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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. The Canadians avenged our ally a bit this round, sinking 4xBB and 4xDD while losing only 5xDD and a bit of damage on some Cruisers. Thanks Marklen! Feel free to send in some more next turn....I have a surprise waiting for you. In true British fashion, Admiral Pound has been sent to Davey Jones' locker..... You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. I suppose the US air force is feeling a bit dissapointed, however.
  2. I have no doubt if you should defeat me, you will revise history to suit your needs, however, I am not Spongebob, and you have a lot of work to do. For now, thanks to Falco for setting the record straight, and we shall see if you can change it.
  3. If it were just the Hungarian T-34's I would whup him good, but there are an equal number of Polish panzers, and the bulk of my air force has to defend Great Britain against the western hordes, so it will be a very unequal fight. I can't wait! I did not hear you complain so much when you attacked a poor defensless sponge en mass 4 onto 1. You all picked on the weaker player and now the tables have turned you are looking for world sympathy. Why not leave Europe for the liberators, head home, defend those shores because its going to be a race; who will get to London first. East or West. Uh, first of all, I am not complaining, merely stating the fact that it will not be a 1 on 1 fight with you. I am good with that, you clearly will need help to do what you brag you will do. Secondly, there was never a 4 on 1 on sponge. Poland and Lowlands both were war with us from the start, and Baltic States, Norway and Finland went to war with Denmark long before Germany fell. From what I remember from those early days France, Czech, Denmark and your good self were running around the Sponges aquarium in a determined effort to wipe him out. The others only took advantage to stop your continued progress. Should THEY have done nothing and allowed you and your allies free passage? You clearly have some grievance against my stewardship of Hungary, the country of my exile allowing yourself the belief it is not deserved or that progress has been at the behest of my allies. When the final curtain falls we can have a frank and open discussion on all aspects of how we finish in this game. Untill then I will continue to march on London. You have your facts wrong. Both France and Great Britain were at war with Lowlands before they were at war with Germany. Hungary, Poland and Norway all went to war with our alliance BEFORE one French or British unit crossed into Germany. Sponge likes to play the poor me card, but if he had played his position better, he could of easily saved it.
  4. If it were just the Hungarian T-34's I would whup him good, but there are an equal number of Polish panzers, and the bulk of my air force has to defend Great Britain against the western hordes, so it will be a very unequal fight. I can't wait! I did not hear you complain so much when you attacked a poor defensless sponge en mass 4 onto 1. You all picked on the weaker player and now the tables have turned you are looking for world sympathy. Why not leave Europe for the liberators, head home, defend those shores because its going to be a race; who will get to London first. East or West. Uh, first of all, I am not complaining, merely stating the fact that it will not be a 1 on 1 fight with you. I am good with that, you clearly will need help to do what you brag you will do. Secondly, there was never a 4 on 1 on sponge. Poland and Lowlands both were war with us from the start, and Baltic States, Norway and Finland went to war with Denmark long before Germany fell.
  5. If it were just the Hungarian T-34's I would whup him good, but there are an equal number of Polish panzers, and the bulk of my air force has to defend Great Britain against the western hordes, so it will be a very unequal fight. I can't wait! WHY OH WHY did you put that army there then????????????????????????????????????? I guess it could be used better defending France against the italian assault. I am hopeful it can do some damage before it goes away. We shall see. What am I supposed to do, keep it out of the way while you run over Europe?
  6. If it were just the Hungarian T-34's I would whup him good, but there are an equal number of Polish panzers, and the bulk of my air force has to defend Great Britain against the western hordes, so it will be a very unequal fight. I can't wait!
  7. Uh, British tanks are as tough as German tanks right now, we just do not have an uber division like the SS, but then neither do you! I think the French killed them. But I got some T34s with your name on them Should be easy for you, T-34's against my A 13's, and Poland and Austria to help you, what will you say if you fail?
  8. Yes...your ally sank some battleships. However, my guess is Larry rebuilds them before you rebuild your industry....... Tick tock.....tick tock...... Lol, that would be a neat trick, since London is already at full capacity. Those same BB's levelled xBilbao also....and it is certainly not rebuilt. That could be, but I thought you were speaking to me. I can't rebuild Spanish industry.
  9. Is it a message - A secret sign What is this Monk? Never heard of him Why is he dressed like a sponge? What does it all mean? Your gonna have to exlaine that secret message, I am but a sponge. As for this Monk, he is evil, he needs to die, he likes to dress up and it mean he can never be trusted. Your lucky hes not near you Uh, I start the game with those NAP's, and on turn 2 I can't break them, what is your point? Not muck happening around here! Canada is totally allied to Spain Canada is totally allied to United States Germany has a nonaggression pact with Poland Germany has a nonaggression pact with Lowlands Germany has a nonaggression pact with Baltic States Germany has a nonaggression pact with Switzerland Germany has a nonaggression pact with Austria Germany has a nonaggression pact with Czechoslovakia Germany has a nonaggression pact with Denmark Germany has a nonaggression pact with France A little indecision from Germany me thinks I wonder if every nation around him wants a piece of him. He could be playing possom Perfect Paul.
  10. Yes...your ally sank some battleships. However, my guess is Larry rebuilds them before you rebuild your industry....... Tick tock.....tick tock...... Lol, that would be a neat trick, since London is already at full capacity.
  11. Uh, British tanks are as tough as German tanks right now, we just do not have an uber division like the SS, but then neither do you! I think the French killed them.
  12. Some interesting developments in the British Ilses, eh Larry? Nice try on the Colorado's, but that has got to hurt.
  13. I do not wish to offend anybody, but I cannot wait until the world cup is over. I was watching a bit the other day, but needing a bit more excitement, went outside to watch the grass grow instead. What is up with every time somebody breathes a little hard on one of the players, he collapses and acts like he has been shot? Reminds me of a joke we had when I was playing high school football. What is the hardest thing about playing soccer in school?
  14. Kudos to Spongebob. He may be annoying, but he paid his wager. I received my bottle of Scotch on Tuesday!
  15. None have to make it out. They did their job. 4000+ rail gone. You cannot rebuild that much over the rest of the game. It has been generous of you to lay off Tunisia and Libya. They should be rested and ready to go now. Deathwalker Like you say, time to have a littlle fun. What fun would it be if we just rolled through Africa? Of course, I have not been just sitting on my hands all this time, and should be able to make a nice warm spot for any Portuguese sailors that are able to swim to shore. Of course, if they swim to the European side, the citizens may not treat them so well! It will be inconvenient, to be sure, but I will make do.
  16. Finally some action. I look forward to seeing how many of those Portuguese ships make it out.
  17. I guess I have not officially announced, but I am playing Germany. Peace will reign in central Europe.
  18. An excellent synopsis. A few details for you. Yes France has declared lots of wars, but other than Lowlands and Germany, all were either in response to the other country declaring war on France's TA's or being blocked by ceded locales. The Czechs are in dire straits, but still hold xBratislava in one of the epic defenses I have seen in this game. Until it falls, the Hungarians cannot march to the sea, as they can only trace supply through Austria, who is an ally, but not a TA. The defense of Odense was another epic, that lasted several turns against formidible odds. Norway, Finland, BS and Poland are all ganging up on Denmark, and due to other factors, the Danes have been mostly fightiing alone. USA is attacking GB hard. There are 10 Colorado's in the channel, (they will never leave) and Ireland ceded him Belfast, to help him get into the war against Britain. Fortunately, that was anticipated. The Canadians are making headway against undefended provinces, but can only bring light troops ashore, and are evaporating before our eyes from air power. We are outnumbered on every front, but that makes it more fun! The Americans have brought themselves to the brink of bankruptcy with their ship building, and are no doubt counting on European cities to bail them out. The will go away disappointed, I am afraid. Yes, those Colorado's that leveled xLondon are a tempting target. . . . but do you hit them, finish the transports that dropped troops and supplies to support the invasion, or hit the landing craft headed for the beaches. A truly difficult decision. . . Even if you sink the first wave, more warships are on the way. . . . Clearly you have never faced a US leader who managed his country properly. My name is not OBAMA. . . . I know how to control my spending to fund the truly important things. . . . things that go BOOM!!! Deathwalker US-87 A no brainerr, frankly. You will no doubt be surprised to learn GB is not as lightly defended as Spain was. Yes, it is true that the ferocity of your attack caught us a bit by surprise, but because it is an island, the majority of British troops that have been built are still at home. There will be no survivors of an attack on GB soil. As for more waves, we will just have to see. I like my air force, and if you cannot get control of the air, you will play hell getting your ships to my coast. Either way, it will be fun to see how it turns out. Oh, and I am not Obama either, there are plenty of things that go boom in GB, beginning with Dublin.
  19. An excellent synopsis. A few details for you. Yes France has declared lots of wars, but other than Lowlands and Germany, all were either in response to the other country declaring war on France's TA's or being blocked by ceded locales. The Czechs are in dire straits, but still hold xBratislava in one of the epic defenses I have seen in this game. Until it falls, the Hungarians cannot march to the sea, as they can only trace supply through Austria, who is an ally, but not a TA. The defense of Odense was another epic, that lasted several turns against formidible odds. Norway, Finland, BS and Poland are all ganging up on Denmark, and due to other factors, the Danes have been mostly fightiing alone. USA is attacking GB hard. There are 10 Colorado's in the channel, (they will never leave) and Ireland ceded him Belfast, to help him get into the war against Britain. Fortunately, that was anticipated. The Canadians are making headway against undefended provinces, but can only bring light troops ashore, and are evaporating before our eyes from air power. We are outnumbered on every front, but that makes it more fun! The Americans have brought themselves to the brink of bankruptcy with their ship building, and are no doubt counting on European cities to bail them out. The will go away disappointed, I am afraid.
  20. Ah, I see, so it's the Hungarian navy I must fear. In that case, I will take away their harpoons, make it an even fight. I look forward eagerlly to meeting the Hungarian super tanks on the battlefield.
  21. No place better than to trash than France. I am kind of surprised you would use you free game on a game as mature as 82, but to each his own. If you keep up with world events, you'll see I have been down in Egypt for a few turns at least. Here's to blowing France back to the ice age! France? France has been dead in this game a long time!
  22. We shall soon find out what amount of arm points you moved to the continent. Hope you left enough on your island or some Marines might go sightseeing in London. Von Manstein Gasp! You mean now I must fear the Austrian Navy? I will detail a couple of old men in a rubber raft to defeat you. I will give them both a harpoon, so you will at least feel you were defeated by a superior force. I am quite confident, the Homeguard, in concert with the RAF and RN will keep our shores quite safe for the time being. Long enough to get Monty looking for another position to move to.
  23. Field Marshal, it would be appreciated if somebody would come to me, rather than me have to travel hundreds of miles for a little entertainment. I don't think cookiing is what the Brits are known for. You know what they say. Heaven on earth is an American job, a British butler, a Chinese cook and a Japanese wife. Hell on earth is a Japanese job, a British cook, a Chinese butler and an American wife.
  24. More than one army has perished on the Austrian French border and more will follow. But as France knows sooner or later he will loose. But at least we're having fun! What UK armies? You have to be kidding! Did you not see my spies?? Oh we do agree on Sponge. Never apologise for killing him. Too bad I was occupied hunting Monty in the Alps otherwise I could have had some fun with our yellow friend. Those were spies? We thought they were just wandering gypsies in need of a nights shelter and a good meal. Those armies are really just commands, but we pretend they are big. Nobody need worry about those.
  25. Point by point: - The rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated (Not sure how you write that and I don't care. You get the msg) - Annihilation? - Reserves? Yes! - Frontline guys? They are near the front offcourse! - Italians benefitting? Well sure. THAT WAS THE INTENTION!!! Oops. - Corraled? Don't know that word. Please use simple language. But I guess the corallers have some issues with the US Marine Corps. - Czechoslovakia? That is just xCzechoslovakia by now. - UK? Oh you forgot the UK and those armies. Where is Sponge? I feel the urgent need to offend someone. Not sure whose points you are referring to Field Marshall. I specifically said it was NOT the disaster it could of been. Your 42nd army almost perished. Your reserves wlll be needed at the front, too bad there is nobody to hit you at home anymore. The Americans were expected, though not in Iberia. We will deal with them I am sure. It is the Norwegian-BS-Pole group that is helping you more now, as I am going to have to respond to them, instead of you. What UK armies? We are a naval power. I killed Sponge off, sorry, if I had known you wanted to keep him around, I would of still killed him, sorry. But he signed his own death warrant when he wagered me a fifth of scotch that I could not take German territory. Until then, I was going to pull out and hit Ireland. He has not paid up yet btw.
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