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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. South America is not on the Vic map Sponge. But you can pick it the next game. I know that I just get left with a bad taste in my mouth when I share a game with the Viper, if he sails off the edge of the world I will not have to worry about him stabbing me in the back. I suppose Desfeeney and CD Earnst are the ones running USA and Canada Well, we all are aware that you don't need to get stabbed in the back......... so why worry so much? The thing that really troubles me about this war Hersir, is it appears that Spongeboob is rooting for me. As for Sponge softening us up, I cannot recall any losses suffered at the hands of Germany, I have got a little bit of experience though, which will come in handy against Ireland, USA and Canada I am sure.
  2. Cry havoc, and let loose the dogs of war!
  3. Ah, spongie, we run on the same day, and you managed to go first this time, so you will last one more turn.
  4. This is my kind of Victory! game. Our 4 little countries are now at war with Ireland, Italy, Algeria, Greece, Yugoslavia, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Baltic States, Finland, and Norway. With Lowlands vanquished but USA, Canada and other TA's on the horizon. If you can get just a few more on your side Spongeboob, you still will die. Waiting to hear from the Russians. It is a great boon to them if they can avoid fighting until the T-34 arrives. I am glad I am not playing an eastern European nation right now.
  5. I sure hope this does not challenge my #1 position on your list Wow Hersir, I was expecting a heck of a fight, but how tough could a sponge lackey be?
  6. Wow, what a relief. I was worried you would be rooting for me in the war with Ireland. I have been expecting Ireland to go to war with me for some time, and am not really very worried. He may do some damage, while I am pointed at the mainland, but I am confident in the ultimate outcome. I know his new world friends will be involved, and welcome that challenge. It will be fun to fight an opponent, rather than a punching bag like Spongeboob.
  7. Since you will basically be eliminated by the end of my next turn, are you saying that you are going to stick around to watch the fun? Not like those 6 weak sauce divisions in Coburg will stand up to tanks. This is almost 1941, what do you hope to accomplish with cavalry against modern armies?
  8. Not up to your usual fine work Dag. How did Great Britain become allied to the USA?
  9. Let me help you dag. Spongboob still owns Erfurt, Fulda, Zwickau and Coburg, and possibly something near the Austrian border, though I doubt Manstein was so kind.
  10. I doubt that. They not only killed off Spongeboobs tanks, they wasted your best army. And that is just a sideshow for France, as Austria found out. I am not sure you are the hunter anymore, we shall see. I did more damage to the French military machine than he did to me so I will take that at face value, France has a stark choice. Stay in Prague, come out for round two or head home with his tail between his legs. As France does not post here I can only hope his allies speak wise words and advise him to head home. His lines of supply are stretched, mine are not, read into that what you will. Go home while you still can, their is a time when you cannot save an ally and to try is foolish. Bah, you no doubt are putting some stock in the Austrian invasion of France. Manstein is not being forthcoming with news of his disaster, so just let me say this, the only Austrians still on French soil are dead or POW's. France accomplished exactly what he wanted. If he leaves Czechoslovakia, it will be because he wants to, not with his tail between his legs. That is just a small part of his army, and he does not need it in France. You have far more worries than France, as you will soon see.
  11. I doubt that. They not only killed off Spongeboobs tanks, they wasted your best army. And that is just a sideshow for France, as Austria found out. I am not sure you are the hunter anymore, we shall see.
  12. I have been awaiting more pithy comments from Manstein and Spongeboob, but I guess they just cannot think of anything to say.
  13. I did, but AFTER the UAE did. Apologies were expressed for that. It was the only way to kick you out. And Tunesia. And Algeria. Kuwayt is liberated now. Alas, as GB is already TA'd with 4 other nations it is impossible to cede control back. But no problem. The people of Kuwayt are in good hands now. Though those who suffered under UAE occupation (And Tunesia, and Algeria), are still a bit upset. We are working on that. Umm, if you have sued me for peace, I must of missed it
  14. Right, and I am the Queen of England.
  15. I could see why you keep thinking that Czech is finished. If you were running my country, you wouldn't have seen turn 6. The only reason you are still around is that there are some small pockets where you can hide. Don't worry, I will find you and eliminate the last of the Sponges. Then maybe we won't have to hear your stupid comments anymore. As a firm admirer of Czechain beer and women, and as a spectator from far away: What happened in turn 6? How is the war progressing? What are Ireland, the US and Canada planning? Coming to your rescue to even the odds or looking for an opportunity to slip in an extra knife? As your alliance is at war with Algeria, Algeria is TA'd to the UAE, and the UAE is at war with us, the friend of an enemy of and enemy of a friend can be a friend. Or something like that. Ireland is on record as having designs on Great Britain, and I am sure he is just waiting until the west can provide enough help to make that possible. Sponge is done, in two turns, he will not have a province or city left.
  16. wow, it appears that Sweden, Balltic States, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland and Northern Russia all quit on the same day. All made peace with the computer on the same day. Race Pilsner, it looks to me like you are one cheating SOB Care to defend yourself?
  17. Wow,there is a guy that buys propaganda hook line and sinker. I am not losing any country, to answer your question. He will be losing GB at some point. Still can't figure who leaked this information.................. but you are right. Leaked what info? I declared early as GB. Or you mean that I am losing? Well, I am sure that is just another wild fantasy of Sponge's. Since you are his lackey I hear, I am sure you believe it.
  18. Wow,there is a guy that buys propaganda hook line and sinker. I am not losing any country, to answer your question.
  19. Keep thinking the way you are and we shall soon see who is facing disaster. I have a Prussian holiday home, a deposit waiting to pay the first one who cedes me copenhagen and a hidden mountain hideaway so I am going to be in this game for a very very long time. Well, you cannot get ceded Copenhagen in this game, it is too large. For it to get below 25 will take 70 turns of starvation. That pretty much sums up the fantasy land you live in I suppose. You think that mishmash of divisions in Fulda will survive now that I have nothing to do but kill sponges? You have been ignored for some time, but not any more.
  20. Sponge, your lack of knowledge of this game is epic. You are hardly on the way back, in fact, you are turns away from complete annihilation. The Austrians face a disaster of major magnitude. The reason you do not hear from us all the time, is how many times and how many ways can you say somebody is toast?
  21. I am a little color blind, is purple the western alliance? Also, Ireland and the western hemispere are in cahoots, you can change them to the same color. Bob is full of crap as usual, he is toast. Austria is invading France, not sure it will go well for him.
  22. Spaceman, you fought hard. I cannot fault your gamesmanship in any way. Baltic States and company on the other hand...
  23. PORTUGAL is still here!!! However, I'll wager that pussy Race Pilsner and his crew dropped. He can't handle facing real players. Deathwalker Deathwalker, I suspect you are correct. Never have I seen a game so distorted by the gamey antics of one player. There are three groups left, I say we fight it out, so we can get something out of this game other than frustration. Meet you somewhere in the Alps, what do you say?
  24. LOL your a funny chap!!! Now where are my ships, oh yes they have finished bombing denmark, now off to London OH NO!! Say it isn't so Spongie, whatever would I do is a half dozen light cruisers showed up off London?
  25. Excellent work on the map. Bob, rolling over on your back and letting anybody have their way with you is not what most of us would call "taking you on", but whatever gets you through the night I suppose.
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