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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Hey Dagerad, you need to be more careful. You colored in Baltic States on your map before Falco declared he was playing it.
  2. Spain here. I choose or else, I suppose.
  3. Uh, yeah. I think your reception in the Baltic States would be warmer than you would like.
  4. Wow, USA is threatening Italy? I gotta see this war.
  5. I just told Russ I don't care where I start, just put me next to Sponge, so I can get some free extra production early.
  6. That purple stain sure seems to be spreading. I thought we were doing well until I look at the map, and see bad guys surrounding us!
  7. What's taking so long? A lot of mountains.
  8. Too bad I couldn't just of had peace with the Russian, err I mean Turkish alliance. Losing 20,000 plus air points at the end of the game couldn't of helped my score, plus the fact my bombers did not fly the last 3 turns. Congrats to the winners, come into 93 and let's do it again. I won't be so far from the action this time.
  9. Mickey, I will take Switzerland for you.
  10. First off, it is called the "Turkish Block", not the "Russian Block" and we feel that you may just be the winner over us after all. And then there is the African/French Block which have some massive kill numbers, so they could win too. Since our scores are averaged out, you only need to beat the average score and not our top country. I think we hurt your forces the last couple of turns, but we suffered some serious losses to you and the Africans as well. I think all three sides will be close, plus the Syian/UAE faction. I would love to know what your end game treasury and morale was. I can't imagine playing the US would leave you with a lot of cash, I have seen a lot of US players end the game with large deficits and and negative morale. I think your probably in not that shape, but I guess we will see. - Turkey 86 I was well over $200,000.
  11. Pretty confident the Russian block won. Had a lot of fun with USA, but man is it tough playing without any TA's, and the Russians took full advantage of it. I really wanted to play an entire game on my own, but it would of gone a lot harder on the Russians if I had teamed up with France and friends.
  12. Woohoo, captured 4 capitals from the subhuman Russians on the last day of the game!
  13. At least you speak the truth this time Sponge. When you declare war, you die.
  14. Denmark is mine! Keep your paws off it Predator!
  15. Whales are still there, been to plenty of luau's, this will be my 15th trip to Hawaii.
  16. Well, I am off to Maui in an hour, so let's see if that works for me. Problem is, before I get back, I have turns due in all 3 games I am in, hmm, will see how that goes.
  17. Spongie, I guess I can save you from the Germans, not sure who will save you from the Poles though.
  18. Well CR, looks like you will end with a couple of big victories. Not having intel against your alliance is going to end up being the deciding factor. I am stunned those Bulgarian pilots had the intestinal fortitude to fight through those P-47's, that was impressive, but they won't make it next time.
  19. Interesting. Are the Baltic States going to fight Russia while they still have allies? Central Europe sure is a jumble, glad I am not there.
  20. Ok Race, I am allright with giving you a chance at redemption. BTW, Greece dropped because I killed him and his Bulgarian ally, though he put up a nice fight.
  21. Actually Race, you are not telling the truth. You were accused of cheating in that game, and I defended you. It is all in the thread, if somebody cares to check it. I did not believe such accusations should be made without proof.I have never publicly accused you of the things many believe you did. However, when you were unable to make a deal with me and my TA's, you and all your TA's just up and quit despite owning almost half the map. My conclusion from that was that if you had to fight for it, you didn't want it. Either way, it ruined the game for all the players still playing, as we spent the next 25 turns fighting the computer. I don't know to this day whether you cheated or not, and am not accusing you of doing so, but you and all your TA's dropping at the same time was one of the poorest examples of sportsmanship I have witnessed in Victory! At least two long term players, who are excellent players with past wins, have quit playing because of that game.
  22. Wouldn't know, never sold a car in my life, unless you count trading one in. I figured after you were found out in 84 and immediately dropped with a powerful position, you would be gone for good. I look forward to spilling some of your guts, if you care to come visit me.
  23. Well, well. Race Pilsner shows his face again. Surprised you would have the guts to do that after 84. I hear you are Canada. I have no doubt we shall see each other soon, look forward to it.
  24. Hmm, red seems rather hemmed in there between two big alliances.
  25. The plot thickens. New life in the Balkans, hmm.
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