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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Sure Spongie, I am dead. Come on in and take it all, no problem.
  2. About to start? I guess you don't consider all the damage you've taken thus far a "start" to the battle. 4xQM sunk, 25xP-51's gone, and a bunch of warships sunk.....hard to believe that isn't a start. I suspect that was more fun for you than for me. I am about to have some fun now though.
  3. Well boys, it looks like the fun is about to officially start. About time.
  4. You could swap Austria and Czechoslovakia. I do not think green is doomed. They have two of the three Russias on their side, which gives them huge population, and they have all the balkan light ore, which is huge. Strategically, they have some drawbacks, of course. Poland goes there, I added it in on an edit. I would play any of those options, with any country. Not sure about the 4 teams. I suppose we could have Western US, Eastern US, Dutch and rest of the world.
  5. Interesting. I may have interest. I would of course be on the American team. My only concern is that 2 teams seems unwieldly. We could easily have a 4 team grouping though. There are a couple of options. Option 1, 4 teams of 9. Eliminate Canada, so the USA can have the benefit of extra production, then eliminate 3 key battleground countries. Switzerland, Bulgaria and Tunisia. Team 1 would be USA, Ireland, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, and Lowlands. Team 2 would be Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Northern Russia, Baltic States, Denmark, Germany and Czechoslovakia. Team 3 would be Hungary, Central Russia, Rumania, Greece, Poland, Yugoslavia, Austria, Italy and Southern Russia. Team 4 would be UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Trans Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Persia. Team 1 would get the benefit of a strong USA, but would suffer from having 4 of their countries across water. Team 2 would have a similar situation, but closer. Team 3 would have two Russias to offset the small countries in Central Europe and the Balkans, and team 4 would be be the largest in land mass. You could alter this slightly by making the 4 neutral countries all easily conquered by one of the groups. Say, Canada, UAE, Denmark and Austria. Option 2 is 4 10 country teams. This becomes unfair to the west a bit, but could be worked out. West team, USA, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, and Lowlands, North team, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, NR, BS, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Czechoslovakia. Central team, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece, Rumania, CR, SR. East team, Tunisia, Turkey, Persia, Iraq, Syria, TJ, Egypt, SA, UAE, Libya. Option 3, a zipper split, would be very chaotic. Team 1. USA, GB, Spain, Algeria, Turkey, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, CR, and Trans Jordan. Team 2. Canada, Greece, Finland, France, SR, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Morocco, Syria and Denmark. Team 3. Ireland, NR, Poland, Austria, Iraq, Egypt, Portugal, Germany, Yugoslavia and Tunisia. Team 4. Iceland, Norway, Lowlands, Italy, Persia, UAE, Rumania, Bulgaria, Libya, and Baltic States. If we had an advanced start, the last one would be a lot of fun, I would think.
  6. Spongie, you are too late. Now you need to attack Lowlands.
  7. At the Alamo? or when Santa Anna was hunted down by James Sylvester after the Battle of San Jacinto? The battle at the Alamo served its purpose. It was nothing more than a delaying battle for the Texans to gather more forces to face Santa Anna. Those who stayed to fight Santa Anna knew what they were up against. They held their own against terrible odds and fell in the end. However, the Texans rose to the occasion to fight Santa Anna at several locations. When he was captured, he was running from his own loss at San Jacinto, hiding in the wilderness in a private's uniform knowing what he would face after what happened at the Alamo. The Battle of the Alamo was 189 Texans against Santa Anna's army (est. between 2400 and 3000) odds about 15-1. The Texans held them off for 13 days before the final assault by Santa Anna took the Alamo (a former mission). There were only 7 male survivors, all of whom were summarily executed by Santa Anna. The women survivors were let go and told by Santa Anna to 'spread the word' of the Texans defeat and the 'invincibility' of the Mexican army. The Texans, in response, gathered and declared their independence from Mexico. Santa Anna conintued to march on the Texans, his army outnumbered the Texans by 6 to 1 and he assumed that his numerical superiority and the Texans 'loss' at the Alamo would cause the Texans to run. It had the opposite effect. About 1 1/2 months later, in April of 1836, the Texan army attacked Santa Anna's Army at Lynchburg Ferry (now called the Battle of San Jacinto). Many men were yelling, 'Remember the Alamo' as the attacked. The outnumbered Texan army defeated the suprised Mexican Army of Santa Anna in about 18 minutes. (this of course is the quick nutshell version) So, Santa Anna won the Battle but lost the war. and yes, I live in Texas. I believe, Tim, you have the essence of our current situation very well. Monty, you likely have hit on something here.
  8. We are all interested over here if you are going to do a Santa Anna. I think it looks more like Leipzig, with overwhelming forces from multiple nations converging to inflict a devastating defeat on the western power. (At least that is the result we are hoping for!) I guess being principally a naval power I fill the role of the British, which makes me a bit conflicted since we are fighting the British... who am I rooting for again? Me of course being an indirect total ally care to share the forces waiting in the wings? For security purposes, I can only say that we have A divisions in location X, B divisions in location Y and C divisions in location Z (plus smaller forces in locations L, M, N, O, and P). A special courier will be sent to your undisclosed location with a key to this code.... What about those 50 fighters heading for Alsfeld..... oooops I think that was restricted information. Marklen X forget what I said, I never mentioned fighters, I meant to say... erm.. Cooks, yes thats right 50 Cooks to... bake a cake. yes thats right. 50 Cooks to bake a cake for the king of.... erm Bolivia, no no I mean the Duke of Peru, oh sorry I mean the Count of Montecristo. Thats right. Now thats all clear I can confirm Divisions Y O U and R and in positions G O I N G along with air groups T O and bomber commands D I E brigades are all ready to attack X, and we all know that X MARKS the spot, dont we I can think of few things better than you sending 50 of any Russian planes over Alsfeld. I know the odds are stacked against me, but like I said before, you will not beat me with rhetoric, you have to come out of that trench and do it.
  9. I got a few burning questions. How come I am now Brown, not that I dont like Brown but I do like Green also. Being in the middle I liked my stripes Spain all but gone, that is a worry, I wonder if GB could enlighten us to his true fate France another, whats he upto now that we can all force peace upon him if we so wish. Denmark must by now have changed colour to white or is there some fight left in the nation formerly known as Spongistan What about Ireland, I would have thought he would have expanded by now but I see no progress. Maybe Ireland is one big airfield Is there any conflict in the Lybian desert Where is Marklen X Retreating to next If anyone can shed some light on these then please post below or send your diplomats to one of our many German ror Czechoslovakian cities I am standing where I am. Come and get me. You got any pilots willing to still fly?
  10. Oh dear! You have threatened me with total annihilation already, I shudder to think what you will threaten if I upset you. No far from it, I just think the bravado of someone in your position is a little arrogant, dare I say Spongelike My position? So far I have been threatened by about 35 Polish divisions, which I spanked and sent searching for a hole, though he did some damage too. All I have heard from Hungary is verbosity. Prague fell on turn 20, and now, on turn 26, you have already made it to Plzen and Kronach, against only LDB's. You already owned Ceske and most of southern Germany then. Such a juggernaut Europe has never seen. We shall see if you still compare me to spongebob in another 10 turns, somehow, I doubt it.
  11. Oh dear! You have threatened me with total annihilation already, I shudder to think what you will threaten if I upset you.
  12. France may not be TA with anybody, but he is allied with all of his neighbors except Germany. That is telling. Also he has not replied to German diplomatic feelers.
  13. Still T34's against english steel? Oh speaking of T34's. Did anyone hear about those french T34's? Now locked up in xNancy... nowhere to go nowhere to hide. French bankers ruined the country and now the ordinary soldiers have to pay. With their lives! Revolution is in zhe air. What a game! Congratulations Field Marshall, you have delivered a possible knockout blow to the French. He is so demoralized, I see a collapse eminent. With the finest army in the field still a French army, it is a sad thing to see the country lose their fighting spirit. The only problem is it will take you quite awhile to take out Nancy, but in the meantime, you will be unmolested in the French countryside. Both of my flanks now look vulnerable. I guess this is why Monty, for all his talk, is advancing at a McClellan like pace, knowing he may not have to fight me at all. You've go to be kidding me. With all you superiority all the time and now your alliance is crumbling? Common, be a man, make those Grants hum while bearing down on the loser T-34's. Congratz to Italy and Austria then. Will you guys now turn upon your northern brothers? You've pacified the east, now seemingly the west. Well, Falco, I actually don't have Grants yet, I am still fighting with A-13 II's. I figured that would be more fair for Monty.
  14. Still T34's against english steel? Oh speaking of T34's. Did anyone hear about those french T34's? Now locked up in xNancy... nowhere to go nowhere to hide. French bankers ruined the country and now the ordinary soldiers have to pay. With their lives! Revolution is in zhe air. What a game! Congratulations Field Marshall, you have delivered a possible knockout blow to the French. He is so demoralized, I see a collapse eminent. With the finest army in the field still a French army, it is a sad thing to see the country lose their fighting spirit. The only problem is it will take you quite awhile to take out Nancy, but in the meantime, you will be unmolested in the French countryside. Both of my flanks now look vulnerable. I guess this is why Monty, for all his talk, is advancing at a McClellan like pace, knowing he may not have to fight me at all.
  15. I have been dealing with the Poles, and of course having a hard time overcoming the trembling I get every time I hear about your tanks.
  16. Hmm, I imagine something like this: But even then: the czech have allies. No idea what Austria is doing, but he should be on German soil somewhere. Lowlands and France are allies, so they will probably will go east. Tensions are mounting between the Nordic alliance and Germany's allies. Something about ceding Polish provinces to Bulgaria. So the game already has all ingredients for a spectacular recovery. I can understand that both Germany and Poland want you to fold. It would be very convenient. But then, Spongebob will intervene in turn 8. Abandon all hope. It looks far better than that, or worse, depending on your perspective. I cannot think of anything better than being almost dead and awaiting Spongebob to save me. Austria is indeed on German soil, and could become a problem, but one thing at a time.
  17. That is the key isn't it, "if everybody fights". You got it Spaceman. I would ten times rather face a guy like you who will fight, than some mamas boy who drops whenever something goes against him. It is a contest, after all. Of course, sometimes, dropping is the only option. I could not hold it against the Czechs if he submitted at this point. Agreed, when you lose all of your country save your capital and one other location in the first major battle of the game, it could be trouble. It depends on whether or not he turns around and brings his troops home to fight off the invaders and whether or not his allies come to his aid in the defense. Even if he does that, it will be a very big hill to climb to get back into the game. Uh, I thought Prague was his capital.
  18. That is the key isn't it, "if everybody fights". You got it Spaceman. I would ten times rather face a guy like you who will fight, than some mamas boy who drops whenever something goes against him. It is a contest, after all. Of course, sometimes, dropping is the only option. I could not hold it against the Czechs if he submitted at this point.
  19. The Red Menace looks daunting, for sure. This has the makings of another great game, if everybody fights.
  20. This is what I am referring to. He made 3 posts early. Guess he is not interested anymore. I am not surprised. perhaps u should I guess I am slow, perhaps I should what? Be surprised?
  21. we must have some serious talk with the Russian who sold their designs to the French... Lol, nice. I gotta say, the T-34 will likely be credited with saving France. They are now arriving in numbers at the front too, so it may get fun there.
  22. This is what I am referring to. He made 3 posts early. Guess he is not interested anymore. I am not surprised.
  23. Seems somebody is happy with his latest turn..... Exactly what I thought would happen, happened. Sure, I am happy, but mainly just because the Czechs finally did a turn. Not sure he will do another one though.
  24. I see a familiar pattern in the middle east: Kurassier playing UAE, TA-ing with the Saudi's and using Kuwayt as a takeoff point to invade a TA of Persia and Iraq. Better luck this time around! (Well, I have to admit there is a certain twisting of the truth here: in #87 we attacked Kurassier first. But still this looks like a second try at the same strategy) He is just coming to my rescue, thats all. Elpasopete, are you speaking for Bechar? No , I dont recognize "Bechar" Bechar posted earlier in this thread saying he was Czechoslovakia. He seems to have dissapeared. I was just wondering how his invasion of Germany was going, from his perspective.
  25. I see a familiar pattern in the middle east: Kurassier playing UAE, TA-ing with the Saudi's and using Kuwayt as a takeoff point to invade a TA of Persia and Iraq. Better luck this time around! (Well, I have to admit there is a certain twisting of the truth here: in #87 we attacked Kurassier first. But still this looks like a second try at the same strategy) He is just coming to my rescue, thats all. Elpasopete, are you speaking for Bechar?
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