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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. I am happy to see that Denmark will be keeping the German juggernaught busy for awhile. It appears Baltic States is preparing for a long tough war. Oh well, when you fight proven tough players who have won games before, you have to expect that. Apparently, Northern Russia has surprised the northern alliance a bit, and they will have their hands full for the next while. At least BS, their only friend close enough to help, has enough problems of their own to not be able to provide any assistance. Central Russia looks to be facing long odds. It seems the northern folk need to get through Northern Russia ASAP to save their southern most member.
  2. Oh man, can I change my mind and pull back my reg!
  3. Well, what a fine mess this is. Our TA group has had many discussions about Prometheus, and whether we wished to work with a character that was so obviously screwing his purported allies. Can you trust somebody who you know is passing along info from somebody else who trusts him? Fortunately for Des and company, we are not at war with them, so there really is no damage done, only some interesting info on events elsewhere. I understand why Peter would become cynical after this, but in reality, we all know Sponge is a bit off, and should not judge others by him. On the one hand, I can see why Sponge would use an alias. If everybody knew he was Denmark, there is little doubt everybody would wish to try and gain some easy production. On the other hand though, to intentionally enter a game with the intent of disrupting the game because of something that happened in another game is despicable in the extreme. I have never worked with Paul Green before, but have won a bet from him, and he actually paid up, even though there was no way for me to compel him to do so. I an shocked he would act in a manner so blatantly unethical. Ultimately, there is very little harm done in this game, other than emotionally. The two alliances involved were destined to fight, and will likely still fight at the same time. Denmark is against them, but apparently always was, and actually by standing by while Germany and France gobbled up Lowlands has done them a favor. I guess it is safe to say, anybody in this game will have a very hard time trusting Sponge ever again.
  4. Congratulations, Sponge. You have succeeded in enticing me to address the Forum. However, you are in error. I did not participate in Game 77. (Russ, if you are reading this, can you please confirm that I was not a player in game 77?). Something is puzzling me. The Turn results that Denmark shared with my group in Game 91 named the player as Stephen Hill. In Game 80, I played Morocco and the Sponge claimed to be playing T-J. My then TA, Poland, did an RNA on T-J which disclosed that the player was Paul Green. The Denmark player was Saint Michael. So, who is Stephen Hill? Des, I don't know who Stephen Hill is, but Spongebob is indeed Paul Green. You may remember him from 87--he was my TA in Norway (I was Great Britain.) Fair disclosure, Paul. Courtesy of Kerry Zane, aka Sven Drake. Uh, I was and am Great Britain in game 87, I think you are confused.
  5. Bye?! I will live on in Norway! Lol, no doubt you will. Time to hit the lifeboats in GB, but I doubt I will bother with you in Scandinavia, it appears I will have other fish to fry. Knowing you, even if I killed every last one of your guys, you would continue to do turns.
  6. The final battle for Britain is upon us. The British have put up a valiant fight, but now it is time for them to say goodbye.
  7. If the Baltic States would now send his air force east also, perhaps we could stabilize the situation in GB. Those JU-88's have got to be tired of fighting through Spitfires.
  8. Well, this is nothing new. This has been going on for 30 turns. It just now is coming home to roost for others, that they will not be able to overcome fearsome odds no matter what they do. Having fought since turn 15 in a basically 2 on 7 match, I can say that tactically, the central powers are rather weak, but they are like the Chinese, kill two, and 4 more take their place.
  9. I am slightly color blind, but it sure looks like Yugoslavia, Austria, Greece and Switzerland are the same color as Hungary, Czechoslovakia, France and Germany. Perhaps they are, it is certainly hard to tell from their actions.
  10. Well, it sounds like a little testiness here. Enemies barking at each other, who'd a thunk it. Rogue, I gotta say, your days appear numbered. Can the eastern bloc save Britain from the USA? Seems a reach to me.
  11. Ah, CR, so you do not have enough to do, you want to play with me? Ok, I am good with that. Do you think you can save Britain? I am anxious to see your vaunted Marat class BB's in action against Iowa's and Alabama's, should be fun.
  12. Sometimes things in Victory! make no sense. Why would Austria continue to attack south into Italy when Hungary and Czechoslovakia are conquering his entire country? It makes one wonder.
  13. I believe Predator is referring to the new war between Baltic States and Central Russia. Could be an interesting match, since both are my neighbors. With NR on BS side, but Finland, Sweden and Norway on CR's side, only BS has free reign to go forward right now. CR could also face a problem in the south, with SR having no other front. Can BS blitz east before the northern allies can muster enough firepower to make him pay?
  14. Is anybody else having trouble accessing the home page?
  15. Hmm, GB and Spain, that can't be good for France.
  16. Funny. I guess I would definetly be a wasp.
  17. There are plenty of extra ships here to go around if you guys need a few kills. I will be happy to vector your bombers into some juicy targets. Norway, I apologize for not greeting you last turn when you came to Ipswich, small glitch in fighter command. Please come back, I promise a much warmer greeting this time.
  18. Isn't that the best plan in any war? Outnumber your enemies in production AND sheer army quantities? I have been on the wrong side of those numbers too many times in the game of Victory!, so I understand the frustration, especially when I have put up a good fight. In Game 86 I have been on the opposite side of those numbers the entire game. But, really I have never really fought more than 3 opponents at a time even though the opposite block(s) are much more numerous. My active opponents are all that matters to me in any game. Mark, I must say that you have lingered on quite a long time and done a fantastic job of not giving in to the bad numbers. Well done. Now quit whining a start fighting, will ya? Lol Frommie. I have in excess of 50,000 air kills and 50,000 land kills, and over 20,000 in navy kills. Imagine what I would have if I had been fighting. I would be willing to bet nobody else in the game approaches those numbers.
  19. I think you're stating the obvious here. And it has been going on some time now. Guess it's lucky that even with the numbers they have, they seem to have trouble conquering and destroying others. Iceland has had no contact with the Southern European nations. AND no standing agreement with any Southern European nation in regard to anything in Game 87 of Victory. You want to throw around whispered/assumed agreements...here's a couple for you: Color Central Russia YELLOW on the original map and Great Britain GREY. Well...I communicated directly with Slicer, who said point blank that your alliance had a deal with the the SE alliance. Actions seem to support his statement. Nothing whispered or assumed..... Well you are partially correct- Slicer is TA with Monty. He was independent way back around turn 7. He has since TA'd with what you call the SE alliance. So from your perspective it looks like 'we' have a deal. I see where you are coming from. Matters not- question is- does USA want to go toe to toe with the 5 of us? Your call. I'll let Viking Pilot and Earthling continue the negotiations as I'm occupied with Dageraad pretty heavily. Wow, what a whiney #$@. You guys have been fighting me basically 6 on 1 for the past 30 turns, and now somebody actually joins on my side and all you can do is try and talk him out of it. Sheesh, you still outnumber us badly, what is your problem? Grow a set, for goodness sakes. Out of curiousity, who will you guys fight if Great Britain dies? Might not Canada and USA be in the crosshairs? Will Norway go after Persia? Sure.
  20. Central Russia, it appears your reach has exceeded your grasp.
  21. Dag, France has declared war on Austria. No battle reports, but knowing the crafty people involved, I suspect one of his friends in either Germany or Czechoslovakia has ceded him a province, and he now has troops marauding in Austria.
  22. Uh, what remark are you saying ditto too. I guess losing a bottle of scotch to me got me on this list.
  23. Nice diversion. Will not stop me from driving 2 x 18SS Tigers to Madrid. Von Manstein Well, calling those divisions is a bit misleading. In their condition, reinforced companies would be more accurate.
  24. This is the "Propaganda Ministry", is it not? Read the humor of it all......LOL! It's a famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) WWII speech guys! Yeah, I know, I got it, and that was my rebuttal. Like I said, if you win, you can write the history, right?
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