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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. I can update one thing for you. Italy, Austria, Yugoslavia and Greece are now TA's, so you can color them all the same.
  2. Wow Sponge, you take back Dresden and that qualifies as a huge setback for our alliance. No wonder you are such a loser. Getting one of your cronies in Hungary is not really going to matter long term, so do not get too excited. Hersir, if you put much stock in what Sponge says, you have not been paying attention.
  3. Just an assumption.......... to make it more interesting for the Bavarians to have a go at something. ....... on the other hand, it wasn't an all that crazy thought, wasn't it. Hersir Well, it makes me a bit paranoid, and believe you must be about to attack me. I guess that is not crazy talk. I never thought I would be saying this but Kill Him Marklen X Kill and Dismember the traitor. Hmm, I am in the mood to work out a peace deal, since sponge wants us to fight. How about you Hersir?
  4. Just an assumption.......... to make it more interesting for the Bavarians to have a go at something. ....... on the other hand, it wasn't an all that crazy thought, wasn't it. Hersir Well, it makes me a bit paranoid, and believe you must be about to attack me. I guess that is not crazy talk.
  5. Hersir, if you are truly Ireland, why would you say we are on the brink of war? I have made no move overt or covert against you. As for Spongie, if I was going to fight anybody, I would not want him fouling it up, I would do it myself. I have friends who are helpful for other than falling on their sword. Wow, Hungary, talk about a lack of fighting spirit. Take over the game, get attacked, drop. You must be a friend of Sponge.
  6. Find anyting interesting? Other than throngs of German citizens relieved to have the yoke of Spongistan removed from them, not much.
  7. Well, well, well, France has conquered xFrankfurt, gee, that didn't take long.
  8. Ok, I'll bite. Because?...... Because he has landed troops in Greece and intends on taking the war to the Baltics. Actually, there is more to it than that, and Istanbul is not Greece, FYI, but sovereign Turkish territory.
  9. It does appear this game is about to get really interesting.
  10. Wait, I know you, didn't you used to be the minister for information for Iraq under Saddam Hussein?
  11. Lowlands is not gone, he is fighting the good fight, ala Monty. He is badly outnumbered, and down to 3 provinces and cities, but he is a game fighter, and we will have to kill him, he will not commit suicide. The whole Sponge and xFrankfurt thing is a joke. It is undefended, and will remain so, until liberated from the oppresive regime of Spongistan. We have some serious competition from the Poland-Baltic States-Norway-Finland group, who have a bunch of allies involved also. USA and Canada also are in cahoots it seems, and will one day show up on our shores.
  12. H. S. Lahman, I want to salute you. It is guys like you that make the game fun for me. The gig is up now, but I appreciate and respect a guy that will fight against all odds. Hopefully we can do it on the same side sometime.
  13. Ah, what times are these, when passing ruffians can say "ni" at will to little old ladies.
  14. Nah, I only make wagers I know I will win, like outlasting spongie in a game.
  15. Were not related are we? Hey Spongie, you still playing? Do you not owe me some scotch?
  16. Well Sarge, I look forward to the rats. A Tunisian wharf rat stew will likely make our Tunisian POWs feel like they are at home.
  17. A few things that I would like to see. Most important, make countries build infantry. Infantry was the core of every army the world has ever seen, but in Victory! by turn 30 you see nothing worse than Marine divisions. If no more than 10% of your troops are allowed to be armored, it would be a good thing. Change ants rule, so infantry costs .5 perhaps. Certain planes in the game have no relation to the actual value they had historically. The Sturmovik was the most heavily produced plane in the war, yet is virtually useless in Victory!. Bombers should be allowed to rebase as a non mission order, and then run a turn. Allow Fighters to perform both an offensive and a defensive mission every turn. A fighter group that bombs a railway station should not be prohibited from intercepting a raid on it's base. Add a FDU radar. The British should get it in '40, the Germans and Americans in '41, and it should get better as the game goes on. New units available should include a Russian artillery division, American and British airborne divisions after 1939, and the US Marine divisions should be tougher. Also make the Russian infantry smaller, and cheaper with a less nts rating. I like that ships are vulnerable to land based air power. It is historical, even the US fleet avoided land based air when they had more than 20 carriers. To solve the ship SMR problem, allow a force that is just moving to move double SMR.
  18. Looking forward to the battle reports. BTW I think Sponge will contact you soon. He would love to know a few things about a good defense. What you talking about ManStain, Switzerland is dead before me, I am not out yet, I bet I last atleast 1 more turn than Monty... on second thoughts, best not bet again, its going to cost me too much in whisky. Anyway monty has only had to contend with two foes, me on the otherhand have had to deal with 4 at the last count plus all the sponge hateing masses who have done all they can behind the curtains to see the sponge fail. Spongie, you exagerate, you have been attacked by 2 people, that is all.
  19. Saddowy Girl can you do me a favour and tell rfousan to stop his waste of space postings, he is not playing the game, has no intention of doing so and I gave up sparing with him ages ago. He is on ignore, i will not respond to his nonsence, I will only respond to the waffle of players in this game. Talking of waffle I have just had some disturbing news, It seems this coming turn may well be my last, I wanted to last into double digits but it does not look like it will be so, I will be out next turn so yet again the Sponge will be dead. This time killed by a GIRL, I will have to update my signature, care to suggest an adendum? Don't know about the addendum Spongie, but I believe you owe me a fifth of scotch!
  20. Hmm, it appears that xHamburg has fallen to the Danes, perhaps your veracity is in question here? Don't you have enough trouble without going to war with Great Britain?
  21. Just out of interest, what is an equivalent from your neck of the woods, in fact where is your neck of the woods. My neck of the woods is California. And I have a very extensive wine collection, with some very valuable vintages. If you would like to let me know the approximate value of scotch you will be sending, I will find a cab, or if you prefer, other wine of similar value. I am thinking around the $25 mark and the correct way of saying it is MAY be sending not WILL I believe I said it correctly.
  22. Just out of interest, what is an equivalent from your neck of the woods, in fact where is your neck of the woods. My neck of the woods is California. And I have a very extensive wine collection, with some very valuable vintages. If you would like to let me know the approximate value of scotch you will be sending, I will find a cab, or if you prefer, other wine of similar value.
  23. I will continue to ramble for as long as I can and its going to take more than a couple of turns to get rid of me. I have a cunning plan to remain in this game forever, you will never, ever defeat me, ever. Germany is a BIG BIG place and I have a secret hide away just waiting for me to build a bunker. You should be a little more worried about what Poland and Hungary are doing to your homeland than think about my defeat. I am taking bets that I will outlast Czech. How much? Bottle of Single Malt from Scotland, criteria being who lasts longest in this game and if we both survive then the one with the highest victory points wins. And before eveyone jumps on the bandwaggon there is only 1 bottle of Scotch so back off. If I win then you send me an equivilent bottle of something from your fine country. Gentlemans agreement, handshake across the ocean and all that. Im a sponge of my word so I will take your acceptance honour bound. done
  24. I will continue to ramble for as long as I can and its going to take more than a couple of turns to get rid of me. I have a cunning plan to remain in this game forever, you will never, ever defeat me, ever. Germany is a BIG BIG place and I have a secret hide away just waiting for me to build a bunker. You should be a little more worried about what Poland and Hungary are doing to your homeland than think about my defeat. I am taking bets that I will outlast Czech. How much?
  25. They may well defeat the sponge one day but over my dead body well obviously, anyway you keep out of it, atleast there is no chance of you taking a piece of Germany. So spout all you want and when I have taken over Denmark and incorporated those lands into the fatherland then I will send a few ships your way and give you a slap Sure Spongie, whatever you say.
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