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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Gutenmorgen Monty, Just be carefull! Maybe some italian cows stray cross zhe border. Looking for green grass. BTW if I say I will move my sheep that means I will. Zhe sheep are fully fueled und supplied with mun&gen so there's no reason why they can't move. I will ask my airforce to scout for some pastures and move zhe sheep to Bellinzona. Happy herding, Von Manstein No No No - You need to move them back to the Austrian grazing fields not further into Switzerland And if Italian cows come to Switzerland then we will have to make beef burgers out of them. These constant farming disputes must come to an end, any way we can persuade your farmers to go and graze in another part of the world? Monty, Unfortunately this slimy Sponge tricked me into signing an alliance with him. Otherwise I vould have loved to take a walk in the gentle hills of southern Germany. But as things are at the moment there's only one way und that is the Autobahn through your lovely country. But your plan is to process today und kick my cute little sheep out of your mountains? Well I do like a nice roasted sheep. Please send them back to xVienna. Another subject. What vould come of the world & Vic! if Sponge was to be the winner of a game? Olalala Von Manstein Sponge, win? HAHAHA! Stop it, your killing me! I guess if Russ could do a game where Spongie was the only human player, against all computer opponents, he could finish the game, but would likely not win. Denmark and Czechoslovakia will easily defeat spongie.
  2. Lats race who reaches Berlin first! Czech won! Spongie has lost the use of 12 arm factories so far. Thanks GIRLY Monk has not taught you how to Shut Ya Mouth yet has he, but lets face it your a GIRL and GIRLZ cant shut there mouths ever, there always talking, clothes, shoes, makeup, what citys they have nagged to death. I think I will send my orders in now and see what happens Thanks Wow Sponge, you have to drop now, you lost your capital. Do you get beat up by girls a lot?
  3. Love these posts Harbinger. How is Iceland still plus 1, when he appears to be losing his country to Sweden? I doubt Egypt is still plus 1, you may have missed something.
  4. I was there! My vocal chords are still shredded. I still have a strange ringing in my ears also.
  5. Our noble and industrious cousins in Kuwait are suffering from cruel Brittish occupation. At the moment I am having a slight difference of opinion with the governments of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates about who of us would be most suited to liberate them. Although not much progress has been made recently and the issue is as yet undecided, the discussion is intense and new facts and figures keep popping up, preventing a clear definition of the situation IN SITU. Allthough all sides can agree about the desirability of a libaration PER SE, they all agree to disagree on zones of influence, the civil rights issue and the puppet government that has to be installed after the liberation has happened. Neutral observers point to the real issue behind this conflict: who will controll the rich oil reserves of the middle east. "War is a continuation of politics by other means." Von Clausewitz I think, given the circumstances, the Kuwaiti people would be best left in the gentle care of the British!
  6. Sure Sponge, happy to oblige. The Danish player is my old buddy.... Nah, can't do it.
  7. Sponge, Hmmm please please please send your armies south. I know some people in northern Europe who would LOVE to have some some german territory. Von Manstein Armys in the North, you speak as if I do not know whats going on, Denmark is Spongistan (now to be re-named Pickle Farm) - I know this land inside out and upside down and know better than most how to defeat it, I just wish I knew who was in charge so I can pin that ribbon to my chest along side Earthlings. As for you and your alliance we both know that once your finished with Switzerland you and Italy will turn your tanks north and I am not prepared to wait and neither are my allies. Austria was a free nation at the start and you chose to raise your flag there knowing the Sponge was to your north. But take note, How could you face the world ever again if you are next to face defeat at the hands of the Sponge. The prospect of seeing you eat humble pie and then the mighty HeavyB to follow is too great a challenge I cannot avoid. The only thing to save you would be to find out who plays Denmark. Do you know? care to tell? I know the person who is playing Denmark. You should of just asked me Sponge, if it was that important to you!
  8. I see not real reason to dislcose my TA's identity to you Sponge. I can tell you that I did not join this game with all my TA's. There are some I picked up after the start of the game. Truth is, I do not know the propaganda ministry identity of all my TA's, and will judge them on their behavior in this game, not your word, sorry.
  9. Pete, A far more common occurence is for people to put out one to many PAPs, and the first one then falls off. It is very likely an accident, so contact the individual first to make sure.
  10. Is anybody fighting them? Seems to me, they have a lot of computer opponents. Why don't I see Libya on that list?
  11. Mr. X, My apologies. I was thunderstruck!! "We are in Turkey!?" I thought. Checked with the defense minister. Our annual joint military manuevers with Egypt were to be held in Ismaillia. He didn't have his glasses on and read it to be Elmali. Our bad. As far as the current strengths of our alliances I look at it based on economies. For your alliance *One each for Persia, Iraq, Turkey, UAE=4 *.33 for Persia's control of South Russia assets=.33 *.33 for Iraq's control of Trans-Jordan assets=.33 *One for Turkey's and Iraq's control of Syria's assets=1 *One for Iraq's and UAE's control of Saudi Arabia's assets=1 A total of 6.66. Ohhhhhhhhhhh!! Your alliance is the Axis of Evil LOL For our alliance *One each for Tunisia, Libya, Egypt=3 *.5 for Greece (he's fighting a land war in the Balkans also)=.5 *One for Tunisia's and Libya's control of Algeria=1 *.66 for Egypt's control of Trans-Jordan assets=.66 *.1 for South Russia (there isn't much left, but she's gonna pull a "werewolf" on all your behinds)=.1 A total of 5.26 We are the underdogs and hence the forces of Goodness and Light. Your mileage may vary. Regards Your math is a bit fuzzy, I think How did Greece lose half of his country? News to me. Do you think controlling Syria is as important as controlling Algeria? I don't. You also left out Bulgaria, who has been at war with me a long time, and do not take into account the losses. I have been fighting a 3 front war basically since game start. We plan on giving you a good spanking though, so you do have that part right.
  12. Stop the poor me routine. We have Greece and Tunisia hitting me in the west, SR ignoring Persian, Baltic States and Iraq all attacking him to hit my air base, and Libya moving east through ceded provinces to take a hand. Looks like 4 for us and 5 for you, not that big a disadvantage.
  13. I have no idea who sponge is, but I can tell you for a fact the little lying POS is not Denmark.
  14. Thank You, I think.... You are welcome, and it is a compliment. I love a guy that makes you kill him, rather than just quit when something goes wrong, like a whole lot of folks do in this game. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of thinking you were dead, rather than put a bullet in your head, and you came back and bit me. If I had gone ahead and finished the job, it would of been better. Anytime you need an ally, and I am around, let me know.
  15. Wow, spongebob calling Monk out for not having the guts to name his country, and low and behold, spongie isn't naming his country either. Who'd a thunk it? BTW, I am Great Britain.
  16. Well Zarkon, pulling our all the stops eh? This has the look of desperation to it, but not enough. How did you get somebody to want to play Southern Russia? That has got to be boring, must be a good pal.
  17. Sponge, I will pass along your goal to Glamdring. I am sure it will cause him to stay up all night in a fright. He actually landed in Reykjavik as my landing craft arrived offshore, in a bit of miscommunication. I can only thank the fates that I avoided your wrath by such a slim margin.
  18. Errrrm what ya gob Mr X or you will find that if we are ever next to each other then you will be eating your words with a large slice of humble pie Uh, we were next to each other in game 79. You were Iceland, I am Great Britain. You tried to help your ally Denmark. I hit your fleet, and next thing I know, you are quitting the game because you say your position was out of money, as if that is a reason to quit. I am always hopeful to find you adjacent, but not normally so lucky. So a total lack of money is not reason enough to bail? every turn in negative money reduced moral and things get worse and worse. I admit I blew it but I have learned from all the mistakes I have made over the last 10 games. Well lets see what the world brings us shall we? you joining the fray for 87? No, that is not a good reason to bail. I have run out of money more than once, and still done very well. Dropping because you are out of money is a silly reason. Just don't spend for one turn, and you will be ok. Yes, I am going to throw my hat in this ring.
  19. Errrrm what ya gob Mr X or you will find that if we are ever next to each other then you will be eating your words with a large slice of humble pie Uh, we were next to each other in game 79. You were Iceland, I am Great Britain. You tried to help your ally Denmark. I hit your fleet, and next thing I know, you are quitting the game because you say your position was out of money, as if that is a reason to quit. I am always hopeful to find you adjacent, but not normally so lucky.
  20. I am not pretending to be a grizzled veteran myself, but some advice: For the first few turns: no navy, no airforce and almost no army, but lots of things to do. - Avoid becoming the bottom of the food chain: the one without allies that gets carved up by the rest before the end of turn 10. Each game a few nations will get swamped. Avoid this fate. Choose your allies well. Don’t think you can survive on your own, but don’t commit yourself to a total alliance until you are sure you want to. Keep a close eye on alliances developing. Use RNA to get to know the players next to you and make contact. - Some nations have issues with other nations, almost from the beginning of the game. Either one of them ends up dead, or they destroy eachother, or they become total allies. E.g.: Portugal – Spain, USA – Saudi-Arabia or Canada –USA. - IF you have Total Allies, Set intelligence sharing “on” and exchange information. Coordinate who will play his turn on which day, so you have the advantage of battle information before your own turn is processed. - Define a strategy and make a plan. Pick a target and work towards attack, or keep your options open. The first might net you an easy victory an an early advantage, the last will prevent someone walking over you while your army is occupied elsewhere. Decide what to do with your 10 Static infantry: upgrade, keep or disband. - Use the extra CP to build extra factories. Extra ARM factories require lots of resources. Extra AIR, lots of population (as each only produces so few AIR points). If you need a navy, build extra shipyards. If you want to defend, keep an extra supply of CP to build fortifications. And build bases where needed. - Look to your economy. Do something about shortages and start doing it now. Build up rail capacity and change the AIC network if it can be improved upon. - Build at least 1 LDB in each profitable province under threat from an early attack. - Plan what you’re building for the future. Most useful equipment will only appear later on in the game ( e.g. T-34, Queen Mary, Ju-88 or P-47N’s), but it is no use waiting till the moment you can build them. Study the strengths and weaknesses of each unit and build those units that are relevant to you and useful within the first 10 turns. Each unit has its uses. When in doubt, build units that are versatile, like Marines, Mechanised , Medium bombers with good range and Tac strike rating. - If you are planning a land war, use LFE on your troops. - Assign your officers, adjust your training scheme if needed. After that, in the first third of the game: - Do not divide your power over too many stacks. Two armies of 8 div’s are far weaker as one army of the same div’s. - When attacking, focus. Choose the right tactics, study the economy of your enemy (as where to hit him), Try to keep your armies and fleet under solid fighter cover and always make sure you have a safe, workable retreat location, if possible. A lot of armament points are lost by failing to retreat and by enemy bombers. - When defending, keep your nerve and plan a counter attack. Use static defenses when needed and build fighters for Fighter cover and Intercept. A weak attack can be defeated by building enough LDB’s. But don’t protect everything (unless you’re Switzerland) to the max, as that will cost you your capacity to counterattack. - When counterattacking, try to cut the enemy off from his retreat location and then try to force his army to retreat. (remember those LFE?) - Do not run a deficit if it can be avoided. - Coastal cities with harbors are vulnerable to coastal bombardment. Level those of the enemy and protect your own. - Build enough LDB’s in important cities vulnerable to paradrops. De the same in your AIC centers and air bases. One lousy AIR regiment can wipe out your mighty airforce of 8000 medium bombers. - And last: do not take any advice for granted, especially when coming from potential enemies. Makes a helluva lot of sense, actually. An excellent synopsis, but I would make a couple of changes. 1. do LFE period, what you are planning is irrelevant, because you will be in a land war 2. There are times when large armies are more valuable, and times when small forces are more valuable. It is easy to defeat an army of 18 divisions with small force tactics, do not get sucked into this common mistake. 3. Build early, I do not agree with no units the first three turns. I have effectively conquered countries on turn 3 that followed that advice. 4. Always upgrade the static divisions, it will give you a big firepower advantage on your first opponent, if he does as many do, and leaves them as static divisions. 5. Do RNA's on anybody close to you, find out who are veterans, and who are rookies. Victory! is the ultimate Darwinian game, and killing the weakest (for instance, if spongebob is next to you, attack immediately) and being friendly with the strongest is the key to long term strength. Build LDB's in EVERY province that a foreign power can reach in one turns SMR, if you don't you will be in for an unpleasant surprise.
  21. Interested in a trade agreement? How does one contact you? Race Pilsner I am easy to contact. You can email me at TDCinc@aol.com.
  22. Zarkon, glad to see you are still around. I am gonna miss you when you are gone.
  23. Yes, we lost plenty of brave troops in Europe, though I seem to recall a lot of dead Greeks too. My point had little to do with me, however. I think your rating system is as good as can be done based on the limited info we have, and want to say again good job. I think it will require a small adjustment very soon, however.
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