm, so now I am TA's with Algeria? How did that come about?
  19. I can't speak for the Wehrmacht, Pred, but the Luftwaffe is still very much alive. They came, they played, they paid... Hmm, a new Italian version of Veni, vidi, vici.
  21. I'm with Kurassier on this topic. If I RNA you and the privacy option is on, I will consider you a hostile until proven otherwise.
  22. The problem Sponge is your act has worn thin. For years and the past couple dozen games you have done the same thing, and it is like watching a below average comic perform the same routine every day for years on end. Nobody laughs anymore but the comic. Kinda sad, I think.
  23. This would actually be a longer game than normal (4 years instead of 2,5). Len, you should check out the revised rules on turn timing. You can't really 'miss' a turn anymore because there is no turn deadline. If you play in a 14-day game and you send in after 20 days, you get 20/14 of your production and move your target processing date 6 days. If you just want to be able to send in after three weeks or four weeks every once in a while, you can now play the regular 14-day games and do so. (of course, if your opponents do send in every 14 days they will get a double turn on you sooner or later if you do, but at least the computer won't start making turns for you after 14 days anymore) That has always been true Mickey, however, you only get up to 100% increase. If you wait 29 days for instance, you get 28/14, not 29/14.
  24. I have to say, this game is shaping up as an all-timer. Almost 30 turns in, and we have at least 5 very active TA groups. War is everywhere, and though we look strong right now, our middle position is precarious.
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