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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. While "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori", however "the aim is not to die for ones country, but let the enemy die for his". But maybe today is a good day to die, especially when you can take a lot of enemies with you. So Go Germany! If you know that poem, Horatius does not die, but he does take a lot of bad guys with him.
  2. Only 2 against 1 for them hardly seems fair. Spongie is under the same misperception as you are, that I have no hope, so he figures he will grab while the grabbing is good. "Then up spake brave Horatius the captain of the gate to every man upon this earth death cometh, soon or late and how could one die better than facing fearsome odds for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods"
  3. I have always said I was the lynch pin, the one in the middle. I join a vast alliance that stretches from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean and we expand east and west. If that isn't a call to arms for the rest of the world, I don't know what would be.
  4. Perhaps I will change my handle for this game to Horatius, it likely fits.
  5. Maybe he is a bit grumpy about being on the receiving end of yet another declaration of war? "Et tu, Brute?" No betrayal, but what Wrath has Sponge, no quarter shall be given, if anyone gets in my way then on thy own head be it. I have no friends in this game and so no fear of hurting anyones feelings. Cold steel and a Sponge on a mission. This Sponge is now on silent running, you will hear no more from me. Sponge Out Well, I can see why you have no friends. When you were alone, and complaining that nobody was extending the hand of friendship, against my better judgement I thought, what the hell, let's try something silly, and offered to give you an alliance. You were not real interested, but we compromised on the 3 turn notice. That lasted less then a turn cycle. I have learned my lesson, no good deed goes unpunished. There will be hard lessons learned by several European countries. The German rose appears easy to pluck, but our thorns are sharp.
  6. I thank thee for these kind words. I will take your report and work it into my next post. I've heard it rumored that all WEA troops ran like chickens and are being followed by the peaceful forces of the SEA and the NEA. Care to comment on those rumors? Well, the concept that they are truly seperate alliances is a bit of a reach, since Hungary and Poland are TA's. I will let the next few turns give you your answer. I think, perhaps, Monty used to be a propaganda minister for Saddam Hussein.
  7. Which fertile lands are you referring to?
  8. I love your reports, Falco. I can give you a little bit of info on the Central Europe front. These of course are sensitive government documents, so some is censored in the interests of national security. In southern Germany, the Hungarians have finally finished rebuilding their tank corps, which was badly mauled in the Czech campaign, and have attacked into Germany. The Poles launched a massive offensive on turn 23, with more than 30 full strength mobile divisions. The out gunned British tankers (deleted for purposes of national security) It is expected that (deleted for purposes of national security). The Austrians meanwhile launched an offensive into the industrial heart of France. No word on whether they were coordinating with the Poles. The French (deleted for purposes of national security). More news as it happens. Baltic States is advancing along the Baltic in force against Denmark. The Danes (deleted for purposes of national security) Hope this helps. You seem to have forgotten the slaughter of GB surface and submarine forces by the Irish air force and Canadian navy, respectively. . . Deathwalker US-87 Uh, he asked for Central Europe reports. Perhaps your maps need updating. Besides, other than the subs, (less than a dozen subs is hardly a slaughter) my naval misfortunes off the Iberian penninsula have been covered.
  9. I love your reports, Falco. I can give you a little bit of info on the Central Europe front. These of course are sensitive government documents, so some is censored in the interests of national security. In southern Germany, the Hungarians have finally finished rebuilding their tank corps, which was badly mauled in the Czech campaign, and have attacked into Germany. The Poles launched a massive offensive on turn 23, with more than 30 full strength mobile divisions. The out gunned British tankers (deleted for purposes of national security) It is expected that (deleted for purposes of national security). The Austrians meanwhile launched an offensive into the industrial heart of France. No word on whether they were coordinating with the Poles. The French (deleted for purposes of national security). More news as it happens. Baltic States is advancing along the Baltic in force against Denmark. The Danes (deleted for purposes of national security) Hope this helps.
  10. Well, we did have the Portuguese fleet in Mar1, doing a nice job on the Istanbul rail and then dying en masse when hit by a small portion of the Turkish air force. Then we have the Tunisian transport fleet, bravely taking on the Turkish subs off of Tunis without escorts, but that didn't go so well either for them. Perhaps the vaunted Strait brothers fear to advance too fast, so we can't hurt them too much? Well Marklen X, a quick review of the most Recent World Events summary shows our group taking 11 cities to your group's 10. My bet is that differential increases rapidly from here on. Deathwalker Hehe, I know that, I just wanted to provoke a response, get some dialog going again. What is up with Ireland DW Tunisia? I thought all you guys were in bed together.
  11. Another example of why your wit and wisdom is without peer.
  12. Well, we did have the Portuguese fleet in Mar1, doing a nice job on the Istanbul rail and then dying en masse when hit by a small portion of the Turkish air force. Then we have the Tunisian transport fleet, bravely taking on the Turkish subs off of Tunis without escorts, but that didn't go so well either for them. Perhaps the vaunted Strait brothers fear to advance too fast, so we can't hurt them too much?
  13. You took over Central Russia as it was a standby position? Would be a stunt, for certain. That would be funny. We would be enemies for the first time......... That's true, if I took over Central Russia, we would be enemies for the first time. Unless I offered you a TA, maybe???? Hmmmm........... Naaah, it'd be more fun pushing you back into the cold Arctic Ocean while at the same time pushing Dageraad back into the warm Persian Gulf!!! Now who is coming from the West???? Kurrasier, since SR and CR are TA's, you should find somebody to join you, and get both positions going again. That would really make the game fun.
  14. surrounded by... water. and doesn't a Sponge like water, anyway? Surrounded by Water thats Surrounded by potential enemy nations potential enemies? that from the leader that asked me to invade poland on the notion that i could not get out of bed (which was very true since it was my holiday) and other comments that could instigate a war on a brinks notice... if they were true Awww shirley.... (must not call potential allies a girls name) you must understand the way of the Sponge by now. Everyone and his cat must have told you every story there is about the Sponge? I consider everyone an enemy unless they have an alliance with me and even then I am suspicious. Dont take it personal; be one with the Sponge, join the club, visit the church of oceanography and INVADE POLAND AND CENTRAL RUSSIA, Leave Germany alone, he as uses at this time. Wow, I am under the protection of the Sponge, I wonder why I do not feel any more secure?
  15. The map is not perfect, but i have done some SIM POL's From Iceland turn 2: Ireland is totally allied to Italy Ireland has a nonaggression pact with Great Britain from Iceland turn 3: Great Britain is totally allied to Ireland Great Britain has a nonaggression pact with Iraq Great Britain has a nonaggression pact with Saudi Arabia from Iceland turn 5: Finland is totally allied to Italy Finland has a nonaggression pact with Norway Finland has a nonaggression pact with Sweden Finland has a nonaggression pact with Central Russia Finland is at war with Baltic States Finland is at war with Iceland Finland is at war with Northern Russia Sweden is totally allied to Italy Sweden has a nonaggression pact with Finland. Sweden is at war with Iceland Sweden is at war with Norway So: there is no direct TA relationship between you and Great Brittain on the one side and Sweden and Finland on the other side. But there is an indirect TA connection through Italy. The map is far from perfect in this. At this moment, Norway and Iceland have no evil intentions against GB or Ireland. We DO have great plans for Finland and Sweden. Our offensive capabilities against you are limited to coastal bombardment, which by itself is always fun, but we lack long range fighter support to defend our fleet and we do not want to throw away our ships as defenceless practice targets for your airforce. How did you get turn 5 processed already, maybe I can do that, and kick the Czechs and Austrians out.
  16. I have heard that German coal is very much in demand this time of the year.... German coal is already spoken for, thanks anyway. Although maybe the Czechs and Austrians can delay a couple of days, just to be sporting, so perhaps I can keep them!
  17. G'Day Marklen Where are you Why are you facing 2 against one Can the British help some how We are not attacking Iceland It stinks Can you do a coastal bombardment on xVienna or xPrague?
  18. Well, the Czechs and Austrians stole a turn on me, and perhaps will have two turns without any kind of effective resistance. Let's see what they can do with it. As I have said before, I am not Spongie, and attacking me is a tough proposition.
  19. Well, it appears I have a lot bigger problems than Denmark. All I can say is, I am not spongebob, and this is not 87.
  20. Not entirely unexpected, the assistance provided against Spain considered. How does Ireland fit in all of this? Rumania and all of Russia seem doomed. The fate of the Western European Alliance (Purple) is still undecided. But what will happen if it goes down? As of the last time I checked, they are not TA's with Algeria, but I am sure it will happen. The Russia situation is worrisome. Game 84 was almost destroyed when unethical people made a deal to let Central Russia be conquered without a fight. The fact that none of the Russias are doing anything, coupled with the fact that they have privacy options on, makes me leery. I hope it is mere coincidence.
  21. A little update for you, Algeria and Tunisia need to be shown as TA's with USA and Canada.
  22. Tis true you are Denmark, and no doubt I am the weakest link, hehe. Come and get me spongie, I am ready. Too bad you do not want peace, I tried.
  23. The Canadians avenged our ally a bit this round, sinking 4xBB and 4xDD while losing only 5xDD and a bit of damage on some Cruisers. Thanks Marklen! Feel free to send in some more next turn....I have a surprise waiting for you. In true British fashion, Admiral Pound has been sent to Davey Jones' locker..... You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. I suppose the US air force is feeling a bit dissapointed, however. Yeah, but I wouldn't expect those ships to make it back home either....looks like you traded xBilbao and xLondon industry for some of xLa Coruna's Airbase...the warships are about even....we'll take that trade. I didn't think you had the wherewithal to sink those battleships, but I did not expect the Algerian air force to do it for you. I guess Falco better pick up the pace, obviously Des doesn't have enough on his plate. Hungary, you better hurry up, or Poland is going to beat you to the channel.
  24. So will you be breaking with me and attacking my northern border, or do you want peace?
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