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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. I love this idea. I have often thought it would be really fun if Russ would publish an ongoing points total. It would probably be easy to build a speadsheet to do it these days. I would love to see the top ten in land kills, or air kills. It would be fun to track. I agree Sweden is doing well, but what this does not track is losses. For instance, Egypt is in dire straits at the moment, though he still holds most of TJ. Good work though Spaceman.
  2. Great Admiral Mr. X, I am awed and amazed at your awesomeness. Feel free to post the battle report for some well earned public recognition. Zarkon PS. You didn't, by chance, use the strategy I laid out for you did you? If so, I want royalties. LOL, I see, you have a defenseless force cut off behind my lines, and you suggest that perhaps I attack it with a vastly superior force, and you want credit for that idea? I will give you credit for chutzpah, for sure. I think there is an outside chance I might of come up with that on my own. The question now is, do you send another army to slaughter? Glad you are still with us, I was getting worried, what with your friends dropping like flies.
  3. Hey Zarkon, where you been? All the electricity out in Egypt or something? You were asking me a little bit ago about how it felt to lose 18 divisions, I thought I would let you see for yourself. You can thank me later.
  4. So Zarkon, you have big reinforcements on the way I see! Impressive force, but it will not be enough I fear.
  5. Wow, I cannot imagine somebody admitting on an open forum that they are negative morale, I will file that away for safekeeping.
  6. I agree I went into this game with a little bit of a chip on my shoulder with France but have definately gained a lot of respect for him in this game. I will be sorry to see him go. And Tunisia is like a pit bull that won't let go, I 'm sure the Spanish air force can attest to that Well, I fought the good fight, but it's over. The Hungarians and Germans would of never put me out, but the entry of Bulgaria and Greece into the fray against me is too much. Baltic States, you were a great TA, and I will fight with you anytime. Morocco, you swore to attack Greece on turn 42, and yet, here on turn 55 you still have not. I will get my revenge on you in our other game! You guys from the north, thanks for the effort, but it was a bit too late for me. To all the rest, I bid, Adieu
  7. OK I give up, he dropped. I will send more Persian products...... by plane. It is a long way to the north, it would be nice if you could remove these figthers. Michael He dropped after I smacked him around when he was trying to help Denmark. I sunk his fleet, and then heard some sniveling about being negative cash, like that is a valid reason to drop.
  8. Now you know the meaning of OOPS! I would still like to know how you are going to get back down that hill. Sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the bear gets you, that is the risk of bear hunting. Iraq can talk for himself, but in my experience, it will take more than a threat to get him to back up.
  9. What is your problem Sander? Did your mommy not give you enough attention when you were growing up? Sheesh, we all know you are going to win game 79, it is not a life changing event, trust me. I don't mind your incessant bragging on the game 79 board, because you have earned it and there is no disputing that your team is the champ, but lord, if we have to listen to everybody who has ever won a game come to this board and shout about their glory incessantly, it will get a bit old, don't you think? Especially since you were in this game, and as soon as a couple of guys attacked you, who cried and quit, perhaps you should keep game 79 propaganda where it belongs. I tell you what, since you have made so many brags about how you are going to take out GB in game 79, I will make you a wager. If you can conquer GB in 79, I will pay for a game for you, if you cannot, you pay for one for me. I will sign up for 87 now, and happily tell Russ your game is on me if you can back up your mouth with your butt.
  10. One JU-88 is hardly a big deal, do you think? By my reckoning, you will not get results until Thursday I would think.
  11. How about fodder? Anybody taken that name yet?
  12. Well, I at least have the satisfaction of knowing that Hungary and Germany could not take me out by themselves, it took Italy and Bulgaria joining in.
  13. Mr. X, Any way this one turns out, it has been a pleasure and hopefully sometime in the future we can join us as allies to rule the world. Who could possibly stand up against our combined might and tactical genius? How were your results? Zarkon Dissapointing, And I will be happy to fight with you anytime.
  14. Zarkon, it may look like I am not fighting you, but I am just setting you up for the big kill. Really I am.
  15. OOPS? Just OOPS? That small word has so many hidden meanings. One of them being, OOPS I screwed up or OOPS I just destroyed a nice 18 stack of bad guys or OOPS the bad guy has me surrounded and I just wet myself. Or it could be a random post on the net to stimulate conversation. seeing as how you don't get results back until tomorrow at the earliest ... hmmmm I may be up all night wondering about this OOPS; won't I be disappointed to find out this had nothing to do with my little country Zarkon It pretty much had exactly the effect I meant it to, lol. Perhaps, your surprising move into Urfa left me unable to do some things I want to do? Perhaps, you are going back down that hill after all. Then again....
  16. I backed off because I thought they would finish you quickly but apparently the northern group attacked and pulled germany away. I am shocked italy and austria are still doing turns. perhaps you should change your forum name to Puppetmaster... When you a completely loyal TA, you inspire the same in others. In the case of Italy, he is just a good friend who will do turns as long as I need him to. In the case of Austria, he will do a turn if I will pay for it, lol.
  17. " " Ahh, but you see, you are reversing the roles. My role is that of the Chinese, and your role is that of the marines. I like my mechs better than the Chinese infantry, and I do not think your troops are the caliber of the US Marines in 1950. Since we are doing quotes, I will give you an old punchline."I don't have to be faster than the bear, just faster than you."
  18. It could be that you're just that good, Mark. On the other hand, it could be that I've been busy fighting off the Irish, the British, and the Swedes.... Kevin While there is some truth in that statement Kevin, it is not entirely true. You went all out to try and take me out, while the northern allies were expelling you from Denmark and inflicting great harm on you. I have no doubt you were commiting new enlistees to the fight with them, but the existing forces were against me. They were unable to finish the job, so you tried your air force. When it was devastated, you gave up for the time being, but kept SS troops available to counter attack should I build new troops. The Hungarians rushed pell mell to try and capture all of France, and did not look after their supply lines. After I could no longer find Germans to kill, and turned my air force on him, he got tired of losing 4-5 divisions per turn, and appears to be massing to take me out once and for all. Time will tell. I just think it is telling that despite overwhelming numbers, the Hungarians felt they had to call on Greek help to finish me off. I am not done with tricks though, and Hungary still needs to watch his supply lines.
  19. I presume you are paraphrasing Chesty Puller, who actually said, "We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." A great quote, and one that you are well served using. The marines with Chesty made it out of the Chosin area, but I am not sure your Egyptian tanks are as good as those marines were. We will see. As for Turkish troops, we are using the new errata, that allows us to create whole armies out of thin air. Disband your armies in Turkey and I will send you the code so you can do it too!
  20. NICE! I like it when a guy gets it! Of course, as you know, he made it back, but he was shot to pieces. I can see you with the same fate, though it may be worse.
  21. You'de think with that many div they would finish you off and get on to the real business at hand..... You would think so, wouldn't you? You called me dead 10 turns ago.
  22. Really good question; I suppose it is according to how many bumps are in front of me. Did you find some more armies to fight back with in Batman? I am looking forward to what you and iraq did to me this turn. However, the view is very nice up here and you left me a lot of presents for which I thank you King Zarkon PS> you could give me a hint as to what I am facing you know ... just to be neighborly Maybe, if you watch the movie, you will have some idea. It is just a couple of old farmers with pitchforks, but they are really mad!
  23. For some reason I cannot fathom, I am reminded of a line from a great old western, Hombre. Paul Newman says to Zarkon, er... Richard Boone. "Hey, I have a question, how are you going to get back down that hill?"
  24. Interesting I don't recall Bulgarian pilots flying any missions into France in quite sometime. Perhaps your commanders are misreading the markings on the planes???? Ahh, I was going by a report by an ally. After reviewing the turn, it was the Greeks. The point is still the same. 5 turns ago, there were over 60 combined German and Hungarian SS and Mech divisions attacking into France, without a single French division available to fight them. It seems sad that they still feel the need to call in help from their other TA's, I guess they just do not have enough on their own.
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