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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed. Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope. As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation. Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is. Here's to you Shadow!
  2. Happy to hear that, it almost seemed that the end was near. Just keep them occupied for a turn or 40, maybe them we can battle it out somewhere in Europe, if I ever get through the horde of Junkers flying in and around Algeria (but I heard that you've met those). Lucky for us, both friends and enemies alike hear the screaming of the Algerian divebombers before explosions rip yet another army or fleet apart. Last seem above Italian owned land, I presume, from the world events. Well, I am not going to give too many details, but here are a few facts. Two turns ago, there were 27 Hungarian armor divisions in central Germany, now there is barely 1. There were 29 Austrian Panzer divisions in central Germany, now there are roughly 20, there were 32 Baltic States Panzer divisions in northern Germany, now there are 20, there were 36 British armor/marine divisions in central Germany, now there are 36. The Poles, having stayed in their holes, are still intact. The French did arrive on the scene with 18 armor divisions, which have made an impact. Thankfully, the enemies McClellan like stratagies have allowed the good guys the opportunity to turn the tables a bit.
  3. I thank thee for these kind words. I will take your report and work it into my next post. I've heard it rumored that all WEA troops ran like chickens and are being followed by the peaceful forces of the SEA and the NEA. Care to comment on those rumors? Falco, I shall now reply to your scurrilous comment. The British never run, we sometimes merely readjust our lines. I think that it is safe to say, the WEA has made it's presence felt against the aggressors, I am sure they can fill in some blanks for you in a few hours.
  4. So, Monty, care to update this?
  5. OK. Here I come. Are you ready for me? I sure hope not! "Have at you! Come on then!" Wow, when you "have at you" you really go all out, eh? Makes the Black Knight look tame. I think the line, "none shall pass" works here too.
  6. OK. Here I come. Are you ready for me? I sure hope not! "Have at you! Come on then!" I've been ready. Boy, have I got a surprise for you. I hope you enjoy surprises.
  7. Okay I will do as you ask, just dont kill me mr wabbit! - Slicer go kill the Brit, there that should do it now leave me troops alone.... you did promise My promise is not if you ask him, but if you convince him. I remain unconvinced that he is convinced, but I will know in a couple of days. And I will keep that promise with pleasure.
  8. Yea!!!! Please send aid. Lots of King Tigers would be nice. Lol, his army actually resembles the Duchy of Fenwick's right now, but I am sure it is the thought that counts. I can send some T34s that recently faced action on the western front, buyer collects from the Alsfeld area of Germany. Slight cosmetic damage. Some may need engines, guns, tracks, chairs etc - Plenty of spares available. Hehe, I have to admire your sense of humor. Now the rest of those tanks in Frankfurt are goners, but I will make you a deal to save your infantry. All you gotta do is convince Slicer to come over the top, and stop his annoying seize and retreat strategy, and I promise I will leave your boys alone.
  9. Yea!!!! Please send aid. Lots of King Tigers would be nice. Lol, his army actually resembles the Duchy of Fenwick's right now, but I am sure it is the thought that counts.
  10. Yeah baby! Got my tickets, got my room, I am going to Glendale with my Ducks!
  11. Those darn Hungarians, repulsing my GE yet again! Well, I guess maybe they don't call it that, with 18 dead armor divisions. I guess those T-34's are not invincible after all, eh? Come on Slicer, come out of your hole and attack. You can drive me to the sea just like Hungary is, it just takes a set of balls! Bbbbut...I'm skkk-kkk-kkkared. You have alot of heavy steel and all I have are some militia with muskets. Please Mr. Markolene...please have mercy on this little dirk of an army....I promise to play nice if you just go away. Dirks don't slice very well.... Do you have any room in your alliance for another TA? I think you might given how many of them have been consumed....maybe you can find another Russian TA? Hehe, you still have me outnumbered, and Monty is right, it is far from over, but I got a knockdown in round one. Were I in your shoes, I likely would of played it the same, let my TA's flank me out of a very strong position. I am still not sure I will be able to hold because of that, but for now, I will settle for just killing bad guys, and see where it takes me.
  12. Well, what exactly did you accomplish? In the Saarbrucken-Fulda area, I count over 10,000 armament point loss for the bad guys, against less than 500 for the good guys, I am willing to take those trades all day. Okay okay, lap it up... one day the shoe will be on the other foot and when it is I will take great pleasure in returning the gloat with bells on it Hmm, seems I recall you boasting you would drive me into the sea, among other things. I am still awaiting that development. I have seen the odds fall from 3:1 to 2:1 in the past couple of weeks, at what point will it not be worthwhile to pursue for you guys any longer?
  13. Well, what exactly did you accomplish? In the Saarbrucken-Fulda area, I count over 10,000 armament point loss for the bad guys, against less than 500 for the good guys, I am willing to take those trades all day.
  14. Those darn Hungarians, repulsing my GE yet again! Well, I guess maybe they don't call it that, with 18 dead armor divisions. I guess those T-34's are not invincible after all, eh? Come on Slicer, come out of your hole and attack. You can drive me to the sea just like Hungary is, it just takes a set of balls!
  15. Field Marshall, what happened? I thought you were coming to kill me in xCoburg, and you ran away at the last minute! That is too bad, I had laid out the best china and was planning a feast in your honor. We are sadly dissapointed that you failed to make your appointment.
  16. I'd say you have a ways to go before the score has been evened...... True, I lost 25 groups, you lost only 16 1/2, but it was fun. Not that great a disparity, and I am not done yet.
  17. Guess those Irish pilots will have to think about it before doing that again. Like I said, now it is my turn to have fun.
  18. Uh, Monty, that was a General Engagement. We did exactly what we wanted actually.
  19. A very unbiased opinion of the battle lines, Im impressed. We who wear Jack Boots choose life. Well, he gives little credit to his Danish allies who had to be dealt with second, after the Czechs. As GB says, it is inexorable. Now, on to Moscow! I did not mean it to come off as insulting to the Danes certainly. Denmark has fought incredibly valiantly against huge odds. Because of the western powers attacking from the front, Denmark had to face Norway, Baltic States, Finland and Poland with only a little help from Czechoslovakia. The fact that he is still alive is testament to his intestinal fortitude. However, because of all of his enemies, BS has had it easy in the north. If Finland and Norway were not at war with Denmark, I suspect the entire war would be different. Same could be said if Sweden had allies and did not drop. Finland has done very little in the west, as you know. Now that Central and South Russia have players, I have more pressing matters. Those Spitfire VCs sting pretty hard. My Whitleys will have a proper escort next time you see them. Nice discussion, Marklen X. El Paso Pete Actually Pete, we see them every day when we look out our windows, strewn about the fields. We need to capture some soldiers to work as slave laborers and clear the wreckage, we can hardly walk down the street for the debris.
  20. A very unbiased opinion of the battle lines, Im impressed. We who wear Jack Boots choose life. Well, he gives little credit to his Danish allies who had to be dealt with second, after the Czechs. As GB says, it is inexorable. Now, on to Moscow! I did not mean it to come off as insulting to the Danes certainly. Denmark has fought incredibly valiantly against huge odds. Because of the western powers attacking from the front, Denmark had to face Norway, Baltic States, Finland and Poland with only a little help from Czechoslovakia. The fact that he is still alive is testament to his intestinal fortitude. However, because of all of his enemies, BS has had it easy in the north. If Finland and Norway were not at war with Denmark, I suspect the entire war would be different.
  21. For those not in the action, let's review the situation. For months, the dark forces from the east have been marching inexorably west, forcing the free peoples of central Europe under their evil jackboot. Two Hungarian armies from the south, two Polish armies from the east, and two Baltic States armies from the north have been slowly rolling forward in a giant three pronged pincer movement against 1 and 1/2 armies of Great Britain. Despite their great superiority in numbers, they have taken no chances, and the most compelling tactic they have used is Polands consistent delaying until right before the British are due to run, like that is going to have some value. Yet in the eastern propaganda, what we hear, is despite a 4 to 1 numerical advantage on their part, the British are cowardly because they will not come out and fight. There are some other factors in play here also. The Finns have tried to help with air power, and now the Austrians have decided to attack with a full panzer army, perhaps instilling some backbone into Austria's allies. One factor in Britain's favor is total air superiority, though the Poles have tried to minimize that by taking Alsfeld with phantom armies. In the past three turns, Britain has more than 8000 air kills, virtually all of them over Alsfeld. The minimal fighters of the eastern bloc, other than Poland, have been of no value. We now face roughly 110 divisions, with fewer than 30, but Britain is used to standing alone. Hungary took the city of Prague on turn 20, and on turn 29, despite not facing a single division, has already taken the cities of Coburg and Kronach, yet he does not get my reference to McClellan. Poland took Leipzig and Berlin on turn 19, yet have advanced no further than Erfurt in the 10 turns since. Perhaps they were waiting for Baltic States to conquer northern Germany against virtually no opposition from Denmark? Now we shall see what they are all made of. If their 4 to 1 advantage is enough.
  22. Yes It Does The Siege Of Alsfeld Note to self: OMA TAS xAlsfeld Sure, why should you be different?
  23. With Locker, UO 63 UW 7, without him, UO 63 UW 0, big deal.
  24. That was what you wanted, wasn't it? How's the Alamo going? With the Grey advancing into France I may have to put the Alamo on hold for a while and divert some Armour to the South of France, Maybe GB will come out from behind those defenses. I think the Italians are going to need all the help they can get.
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