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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Well well, good to see you finally declare yourself. So we are fighting the Strait brothers in two games now eh? Should be fun.
  2. I am not signed up for this game, but am considering it. Anybody here who could use a TA from one of those open countries? Drop me a line if so.
  3. Moi? <looking innocent> All those swiss bankers? Worthless scum. Can't even produce their own food!!! Lill frenchie is provin to be a tough nut to crack. But vhile I keep his troops occupied my little italian pasta eating friend is taking a walk in France, liberating a lot of provinces. BTW Remember those 7 Czech divisions that tried to do the same thing in Vienna? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. How can a serious General work together with those pasta eaters? Don't you know that they will let you down later on? But rumors abound that the great austrian army met a horrifying fate in the fields of France. As your airforce was destroyed by those worthless bankers who fled to Hungary, so is the flower of austria destroyed in trenches of those goatcheese eating froggies. Keeping them occupied is another way of putting it.... Not quite the disaster it could of been. Very close to total annihilation. The Austrians may have reserves, but they kind of need some frontline guys at the moment. The Itis have benefited from the French preoccupation with Austria, no doubt, but they have been corraled a bit of late. Will Hungary ever actually take any cities of import in Czechoslovakia?
  4. But then, wouldn't this be the case for every country in war? I'd not be happy if someone landed in my homecountry, while all armies are running around wreaking havoc in egypt. Guess meanwhile your alliance is at war with more than half of the world. How did ya'll get into this predicament? Caught between a rock and a hard place. I will tell you how they got into this Mess - ME - they were so blinded by the easy target I was that they did not think of what would happen once I was gone. Sometimes it is wise to be a friend if the Sponge even if the Sponge does not survive. Not quite Spongie. With Denmark, France and Czechoslovakia TAs, what is the obvious country to attack? As for the rest, just a confluence of events. Ireland and Great Britain are always fated to fight, and Ireland had two TAs. Poland attacked Czechoslovakia sensing an easy kill, but found out otherwise. He was checked until Monty did the country hopping thing into Hungary and hit the Czechs from behind. Norway, BS and Finland took out Sweden, and their obvious next target was Denmark. Same with Italy and Austria after Switzerland, we knew they would be attacking us. Yugoslaviia and Greece happen to be their TAs. Algeria fought Spain for Morocco, as for Tunisia, something there is fishy. Anyway, just the fact of too many neighbors. I like the odds though, 13 on 5. That is not counting 3 dead enemies. We may not hold, but we intend to cut down that 13 number a bit. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, isn't that what they say? So actually I think we are friends already. The African alliance (AFA) is in war with your alliance, we (MEA) are at war with them. So the WEA isn't all alone. There's even the EAE (BUL&ROM) which are also enemies of one of your other enemy alliances, the SEA. So the EAE are also our friends. So the WAE, the MEA and the EAE are fighting the NEA, the SEA, the AA and the AFA. Makes it more even, doesn't it? Only 3 vs 4. Friend, what can we do for you? If your alliance was actually fighting them, yes it would, but words will not divert forces nor take cities. They have suffered greivous losses, and their bad news is not over by a long sight. I think the Field Marshall has it right, it will be a long hot summer on the continent. We will sit and relax in nice cool London town I think.
  5. Finally, a little action. Good to see you guys are ready to fight.
  6. Country Hopping, is this some sort of Dance? I went into exile from Switzerland and when the great nation of Hungary found itself being torn apart by civil war I just stepped into the political void and brought order to chaos. I could have seeked revenge on the Austrians but the people of Switzerland decided they would be better off under Austrian and Italian rule. Who am I to go against public opinion. Czechoslovakia was already at war with Hungary, they thought they could grab an easy meal. One final thing, the odds you speak of, do I detect a hint of desperation? Yes, in a way it is, the dance of the beaten. They cannot accept having been defeated, and so they change to another country, and claim to be doing well, when in effect they have already lost this game. I have long said I consider the practice to be gamey and unethical, but it is there, so I will deal with it. As for desperate, there is no time when Victory! is as fun as when facing huge odds. I have done it enough times, it does not faze me at all. The question is, with all of your numbers advantages, what will you have to say if you lose?
  7. But then, wouldn't this be the case for every country in war? I'd not be happy if someone landed in my homecountry, while all armies are running around wreaking havoc in egypt. Guess meanwhile your alliance is at war with more than half of the world. How did ya'll get into this predicament? Caught between a rock and a hard place. I will tell you how they got into this Mess - ME - they were so blinded by the easy target I was that they did not think of what would happen once I was gone. Sometimes it is wise to be a friend if the Sponge even if the Sponge does not survive. Not quite Spongie. With Denmark, France and Czechoslovakia TAs, what is the obvious country to attack? As for the rest, just a confluence of events. Ireland and Great Britain are always fated to fight, and Ireland had two TAs. Poland attacked Czechoslovakia sensing an easy kill, but found out otherwise. He was checked until Monty did the country hopping thing into Hungary and hit the Czechs from behind. Norway, BS and Finland took out Sweden, and their obvious next target was Denmark. Same with Italy and Austria after Switzerland, we knew they would be attacking us. Yugoslaviia and Greece happen to be their TAs. Algeria fought Spain for Morocco, as for Tunisia, something there is fishy. Anyway, just the fact of too many neighbors. I like the odds though, 13 on 5. That is not counting 3 dead enemies. We may not hold, but we intend to cut down that 13 number a bit.
  8. Our alliance already is at war with the nr 1 on this list. You, as the nr 2, want to extend the conflict to the nr 3? Ever heard of the concept of "Hubris"? Wasn't that the name of the main character in that series written bij Piers Anthony, "Bio of a space tyrant"? I'm not at war with Algeria. I (almost) wasn't involved in actions against SA and UAE (who both declared war on me). Southern European alliance is at war with both the west and the east (where they're not really winning as far as we can see). How many troops do you think are located in the heel of Italy? This would be a perfect time to attack there. And it would strenghten the west european alliance, giving them some air to organize. As far as I can see, a perfect strategy (as long as the russians don't get involved in the war, that is). I like how you think. We are only at war with half the countries in the game. Yes, I'm always one who helps the poor and needy of this world.... :-) Who said you need to be poor to be needy? but you are right..taking a province in the tail of Italy will not be a big challance. ..staying there however will be of a complete other dimension... Super Mario I am not so sure. With your entire air force and all of your troops in the north, and the Spanish now in the war, can you afford to pull forces from that front? I think a one division attack would have little chance at success, but a well thought out offensive could drive you out of the war.
  9. Our alliance already is at war with the nr 1 on this list. You, as the nr 2, want to extend the conflict to the nr 3? Ever heard of the concept of "Hubris"? Wasn't that the name of the main character in that series written bij Piers Anthony, "Bio of a space tyrant"? I'm not at war with Algeria. I (almost) wasn't involved in actions against SA and UAE (who both declared war on me). Southern European alliance is at war with both the west and the east (where they're not really winning as far as we can see). How many troops do you think are located in the heel of Italy? This would be a perfect time to attack there. And it would strenghten the west european alliance, giving them some air to organize. As far as I can see, a perfect strategy (as long as the russians don't get involved in the war, that is). I like how you think. We are only at war with half the countries in the game.
  10. He will die soon enough.
  11. Delayed just for what? That is my point, you do virtually nothing but take an undefended city, and for that you delay? What's the point? You honestly think I delayed for this? As you say, what would be the point? No, I figured you would move your fighters, since they were getting attrited into oblivion, and your fleet has moved. Big deal. Perhaps you were gathering intel for your mates, but that does not seem likely either. I was hoping you had landed on Britain, but I did not really think you that silly. You mean those 2x 5 airbases you managed to destroy. Pure annihilation. Besides in total your airforce bleeded harder to get to these poor results. Really you should use your bombers helping your French friend against Italy. You are TA's right?. I am amazed by the pace he is taking Southern France, looks like he is only building LDB to stop him. Keep hoping it though, paranoia is a great thing in times of war. Sure, that's why you moved them. It looks to me like you were getting a bit beat up, and that is just the start. There is no place to hide on your little island, and I will visit you again. Air Group Name Experience Start / End Air Group Name Experience Start / End 1st Fighter, Spitfire IA Veteran 69 / 69 2nd Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 60 / 60 3rd Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 69 / 69 4th Fighter, Spitfire IA Veteran 61 / 61 5th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 60 / 60 6th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 51 / 51 7th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 69 / 69 8th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 52 / 52 9th Fighter, Spitfire IA Veteran 62 / 62 10th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 69 / 69 11th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 60 / 60 12th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 46 / 46 13th Fighter, Spitfire IA Veteran 62 / 62 14th Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 61 / 61 15th Fighter, Spitfire IA Veteran 56 / 56 16th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 69 / 69 17th Fighter, Spitfire IA Veteran 55 / 55 18th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 69 / 69 19th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 69 / 69 20th Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 69 / 69 21st Fighter, Spitfire IA Veteran 62 / 62 22nd Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 59 / 59 23rd Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 55 / 55 24th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 35 / 35 25th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 52 / 52 26th Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 69 / 69 27th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 69 / 69 28th Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 69 / 69 29th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 69 / 69 30th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 69 / 69 31st Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 60 / 60 32nd Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 69 / 69 33rd Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 45 / 45 34th Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 60 / 60 35th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 60 / 60 36th Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 48 / 48 37th Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 69 / 69 38th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 69 / 69 39th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 60 / 60 40th Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 60 / 60 41st Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 38 / 38 42nd Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 49 / 49 43rd Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 23 / 23 44th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 42 / 42 61st Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 50 / 50 62nd Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 69 / 69 63rd Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 74 / 74 64th Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 74 / 74 65th Fighter, Spitfire IA Green 74 / 74 66th Fighter, Spitfire IA Line 74 / 74
  12. Delayed just for what? That is my point, you do virtually nothing but take an undefended city, and for that you delay? What's the point? You honestly think I delayed for this? As you say, what would be the point? No, I figured you would move your fighters, since they were getting attrited into oblivion, and your fleet has moved. Big deal. Perhaps you were gathering intel for your mates, but that does not seem likely either. I was hoping you had landed on Britain, but I did not really think you that silly.
  13. Delayed just for what? That is my point, you do virtually nothing but take an undefended city, and for that you delay? What's the point?
  14. Wow Hersir, you delayed just for that? Amazing.
  15. The Japanese had tanks, but they never progressed beyond the quality of the US Stuart. Their Betty bomber would be the finest naval bomber of the set for the first 40 turns or so, and should be a good tactical bomber as well, and they should have good infantry, the real problem is their fighter technology, which is excellent through 1942, but does not evolve much after that. The Yamato and Musashi class BB's should be awesome, but naval power is far more an auxillary component in Europe than it would be in the Pacific. The French had probably the best tanks in the world in 1939, but obviously after 1940 their progress would stop. I like the concept of a mixed tech. I would also like to see more obvious national units, like the Russian artillery division. Russian infantry divisions should be half the size of German divisions, which are smaller than US divisions. US divisions should use twice as much general supply as all other nations, but US Marine divisions should be considerably tougher than any of their counterparts.
  16. By far the most important factor on the armor division is the DSM, and the British have the same as the German until the 30's. The SS division is certainly tougher, but the extra cost means that the British can have more. As Stalin said, "quantity has a quality all it's own."
  17. Those super tanks that the british have. Mighty Crusaders! In the earlly stages of the game, the British tanks are a match for anybodies. The problem is, they really don't get any better. Monty, it looks to me like the Czechs are still there, rumors of their demise were greatly exaggerated. Good news bad news for the Austrians. Sure, you could build a couple of panzers in Vienna, but that means it was your aic 1, which will really hurt if you don't take it back this turn.
  18. The power of the T34 is insignificant compared to the power of the (Air) Force! Zhat is one thing I learned in game 80. Complete ARMIES were reduced to dust by airpower. Keep 'm coming! Von Manstein Do you know the joke about the 7 czechoslovakian infantery division that tried to take xVienna.. .They got bombed to pieces before they had a chance of shooting one bullet... Bah, we don't need no stinking planes. I am just building tanks! And I have seen what passes for an Austrian air force, and that sure didn't kill the Czechs.
  19. Yeah, I have, but since on your last turn, you did not have any T-34's, any knowledge the Hungarians have of them is second hand at best. So are you going to move some of your shiny new T-34's out of Komarno, so we can smudge them up a bit?
  20. What alliance is NR in? I am a bit color blind, but they do not appear to match anybody else?
  21. Me Qui I can confirm as i am currently on reconnesence in Paris... Mario, dulce d Italy Don't miss Eurodisney! It must be fun. Von Manstein I do not believe that his tour package includes that, though he may see a part of the city that most never do.
  22. They are headed in the wrong direction. They should be headed south. Hey, Russians! We have vodka waiting!!! Do not despair! There wil be lots and lots of Persian and Iraqi T-34's going south real soon! Seems that someone is handing out free wodka...... Dag, be sure to color in all of the former Spongistan next time you do a map, it is all gone now except East Prussia.
  23. We eagerly await your visit. Last time you came, we were away in Syria, and I am afraid we were not there to receive you properly. This Time I promise we will greet you far more enthusiastically.
  24. Well, Spongistan has shrunk considerably since that, I should note. Sorry Spongie, but I guess I was tougher than you thought.
  25. Funny how ones luck can change. Von Manstein That is more prescient than you know, Field Marshall.
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