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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Thanks Dag, your maps always make it more obvious what the political breakdown is.
  2. I have to say, it has been a helluva game. I have never played a game without a TA before, and it is really tough. CR has taken full advantage of that, as I am now writing almost 60 orders each turn just to cover all the contingencies, and last turn I still didn't get it right. Some kind souls have helped me when recent world events show me losing a city, but the Russias are adaptable, and now they are taking provinces, knowing full well there is nobody to help me. They are winning the air war without having to fight my superior planes, a very smart strategy.
  3. I knew it would be tough playing without TA's, but CR is taking full advantage of that. Going to be a tough road from here.
  4. Hmm, why would the Czechs be spying on little ole Poland? I thought we were allies?
  5. Well Danny, as one who has never endorsed the idea of nation hopping, I will say it is a pleasure to fight you. You have done wonders for my air kills, and I appreciate it. Brian I find to be a fine fellow, and a man of his word, and you can ask little more of an ally or an enemy. I too would love to play this out. I was surprised by your initial attacks into Ireland, but have managed to salvage that situation. It is tough to build LDB's everywhere with a position that requires 30 OMN orders before you can do anything else. I expected trouble in England, and thus had the P-47M's on FC before moving any other planes there. It has paid off handsomely. Your poor fighters are of course your bane, as my speed class 8 fighters will always out class you. I will let up on you after turn 73 though.
  6. Interesting. Didn't realize how much light blue there will be when NR falls. Going to be tough. The Middle East and Afican countries should show some explosive growth, making for a fun fight when they meet.
  7. We are humbly honored, oh Great Khan! But six games... how do people find time to play six games and still keep all the politics and planning apart?!? He is a lawyer Mickey, he has secretaries do the work, then he signs it and charges $300 per hour for the secretaries time! I am in 3 games currently, with only 1 TA that crosses over, in just 2 games. I like to join alone, and see what happens, but also am not opposed to joining a team, especially a team of guys I have not fought with before, which is the case in both 91 and 92. In 86, I am just going it alone.
  8. Seriously Yugoslavia? Lumbering Libs trying to get through P-47-M's? I applaud the pilots courage. Wish this game was going to last longer, it is just getting fun.
  9. Hello all, sorry, thought I had posted here already, but you know, that old age thing keeps creeping up on me. I am Great Britain, BTW.
  10. I can't see how France and Germany can pass up such a fabulous offer. If they do, clearly they are just war mongers and the international community will need to band together to punish them!
  11. not everyone spongie, I haven't started yet!
  12. I repeat, you are an embarrasment to Scotsmen everywhere. You got a surprise attack, and took a major city before he could react. And yet after just a few turns, you are losing a huge chunk of your home country, and he is so confident he does not even use his air force against you. You are fighting one on one man, for Gods sake, fight. There is no excuse to get overrun in a fair fight that easily.
  13. This game is becoming a lot of fun, too bad it is almost over. CR, your airborne offensive has been impressive, and I am sure it is bearing some nice fruit, but in 3 turns you have lost more than 22000 air points, and even you have to feel that.
  14. Obviously, Des does not feel Sponge is going to bother fighting, as he is sending all his air force south. Come on Sponge, don't be an embarrasment to Scotsmen everywhere, fight back!
  15. The Baltic States campaign is winding down it appears. Guess it is time to put the tanks and bombers in mothballs and wait for turn 73.
  16. Earthling, since you are slightly involved, I will tell all about a deal I made with GB, after you told me you were not going to be finishing the game. After I had already conquered 2/3 of Great Britain, and had the cities of Liverpool, Birmingham, Lincoln, York, Edinburgh, Leicester and several smaller ones in my possesion, you intimated to me that you would not be finishing the game, as you knew you would have a lousy score. At that point, I approached GB with a deal. I know the player from another game, which is hardly a news flash, as I have either fought with or against, or both, virtually every player in every game. I believed I could trust him to keep his word, because of my other experience with him, which is the extent of "cross gaming" that went on. Since it was a forgone conclusion that he would fall, I offered to let a tank army of his I had trapped escape, and to let his bombers leave his air base unhindered, in exchange for him not fighting me anymore, (his bombers were causing some damage.) He agreed. We both lived up to our deal. There is nothing insidious or underhanded in this deal. The only person it could possibly have hurt, Norway, had already told me he was quitting the game. Anybody that has a problem with this, feel free to tell me why, but do not insinuate nefarious dealings, because that is very offensive.
  17. Perhaps you need to be more specific. I hear through the grapevine you are implicating me, and I am frankly not amused. There has been NO cross gaming of any sort done here, and if you have an accusation, make it, so it can be responded to, or shut your pie hole.
  18. An easy way to stop it is require all wars to be minimum 5 turns in duration. No SFP, FP etc. for 5 turns.
  19. Hmm, I do not think I like that red for me. Too close to the eastern bloc, I think.
  20. Mickey, Here are the recent world events, from roughly turn 53 to turn 62. Central Russia has declared war on United States Syria has declared war on Denmark France has conquered xLux from Germany Southern Russia has conquered xOffenbach from France Central Russia has conquered xKittila from Norway Central Russia has conquered xHamburg from Germany Bulgaria has conquered xBern from France Bulgaria has conquered xZurich from France Bulgaria has conquered xBellinzona from Italy Yugoslavia has conquered xRome from Italy Peace has been declared between Syria and Iraq Peace has been declared between Syria and Persia Great Britain has conquered xBirmingham from United States Morocco has conquered xCordoba from Spain Peace has been declared between Algeria and Ireland Central Russia has conquered xSvir from Northern Russia Central Russia has conquered xAlsfeld from Germany United States has conquered xYork from Great Britain Morocco has conquered xAlmaden from Spain Peace has been declared between Syria and Trans-Jordan Central Russia has conquered xKemi from Norway United States has conquered xLiverpool from Great Britain United States has conquered xLeicester from Great Britain United States has conquered xLincoln from Great Britain United States has conquered xBirmingham from Great Britain United States has conquered xEdinburgh from Great Britain Norway has conquered xHelmsdale from Ireland Southern Russia has conquered xFrankfurt from Germany Bulgaria has conquered xGeneva from Germany Great Britain has conquered xOslo from Norway France has conquered xGuadalajara from Spain Central Russia has declared war on Morocco Central Russia has conquered xKirkenes from Norway Central Russia has conquered xKautokeino from Norway Central Russia has conquered xGallivare from Norway United States has conquered xCarradale from Great Britain Peace has been declared between Norway and Great Britain Peace has been declared between Italy and Lowlands Yugoslavia has conquered xNaples from Italy Central Russia has declared war on France United States has conquered xAberdeen from Great Britain Morocco has conquered xCoimbra from Portugal Peace has been declared between Italy and Great Britain Peace has been declared between Bulgaria and Denmark Bulgaria has conquered xGrenoble from France Libya has conquered xSelima from Syria Peace has been declared between France and Great Britain France has conquered xMadrid from Spain Central Russia has declared war on Ireland Central Russia has conquered xPechora from Northern Russia Peace has been declared between Great Britain and Turkey United States has conquered xHertford from Great Britain United States has conquered xLondon from Great Britain Peace has been declared between Algeria and Iceland Central Russia has conquered xLiege from France
  21. This pot is not yet spoken for. There is still one wild card that has not been played.
  22. Uh, you must be talking about game 86.
  23. Tim, you didn't say it, Earthling did. Personally, I would like nothing better than to see the Russians begin impaling themselves on Denmark. We Americans, having liberated the British isles from their tyrannical slave masters, would like to just live in peace now.
  24. Earthling, I don't really want to get into a mine is bigger than his discussion, but I doubt Tim has a larger air force than USA. What kind of friend are you to try and sick your enemies on me? CR has been bombing me a fair bit in Great Britain, but I am not so sure he will continue to do so. A lot of p-51's are there now.
  25. Well, Baltic States, a fine defense you are putting up. I guess I need to hunker down and hold what I have.
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