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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Naturally the Icelandic people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders the aggressor nations who determine Icelandic policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the Icelandic people along to war, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship that is the aggressor, it does not matter - a simple declaration or war will suffice for us to answer the aggressors actions. Voice or no voice, the Icelandic people can always be brought to the tables of peace. That is easy. All you have to do is leave the Russian States, vacate xFromanovo and all will be fine. Now there is a load of hogwash. I am sure if your group wins and writes a history, it will be changed to reflect proper political views. Your entire TA group declared war on me, including you, not the other way around.
  2. Looks like we have some serious players in the game. Should be fun. Andy, did you get in?
  3. I have no siblings in this game either! Nor I!
  4. Well, a few facts. Finland just lost over 1500 air points in one raid on his last turn, while inflicting very minor damage. Meanwhile, I have it on good authority that his troops are being overrun in Russia, and he is suffering huge losses to MEA air power. I have not seen a Hungarian plane since I spanked their behind and sent them to their room over Arnhem more than 10 turns ago. I have no doubt they exist, but are obviously afraid to venture out of their holes. The Norwegians are still trying, but their air force has been devastated recently. The Austrians have a turn 10 level air force. I too think of that as calm.
  5. Hmm, how much longer will the Finns allow their air force to be slaughtered in the west by the British, while the MEA grinds them to dust in the east? Will Norway Baltic States and Hungary repay the Finns by sending air power, (such as they have left) east to help Finland hold the line?
  6. Congratulations. If your 31 ARM points I killed during the entire game (in turn 3 even) required this revenge then I assume you contacted the Borg to nuke Iraq and Persia from orbit? Oh, and I forgot to mention, my 'REMEMBER NIZWA', didn't have anything to do with the attacks in N. Africa. I just don't have much to do in this game and was just reliving the 'glory' days when I actually had troops. Sigh..... Fair enough. I misunderstood your intentions then. How about letting the rest of us in on the big battle?
  7. Pretty much all I can do, but I hope to keep Hungarian paint manufacturers busy.
  8. Things look bleak for the British on the surface. The French have pretty much collapsed, despite the propaganda, and the Austrian 1st army now prepares to finish off the remaining French army in xMetz. Denmark, Spain and Czechoslovakia are all long gone. The Hungarians have entered the fray with two huge armies, after Britain, Baltic States and Poland spent nearly 20 turns beating each other senseless, so there is virtually nothing left to fight them with. We had a nice little war going, and then up pop 18 Hungarian T-34's and frankly, ruined the neighbohood. There is, however, cause for hope. MI-6 is reporting major setbacks for both the Poles and the Finns on the eastern front. The Norwegian air force has been devastated, and though still effective, is a shell of its former self. The Baltic States army is virtually annihilated, and will not be rebuilt soon, and they must look to their eastern frontier, as the Iraqis and Persians may be showing up there soon. Irish production is keeping our factories humming at peak effeciency. We have complete air superiority, and our bombers roam at will over the European countryside. Will it be enough to hold Amsterdam? Not likely. The Hungarians are like an inexorable tide slowly moving west and north. The naval situation is interesting. Poland, Baltic States and Norway all have significant surface fleets, and tons of subs. Individually, my navy is larger then any of them, but collectively, they double me. The RAF is too busy with Hungarian hordes to really help much. The siege of England may be about to begin, should be fun, if a bit bloody.
  9. Coup de grace? My SS panzer troopers have a different opinion. The one left alive that is. Oh, remind me to decorate that 5% mot Division. Amazing what they do with 5 men, one bullet and a truck. Well, those French are a hardier lot then history credits them with, I suppose, hehe. Ok, so the French army didn't get the memo.
  10. Hello all, It is me, your friendly neighborhood yank. Been just hanging around, but I suppose it is time to come out in the open.
  11. Was watching World at War last night. Great show, but the episode, Alone, seems a bit too close to my situation now in this game. Austria appears to have put the coup de grace to France. Going to be tough now.
  12. Doesn't really delay anything and it will cost you another 5 capital ships to go along with the 10 lost last turn, but the airforce did take a big hit. Might take 4 turns to replace the losses. I imagine heads will roll over this too. The Maximum Leader cannot possibly like it that he guaranteed 5 dead battleships and all 5 have made their escape. A comedy of errors, no question, but one participated in by more than one country's forces so politically tough for heads to actually roll (the executioner would probably cut off his own head the way things have been going). Still, I am waiting for the last laugh (and hoping it will be mine....) Well, it is certainly possible. Obviously, the BB's were damaged, and could not all make it home in one turn. Where did they go though? You may find them, you may not.
  13. Doesn't really delay anything and it will cost you another 5 capital ships to go along with the 10 lost last turn, but the airforce did take a big hit. Might take 4 turns to replace the losses. I imagine heads will roll over this too. The Maximum Leader cannot possibly like it that he guaranteed 5 dead battleships and all 5 have made their escape.
  14. The latest design of the T-34, the Model S has a large pipe from the exhaust that rises high in the air, our Tanks will trundle along the Channel floor roll up the Thames. Wonder what would happen if you dropped some sand lizards down those pipes?........ We will just have to wait and see, English summers are not known for there dry humid conditions, you may have trouble finding suitable Lizards, maybe get some shipped in from Africa but I think you will have trouble getting them past my vast navel forces that will soon control the waters around that little island of yours. Only a land locked power with an 18 foot Glastron for a flagship would have navel forces.
  15. We have tried to spare the Belgians, who have thrived under our benevolent rule, the jackboot of the Hungarian oppressors. We have spent British blood in the effort, but sadly the overwhelming numbers of EEA troops are pushing us back. We have not yet begun to fight though. You haven't? [i wonder what he has been doing then... maybe we really are in trouble, despite overall appearances.] Well, I started fighting you last turn, hehe. I told you that you wouldn't like it when I focused on you. It will get worse. As far as Hungarians in London, that is not going to happen. I am excited to see it though. I think killing T-34's in the channel will probably be easier than killing them on the ground.
  16. We have tried to spare the Belgians, who have thrived under our benevolent rule, the jackboot of the Hungarian oppressors. We have spent British blood in the effort, but sadly the overwhelming numbers of EEA troops are pushing us back. We have not yet begun to fight though.
  17. I am so intimidated by your power, I have fled to Wales, where I await my fate. I did find time to kill a few planes in the meantime. Hey Viking pilot, I thought all 5 of my battleships were dead? You only missed by 5. Oh well, close.
  18. Care to elaborate? I think he is just dissapointed to hear he will have to fight in Central Russia. For quite some time, the Eastern European nations thought of Russia as just a fat cow that they could milk at their leisure. Learning that there is a bull in the field who will fight them for the cow has got to be disconcerting. Yugoslavia? In Central Russia too? But there are already Icelandic, Baltic, Finnish, Polish, Iraqi, Russian and Persian troops there (or almost there). The more the merrier. So, welcome to the meatgrinder. Maybe we will invite the Turks too. Sheesh, I owe the Yugos an apology, I was thinking Sven was Poland. Wow, talk about insulting, hehe. Maybe they were just hoping to hop across the Bosphorus while you were otherwise occupied, and now have lost the nerve to try.
  19. Care to elaborate? I think he is just dissapointed to hear he will have to fight in Central Russia. For quite some time, the Eastern European nations thought of Russia as just a fat cow that they could milk at their leisure. Learning that there is a bull in the field who will fight them for the cow has got to be disconcerting.
  20. Doesn't really delay anything and it will cost you another 5 capital ships to go along with the 10 lost last turn, but the airforce did take a big hit. Might take 4 turns to replace the losses. Well, unless you have an nts rating higher than 4 available to you, I think it will take a bit longer than 4 turns. The ships are expendable.
  21. Not knowing where you went with your fleets and of what they were composed I was unable to accomodate your desire for main battle fleet action, but perhaps my allies, guided by recent observations and garbled radio reports will give you what you deserve... (or is that what you want?) The number of ships milling about in such a small space ought to cause damage to each other just through unavoidable collisions! As a side note, the head of Norwegian Fighter Command has been relieved as a result of continued failures to intercept enemy aircraft over Alborg, despite long term flying of rather extensive fighter cover over said location. The removal of the previous head for failures to intercept Danish aircraft attacking our shipping had a salutary effect and led to the slaughter of much of the Danish air force. Here's hoping history will repeat in this regard. Perhaps you should pay more for the position, attract a better quality applicant? I have no quarrel with the head of Fighter Command, he has done a bang up job! It is not entirely your fault, we have new radar defeating electronics in Coastal Command, which makes your ships sitting ducks. Love sinking Prince of Wales class BB's, as I think it wrong for anybody other than the RN to have a ship named thusly.
  22. It is odd that my battle fleet found the bad guys subs in the channel (or did their subs find me) on the way to Helgoland, but could not find their battle fleets in the Helgoland Bight, yet my subs found the battle fleet just fine. Hopefully, they will NSD out and in, and we can have our sea battle then.
  23. Well, a small mistake on my part allowed a lot of ships to escape, but it will not happen again. There are several large navies out there with bad intent. The Poles and Baltic States both have fleets with upwards of a dozen Graf Spee's and Bismarcks, the Norwegians, though they have lost several Prince of Wales to the RAF, have a few large fleets running around. BS and Norway both have invasion fleets, though the BS Seibel Ferry's sink when put in water, I am told. In addition, there are at least 100 enemy subs, (well there were anyway, a few less now). I can think of few things more fun than a Hungarian fleet showing up in the channel. Sorry Falco, the RN is going to be busy in home waters for the forseeable future, so Gibralter will have to be left to my erstwhile enemies from the west. They are no doubt quite capable of handling that area.
  24. The area off the west coast of Germany is about to be the site of some huge naval battles. Sad that the RN battle fleet only found subs, and did not find the big BS fleet, but the subs found the big fleet. Oh well, we will find them eventually, and see how they like us then.
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