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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. I did not get any surprises, did you?
  2. Well, that's certainly your prerogative, but why should the replacement be someone new to the game? I played these two positions completely independent of one another, and didn't funnel any resources or treasury assets into the new position. And for what it's worth, Germany had out of game reasons for dropping. He was in a good position. I simply took over that position. Why in the world should you have a problem with that? And yes, I'll take it like a man, but I'm simply unable to just walk away.... Kevin Kevin, that is fine. Russ is the final arbiter of what is fair and what is not, and he considers it fair. For the record, I would prefer to fight a real opponent and lose than to fight the computer. I play this game for the love of competing, and there is no competition with the computer. From my perspective, once I have lost a game, it is lost, and a victory from another position would mean nothing to me, but just because I feel that way, does not mean you need to. Predator, I am not going anywhere, I will still be here if you ever get through the Alps, which I am not sure you will. I know where the Hungarians are, and I have been following his progress. Yes, his 52 SS divisions could be a problem, but I believe I can defeat him. Between him, you and Germany, you have me outnumbered 2 1/2 to 1. I cannot think of a game that could be much more fun than that!
  3. Mark, are you seriously equating dropping one country so you can take over for a TA in the same game with playing multiple positions in the same game? Surely not. Kevin Kevin, yes I am. You are also playing 2 countries, just not at the same time. You were defeated, take it like a man, and walk away. Germany obviously did not wish to continue. I have no problem with a replacement, but it should be somebody new to the game. Italy asked if Austria would like to take over his country, I said no chance. We found a different replacement. I do not believe you should play 2 countries in the same game, period. I consider it bad form in the extreme. You have lost the game, why should you get to keep playing?
  4. Very interesting from the German perspective as well! Oh, in case I forgot to tell anyone, I've been running Germany for the past three months or so.... Kevin Seems it is not going well for you again then. One thing I have always disagreed with Russ on, is letting somebody drop one position in a game and pick up another one. Once dead, you should stay dead. I think anybody who was judging Italy earlier should probably look at themselves on maneuvers like that.
  5. Who has dropped to bring on this post Predator? If it is one of your allies, I empathize with you. I will try and make this game more interesting for you. I can tell you this much, it is sure interesting from the French perspective.
  6. I was thinking that you would be smart enough to avoid wars on two fronts to defend a couple of insignificant provinces. I guess I was wrong. That is what I thought. You are sadly mistaken if you think there are any "insignificant provinces" in Turkey, and you will learn the hard way. If they are so insignificant, why did you want them? I have no fear of a 2 front war, I have fought plenty of them, and you will learn that taking my provinces cause you pain.
  7. Relax Chairman, it has been settled. If you are lucky, you will live out your days in a nice Turkish reeducation camp. If the Jordanians get you, I fear you will not eat well. As for Aleppo Smedley, it is far behind my lines, I would take it personal if you were going there.
  8. How pathetic that sounds. What I really mean is: "If you don't stop I'll kick you arse" Get it! GB Submit a peace proposal, and I will consider it. I need Bomber practice though.... Oh OK If it's only bomber practice who am I to stop you. Be my guest. GB Please accept his proposal oh King of England, the air fumes from his bombers are killing us in Spain! -Spain 82 Well greetings my Spainish friend Chocking the Sainish people is not a good thing to do. Now is it? I will accept Morocco's propsal for peace if he sends one. Mean while I'll get my Spitfires in position and My bombers have the range so a return visit is on the cards. My bombers use Ethenol so the fumes wont hurt your people. We think in the futuer everyone will want to use alternate fuels. Goodness only knows why. BG OOoops! GB Like I said, YOU submit a peace proposal, and I'll accept. Meanwhile, the bombers are getting better.... Nah I don't think so. My Marines are getting fat and lazy. My Spitfires are rusting away. I rhink I like your visits. Ir'll be a while but revenge is sweet. So they say. GB You guys bomb each other all you want, but try and avoid flying over France on the way please. Hey Hungary, glad to see you have finally made it to Augsberg. I have had my best army sitting around twiddling their thumbs waiting for you, thought you would never make it. We have a great reception planned for you, just a bit farther to the west.
  9. Mr. X(it), Well it always takes always more than one to beat the Rednas, this time just 5 players who are interested in my beloved country and are fighting over it. Such a honourable cause it is...pffff. Well I packed my stuff and headed for my beloved refuge: Bornholm. And now I can focus on VIC79...that is very interesting at the moemtn...but also there I lost considerable ground and air forces. But....we will see or better you will see. Greetings Rednas Ruler of Bornholm You are dropping already? Wow, I am dissapointed, all this time I thought you were a fighter. You have all of your pals in the game, surely you can hold on until they can save you! Syria, nice try, but game over. Greece, what were you thinking?
  10. Rednas, it appears you are being ganged up on! You going to fight it out, or fold?
  11. I'm not even stopping to give the italians the time of day...they have already proven themselves inferior to the bulgarian war machine..... paris or bust.... We know, the old Klagenfurt to Bolzano to Bellinzona routine, yawn. I am sure that will be a fun trip, you have to love the Alps in the winter. Maybe I can send you something to keep warm!
  12. Ummm ..... ah........ hmmmmmmmm I draw the line at French mime artists. But then doesn't everybody As much as I hate to admit it; Finally, something we can agree on! BTW MarklenX: I'm not beyond caring, just waiting for all those staggered turns you guys are using to process before more is said. Bravo chairman Lar. I appreciate a guy who goes down fighting, I really do. Unfortunately, your counterattack has met an untimely demise, but then you knew that would happen. I will toast your courage, while I think about my next challenge.
  13. Something tells me he is beyond caring.
  14. You will get all you want of the French my little prey. But you have not got through the Italians yet. The Germans got lucky before you, wonder how that is working out for them.
  15. It would be fun to play along with your fantasy, but I must say, we find the girls in Syria far more accomodating.
  16. Borrowed time? We have not even fought yet, all I see are lbd's and sand flies. Yet I am on borrowed time. The only people I think who are on borrowed time is iraq and syria. DezertCamel Ahh, DC, a man with some fight in him. We may not have always been on the same side, but I like a man you have to kill to beat, not just talk to death like some are these days. Don, you best do more fighting if you want that prediction to be true.
  17. What? I never passed any plans to Germany, he is my enemy, where do you get that from what I said? I said why would I care what happened to Lowlands, you were not a TA with us, and as soon as you have a little misfortune you drop. I do not care what you think of what I say, but people who drop this game as soon as things go against them a little bit are the bane of us who believe in fighting. I would of loved it if you had done well against Germany, and was happy you fought them, but Predator inferred that you dropping somehow was a negative for me, and it is not. You are implying that somehow I worked against you, which is completely false.
  18. Funny that you see it that way. Lowlands is out, denmark is down to his last mainland city, Italy has lost three armies, Baltic is too weak to attack, and you failed miserably in Switzerland. I am entering the Alps and Italy is but a speed bump to me as he can't even slow me down with those pathetic Grant tanks. I hope you are waiting for me on the other side.... Party time in Paris! Glad you think it will be easy for you. A few points. Why would I care about Lowlands? I do not know the fellow, did not work with him, he declared war on the first turn against my TA and he proved to have no stomach for a fight, dropping just because he lost some production, when he still had a huge army. Italy is in a little better shape then you think. I will happily wager that in 6 turns you are still not through the Italian alps. Baltic is anything but weak. Cautious is a better word. Failed in Switzerland? If you have never done it before, Switzerland is a very tough nut to crack when he holes up in his cities. Especially in this game, where he has unlimited CPs and can get to legendary fortifications fast. Yet I still own all four of his provinces and 2 of his 4 cities, I am ok with that. He will run out of production very soon, and his people are probably starving as we speak. I can wait a few turns, and then take him out. If you get there first, what will you do with his armies? Time will tell, I listened to big talk from you before, but when the bullets started flying, all I got were excuses.
  19. Well, things are progressing nicely on the eastern front. Tunisia, what are you doing poking around in France? My intel tells me you will have plenty to worry about in your own backyard very soon, you may want to CYA.
  20. Well, I see Syria-Southern Russia-Saudi Arabia-Egypt, that looks like me in the middle. 3 are on your border, so you have lots to fear also. I have not even done turn 3 yet, so it is not me doing the spy missions, you have bad intel.
  21. GB's probably thinking the same thing! I suspect we will see lots of wars. I see a major coalition in the east, and I seem to be in between them, Let's hope their peace parties will prevail.
  22. Mark, you're not having much luck taking my cities, are you? How'd you like my trick of switching all of my bombers over to fighters? Kevin (still swinging) Not trying to take them. They make a nice buffer between me and your "friends". Let your troops sit and starve, I do not need the cities, and if you wish to keep doing turns, it will be a lot of fun with all your troops on DD and no production in your cities. I have bigger fish to fry at the moment.
  23. What could Turkey do to help you? Syria seems like a decent fellow, why would I attack him?
  24. Actually, those 13 divisions had nothing to do with it. Although it's a good story, Mark. My coming out was part of a complex plan that didn't quite work out. It nearly did, though. I just made a mistake and forgot to account for any forces at Belfort. No one's fault but my own. I still don't think you can dig me out of my cities. You've Tried it before and failed. We'll see, though! Kevin Sure it was Kevin, a complex plan to kill those divisions. You tried to take Belfort behind them and cut off your retreat, which I expected of course. It is not relevant now. You will hold xBern for awhile, but everything else is mine. Your mountain divisions in xZurich will evaporate under heavy air attack, and the rest of your country is forfeit. I do want to congratulate you on a spirited defense. This game is only fun when people fight, the computer holds no challenge.
  25. Spain and Portugal no longer have any ties to us. Maybe you can get them to try to help save your bacon. I was not aware that hungary had even attacked italy and I talk to him quite frequently. Maybe last turn at bolzano now that you mention it I think he does share that border now that austria is dead. He's only slightly ahead of me in the race to paris. Never understood why Switzerland came out there like that at the end Whether or not they have ties to you is not relevant to my point. My point is, with 6 people attacking him, you have been able to make a lot of progress, not exactly something to brag on. I twice sent small forces to try and draw the Swiss Panzers out of xZurich, because I new I could not take Bern with them there. Kevin resisted the temptation. I knew I had to send a bigger force, so I sent 13 beat up divisions in. He could not resist the bait, and the rest is history.
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