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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Wow, it is not enough that the Hungarians and the Germans outnumber me 20 to 1, now they need help from the Bulgarian air force? You guys just believe in overkill I guess.
  2. Since the guy who started all this hullabaloo is not going to fight him, even though he is supposedly the victim, I find it a bit hard to get worked up over this entire thing. It seems to me that SR wants others to do his bidding, so he can do Egypts. Marlen X -- this is the second time you have accused Southern Russia of doing Egypt's bidding. Please explain. As I see it, Southern Russia, my TA, is involved in four active wars: Turkey, Iraq, Persia, Baltics. While your TA group was entertaining him in the south, the Baltics ran through Central Russia (his Ally) and invaded from the North. Naturally, with an alliance on his northern border he felt relatively secure there and did not have the assets (no one does) to fight a three or four front war, so he chose to fight the immediate threat in the south (tactical survival decision). As this is a war game, I have been working with my TA's to earn a victory (pardon the pun) that included me driving north and fighting my neighbors, TJ, Syria, Iraq, and now Turkey. So, pretty please with sugar on top, explain how SR has been doing my bidding? If he had been, I would have had him in xBaghdad by now to eliminate one country so I wouldn't have to worry about Iraq. I am sure you would love to have SR move all of his forces north so your TA group could focus on me and not have to defend your resources in your northern provinces. Response requested. King Zarkon Sure Zarkon, I have no problem with a guy who is in trouble selling out to help a TA prosper, that is all well and good. I have no problem fighting both you and SR at one time, it is not going to be as easy as you think it is. I have accused you of nothing other than good game play. Here is where I have a problem, and it is not with you, but with SR. He starts an entire thread to wail loudly about the evil Baltic States, who has gained great conquest through cheating in his eyes. He complains that anybody who values honesty in the game should band with him to do away with this cheater. I send him a personal message and tell him if he can provide evidence, other than just that BS has moved fast, I would join him in his crusade. The only evidence I have seen is that Race Pilsner offered what I consider to be a slimy deal in another game, that was never accepted. Now don't get me wrong, I consider the game 83 proposal to be the poorest sort of gamesmanship, and think Race should be ashamed, but that has nothing to do with this game. I still have not even seen who the Central Russian player is. Now, after calling on the rest of the players in the game to declare jihad against the Baltic States, it would seem reasonable to me that SR would be in front of the pack, leading his legions against the evil wrong doer. But wait, what is this? He is not only still moving troops south, he is reinforcing his southern armies. I find that extremely hypocritical. What it sounds like to me is somebody whining because his plans have been foiled in the south, because the big meanie from BS attacked him from the north. So in a nutshell, I consider Stalingrad's rant to be nothing but hollow propaganda, with no substance other than a hope he can rally other players to save his butt. I repeat that I do not find any fault with you in this. In fact, I really do not find any fault with SR in this, after all, this is the propaganda forum, and if his sensational claims of wrong doing can bring somebody to aid his cause, more power to him, it is an excellent tactic. I just do not believe it is all.
  3. Since the guy who started all this hullabaloo is not going to fight him, even though he is supposedly the victim, I find it a bit hard to get worked up over this entire thing. It seems to me that SR wants others to do his bidding, so he can do Egypts.
  4. Stalingrad, you still have not answered my question. Why, when you have a guy you believe to be a cheater, and against whom you are asking the entire game to attack, are you still attacking south, instead of trying to punish him? Race, I think the concept of trying to get one alliance to help you in one game and returning the favor in another is about as cheap a trick as can be pulled, and has no place in this game. I do not neccesarily believe you have pulled a fast one here however.
  5. I have been playing Russ and Pete's games since the Schubel days, with Global Supremacy. When they were in Sac, we played face to face with them a lot. I love their games, and would like to see more newbies. I have always had a soft spot for new players, and think a mentor approach is the right one. My last 4 games I have played, I signed up either alone or with one other player, and aquired allies as I went. Some were veterans, some were new guys, but that approach has opened an entire new group of Victory! friends. I lament the people who try and take advantage of those new players. They likely drive them away for good. Anybody who is new and wishes any help or advice, can always feel free to call on me.
  6. I have sympathy for players who suffer at the hands of unscrupulous folks, but there is no proof of that here. I am all for policing our own, and have done so to my detriment in other games. It is possible that BS has taken unfair advantage, but it is just as possible he has just been lucky. Stalingrad, a case could be made against you also. You have had your capitol occupied, and yet you continue to march south. A cynic could make a case that you were merely a puppet of the Egyptians and are willing to lose your own country as long as you can help out Egypt. I do not believe that, but I am just pointing out, that just because you do not like what another guy does, does not neccesarily mean the other guy is cheating. If you can provide some sort of evidence, other that he just moved very fast, I will happily join your cause. As I said in my personal message to you, I can't abide cheaters. But there is a dearth of that evidence so far.
  7. OOH! Finally some fireworks in this game, that do not involve me. I hoped I would live long enough to see that.
  8. Those are international waters Predator, why not? I do not think it is much of a secret that Bulgaria stopped doing turns for about 45 days, then suddenly reappeared. Who is the new Rumanian?
  9. Have you ever think about the possibility that the war with NR was a mistake? To stop alliances you have to form one by your own. Most people miss the moment where they have to stop the war to include a possible enemy into their own alliance. I made this mistake in game 78. The game is not only decided at the battle field, sometimes the diplomatic channels are much more important. The Monk Hamish, you are a decent fellow, but in this case Monk is correct. You and I negotiated for peace, and were both willing. But my price for peace was for you to pull out of the war with Finland, and you refused. Had you done that, all in this game would be different. Mr. X(it), Well, well, presenting himself here as a (good) negotiator. Well we can negotiate about a decent going down for GB if you wish, but hurry up otherwise there is nothing you can negotiate about. But I will not be angry if you don’t, I or we will crush you and your allies anyway. At the beginning of the game we also did propose you our co-operation Mr. X, but you refused, thought you could overrun us with your eastern “friends”. But those friends did make some strange choices, those I would call mistakes. But we all do, don’t we Mr.X? Jjust look were you and your allies are now. Yes correct still in the game, polishing up our points…thanks for that. And what was your policy back in VIC76…the same I reckon, killing me okay you had some little help, just 4 other allies, but it was a good fight I put up. It didn’t last but okay, my allies were occupied somewhere else. And in VIC84 my allies were to far away from the outset of the game…so that also can happen, even if you set up with friends, the so called team set up. So about these big alliances at the beginning: everyone has the same changes, so if you don’t have any friends, than make some and make them quick. And yes diplomacy is the key word here. But I have to admit, for newcomers it is a tough thing to play this game and survive it without friends and than also without knowledge of the game…but than again some “experience” players also do display there “difficulties” to stay in the game, long enough. Greetings Rednas Ruler of Greater France, every turn more and more…those beaches are a feast for my troops and wow I can see Gibraltar…the Rock occupied by monkeys. Uh, Rednas, that is a bald faced lie. I usually don't respond to your bs, because I know it is just that, but I never said I wanted to fight, or did not wish to be allies with you. I also did not start the war with you, it was the other way around.
  10. I am here, though not a lot of troops for company anymore. What do you mean Predator?
  11. Have you ever think about the possibility that the war with NR was a mistake? To stop alliances you have to form one by your own. Most people miss the moment where they have to stop the war to include a possible enemy into their own alliance. I made this mistake in game 78. The game is not only decided at the battle field, sometimes the diplomatic channels are much more important. The Monk Hamish, you are a decent fellow, but in this case Monk is correct. You and I negotiated for peace, and were both willing. But my price for peace was for you to pull out of the war with Finland, and you refused. Had you done that, all in this game would be different.
  12. Since we longer have control over the conditions in xDamascus we cannot be certain of what you may find or the warmth of your welcome. We do suggest you bring plumber's in case they've trashed the bathooms! King Zarkon, are you sure you want to build in Damascus? I have found the Syrians to be a rather inhospitable bunch. While they never really do any damage, they are making loud noises all through the night, making sleep tough. The utilities rarely work, and there seems to be a stench over the entire country. Even the women are ugly. Makes me think I would prefer a winter home in Egypt.
  13. My thanks to you and Race for the kind words. But, I can't really say 'the pleasure's all mine' that polite company calls for. You don't mind if this goes on for awhile longer, do you?? I'm not quite done with that #xx&; 7Mech39! Hehe, then you will be glad to know that there are not 7 there anymore, but a whole lot more.
  14. It's hard to feel the Love this Valentine's weekend. Hagar, old boy, it seems you've upset about half the game! So, if you're really a 'noob' or not, remember where you are. This is the 'Propaganda' forum; nothing but deceit. Of course these guys team up, they've probably played 5-6 games with each other on both sides. There are grudge matches in RTG as a whole that go back to the 80's, and you may have started one for the future; and it means absolutely NOTHING when the game starts because position is everything. We've been at each others throats in the middle east since turn 3, but in some future game I may need to have these guys on my side; so we're doing it without rancor, but that's the joy of dealing with experienced players. Show you can play the game, don't listen to anyone unless you really know them, turn OFF the 'send email' in your profile to keep varmits out, and remember there's a 600lb Gorilla watching over us; it's his livelyhood! Oh, yeah, and remember the name you're mad at in this game may not be the one they use in the next one. Yep, all's fair! What a great attitude! Could not of said it better. It is a pleasure to kill you my friend!
  15. Not sure what is happening in the rest of the world, but there seems to be plenty going on around my neck of the woods.
  16. Well, it took awhile, but it looks like we finally got a good war going here!
  17. And I wondered what he is doing .......thanks for the information. Dear Mr. X(it), I am wondering what you are doing or not doing...well keeps my hands and head free what I am doing or will doing doing...what am I doing here?? Well to ALL player. Merry Christmas and a Happy Newyear, although for some of us would this mean without VIC79. Get used to the idea...it will happen sooner as you can think of. Greetings Rednas Ruler of Greater FRance...every turn a bit. Next stop "Twilight Zone" Wow, you guys throw those bombers against the fighters like you are the chinese with a human wave!
  18. Hmm, I could of swore you addressed this to me originally. My tanks are certainly feeling dissed at the moment.
  19. Pretty much the same conclusion I drew. I hope it's nothing serious in his personal life. I just thought it strange that someone with so many TA's would suddenly disappear. I don't understand just leaving without some kind of notice & probably never will. He could of at least made a fight of it. Although Iraq conveniently having 11 Pz Div's on T-J's southern border does make me a little suspicious!! Iraq never had a TA, or any other player made arrangement with TJ. He was cooperating with him, and the panzer divisions were there to help against Egypt, because TJ probably was going to need it. Turned out to be a good thing.
  20. I do not think he had any false friends. Smedley was in this on his own, and some of us were willing to help. However, when he does not turn in a turn, and does not respond to emails, one is left with only one conclusion to draw, and that is he is not longer playing. Iraq took swift action, and that is the mark of a good player.
  21. I find it humorous that so many people are afraid to say what country they are playing. Do you really think somebody will attack you are something because of a post on this board? Sheesh, these boards used to be fun, because people had the cojones to actually say something, now they are all just little girls looking for attention like slicer and spongebob.
  22. I dunno. I miss ya Bob. This game doesn't seem to have taken a roll call or alliance analysis... Anyone want to broadcast such things to the world for fun or profit? "The All-Knowing Slicer" (Hmmm...OK.....Would you believe "The Sometimes-Knowing-When-I-Haven't-Had-Too-Much-Whiskey Slicer"?) Well, you could always tell us what you see. I do know that Bulgaria and Greece are TA's, and trying to take out poor Turkey. Egypt and Libya are TA's, and seem to be pals with Southern Russia and the Saudi-Syria family. About all I know.
  23. Dear Left Overs, Are there still some valid, interesting, resistant players around??? Mr. X(it), work still in progress?? What is thsi work meaning for you at the moment?? Reparing your AP's?? Building new ones so I can train my fighters?? Nice. But I reccon you will inform accordingly. Greetings Rednas Ruler of France. This is realy a yawn yawn game... Greetings Rednas Ruler of continuously expanding Greater France. Well, good fortune for you, as you and your TA found them in London the 1 turn they have been there. Not to worry, your fighters will have plenty of practice to come.
  24. Where have you been? Haven't heard anything for a month......You didn't call...didn't write....the kid's really miss you...... the check was late....Out with your no-good friends I bet.... Sorry, the Harrideen leader just had to go first. No, no surprises; just about what I expected. Although, if you're getting bored, I hear Spongebob is back and looking for a position, hmmm???? Hehe, I like your spunk, but it would probably be more useful if you had an army to fight with. Down to your last 5 divisions, and those beat up infantry and airborne kind of make spunk of little value. If you are nice, I may let you stay in a nice little dacha on the Mediteranean, instead of the reeducation camps we are moving many of your citizens to.
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