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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Dead or alive.... preferably alive, so then he can be killed oh so slowly.... DezertCamel It has been tried a lot of times, and accomplished a couple of times, so who knows DC. Better pack a lunch though, it will take you awhile. Yeah Kur, it is good to be wanted. Mostly by my deceased foes in previous games, who feel another chance is all they need to even up the score. Of course, I see it somewhat differently, and would love to meet up with any who wish a fight. It is, after all, a war game, and you can't have a good war without making somebody mad it seems.
  2. He's hiding from me. My spies are everywhere and have unearthed him hiding in the mountains of france just east of italy. "the mountains of France just east of Italy"? There are no French mountains on my map east of Italy. I am not hiding, I am here, and I will be happy to give you a free autographed photo when I march through Sofia. So wheres here????? This way we can all visit you DezertCamel I am happily residing in the palace at Versailles. I will be happy to provide you accomodations at the Bastille if you should cross my path. Predator, you should be safe for some time where you are, if you are careful and do not go to far west.
  3. He's hiding from me. My spies are everywhere and have unearthed him hiding in the mountains of france just east of italy. "the mountains of France just east of Italy"? There are no French mountains on my map east of Italy. I am not hiding, I am here, and I will be happy to give you a free autographed photo when I march through Sofia.
  4. I still stand by my earlier statements, but you have some points. Your brother as a drop is news to me. When did that happen and when did the replacement player take over? We are under the impression we slaughtered him and so his name should be cleared if he is deserving. Rumania brought up the disparity in resources a few messages ago. Five countries on our side can build maximum ships and planes compared to just two in North Africa. I am not sure that your resources there will even allow maximum builds, but lets, for the sake of argument say they do. We can lose 2.5 times your loses and eventually you will run out of stuff. Its just not feasible to stand forever against that kind of production disparity. It gave the allies victory in the real war and it would be your ultimate undoing in this one. Kudos for trying, but you lose that argument. A long war of attrition that I know I will eventually win is not fun, challenging, or profitable. This says nothing about the upcoming direct assault that I believe would sweep you aside in 10-20 turns. It is a stretch to say that you could survive that, but attrition would then be your undeniable end. I have already been more than introduced to your "uptown" ways in 75 and 76. You have been a challenging enemy and we may get to fight a third time in 82. Win, lose, or draw I don't know, but it would at least prove interesting and a better place to prove our points than continuing 75. Please do not mistake me, I love a good fight, and you have been all of that. My brother dropped back in the 40s, and left everything for So. Russia. If you are in the open ended game, I very much look forward to meeting you. I will be in that game as a free agent, no allies, (at least going in, I hope to garner some) and will either cross swords or break bread with you, as events dictate.
  5. sorry, but your "facts" are pure drivel. I told you I would take Geneva, not Switzerland, in reply to our peace parlay in which you said you wanted Switzerland for us to have peace. I took Bern and Geneva, you told me by me taking them we could not have peace. I said nothing about Germany. Nor did I say you had done no fighting. But Lowlands and Switzerland hit me with in excess of 100 divisions in southern France, I doubt you went through that many. I said nothing of Spain. I own very little of Spain, only enough for a base to attack into France. I do not see your point. In this game, my eastern allies were incompetent in the extreme, and I have told them so to their faces. Southern Russia and Rumania badly out played them. I wish to give those two fine players credit, as they have played well, but yes, I am a much tougher foe than they have faced back east. UAE, the only real powerful position there, dropped just when the fight was joined, which left a huge vacuum for Southern Russia. You were in Grenoble and Lyon 4 turns ago when I said you had gone as far as you would go. Since then, you have taken Genoa, where I am not fighting you, but you have not gone forward in France. You have taken Roanne, Nice and xNice and lost Grenoble, Lyon and xLyon. You briefly took Etienne after that, but are now evicted. You will soon be evicted from Nice and Genoa, but that is all I will have time for, unfortunately. If I thought I had no chance, I would not of proposed we continue the game. I sincerely hope we meet again earlier in a game, so I can show you first hand how we do things uptown!
  6. But who will stop my forces from taking over xAlgiers, xMarseilles, xGibraltar and xRome whilst you are having all the fun with the Polish and Central Russians? The Moroccan American Tech tanks against T34-85's? That does not seem very fair to me if I factor in my production versus the Moroccans. Then again, more presents for me Bring it on! Just hypothetically speaking off course because as we all know, you will never defeat the Polish and be able to hold your ground against me. Calamaran. Au contraire. There are plenty of tanks in the western desert. There is no point in moving them east to defend barren desert, especially since we could not come to grips with you before the game ends. I am building at max capacity, all are not being shipped over. You would get a severe bashing should you have the time to get there, which of course you will not. As for Poland, he is on the verge of complete collapse already, and I will give it the kick it needs before the game ends. Sadly, I will not be able to advance very far, due to the lack of time, but it will not be the Poles who stop me. It seems I have been fighting multiple opponents the entire game. First it was Tunisia and Libya. Then it was Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece, then Greece and Rumania, and finally, Poland, Greece, Rumania and a little Central and Southern Russia just for fun. They all made the same boast, but Tunisia, Libya, Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece all died by my hand, despite the fact that all of them outnumbered me. You would meet the same fate should you have time to do so. Maybe Tunisia and Libya died by your hand, but the rest except for greece, they had others attacking them as well. Greece, was not dead, just tired of playing and the real world. So boast all you want, we will have to settle the question later in a different game. Maybe if we are lucky we will meet up in the advanced game with no time limit. Then we shall see. Goodluck til then...... DezertCamel In a way you are correct about Lowlands and Switzerland, as your side was gobbling them up from the rear as I was slogging through them from the front. Problem is, when they realized they were going to die, they threw their entire force to the west against me. I annihilated them, but it enabled you to grab a lot more of their country than I did. As for Greece, he can use whatever excuse he likes, but I think the fact that he lost 72 divisions and had his air force devastated in about a 5 turn stretch had something to do with it.
  7. But who will stop my forces from taking over xAlgiers, xMarseilles, xGibraltar and xRome whilst you are having all the fun with the Polish and Central Russians? The Moroccan American Tech tanks against T34-85's? That does not seem very fair to me if I factor in my production versus the Moroccans. Then again, more presents for me Bring it on! Just hypothetically speaking off course because as we all know, you will never defeat the Polish and be able to hold your ground against me. Calamaran. Au contraire. There are plenty of tanks in the western desert. There is no point in moving them east to defend barren desert, especially since we could not come to grips with you before the game ends. I am building at max capacity, all are not being shipped over. You would get a severe bashing should you have the time to get there, which of course you will not. As for Poland, he is on the verge of complete collapse already, and I will give it the kick it needs before the game ends. Sadly, I will not be able to advance very far, due to the lack of time, but it will not be the Poles who stop me. It seems I have been fighting multiple opponents the entire game. First it was Tunisia and Libya. Then it was Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece, then Greece and Rumania, and finally, Poland, Greece, Rumania and a little Central and Southern Russia just for fun. They all made the same boast, but Tunisia, Libya, Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece all died by my hand, despite the fact that all of them outnumbered me. You would meet the same fate should you have time to do so.
  8. No Camel, you would not make it to the south of France. First of all, Iceland, while maybe not able to stand in your way, will slow you up a little bit, and by turn 75 or so, there would be no more Poles to protect your left flank. I would then turn my attention to you. Unfortunately, we will run out of time before that happens. I would happily vote to continue the game, but I know Great Britain wishes it to be over, and I understand some in your alliance feel the same way. I have had several games like this, where you have just reached the stage of epic battles between two surviving factions, and the game ends, it is a bit frustrating, which is why I proposed the open ended game.
  9. Doesn't wash Calamaran. I can build at the front, you must march armaments across a bunch of railless wasteland. I will be able to annihilate everything that comes along, and there is no way you will be ablt to get past Tripoli. I have not moved my entire army over to France, just the new stuff. If we played on, you would be stopped near Benghazi, and we would have a stalemate there until I was done crushing the Poles, which would likely take some time. King Tigers are more than a match for your T-34s, and my naval and air superiority will tell in Africa much more than it will in France.
  10. I am pretty easy going. I am happy that the Egyptian, Moroccan, and Algerian air forces concentrate on me and ignore my allies. I am also happy that you have sent so many fierce King Tiger SS divisions my way. For in the end, you will give ground even in France, on the front you have chosen to make your stand, while you fear to challenge the advancing units on the other fronts. Your choice will make it very clear that if this game had gone on another 10 turns, xAlgiers would be ours. We are in mop up mode elsewhere while you make your attempt at a game 75 version of the "Battle of the Bulge". It will go nowhere, and we will build a memorial to our costly victory at xLyon, where so many tanks were destroyed on both sides. It would be a tough fight, but if this game went 200 turns, you would not take Algiers, are even Tunis. Rumania can drive through all the useless desert provinces he wants, but whenever I want, I can turn on him and crush him, that far from his home. I see no reason to come to him. The fight is in Europe now, and you will not be able to hold what you have, let alone retake Lyon. Just because you do not see my 18 division armies following behind the spearheads does not mean they are not there. Even if you were able to destroy 2 or 3 of them, the rest would just keep on rolling. If all else failed and by some freak accident you were able to destroy all of the forces moving trough Libya, I would MGF new units if need be and still get them to the frontlines to deal with any of your survivors. Basic math: The combined production of 27 countries on one side against the combined production of 12 countries in 2 groups on the other. Sooner or later, something will give on the 12 country side. The main reason why you are still in Southern France is that we are not coordinating our efforts as much as we could be. If we were, you would have lost Spain, Portugal, Italy, Tunesia and Libya already as you have lost Turkey, Syria, Persia, UAE, Trans Jordan, Egypt and soon the remainder of France and Libya. Calamaran. Sorry, but you are not correct. There is no way you could support your troops across a desert devoid of rail, without a navy, and no way a Russian navy could stand against the American and German navies against it. The deciding factor is the ME-262s, which your fighters cannot engage. As has been found out in France, your air power is of virtually no value in any province I can put fighter cover over. You must move everything through Suez or by sea. There is no way for you to take Algeria, or Tunis. BTW I have not lost any of the places you mention. I have lost a few desert provinces in eastern Libya, but that is all. I know that there is no consensus to continue, which is too bad, because I would enjoy proving my point. As it is, I suspect the winner will be some TA combo from the east. Congratulations in advance.
  11. I am pretty easy going. I am happy that the Egyptian, Moroccan, and Algerian air forces concentrate on me and ignore my allies. I am also happy that you have sent so many fierce King Tiger SS divisions my way. For in the end, you will give ground even in France, on the front you have chosen to make your stand, while you fear to challenge the advancing units on the other fronts. Your choice will make it very clear that if this game had gone on another 10 turns, xAlgiers would be ours. We are in mop up mode elsewhere while you make your attempt at a game 75 version of the "Battle of the Bulge". It will go nowhere, and we will build a memorial to our costly victory at xLyon, where so many tanks were destroyed on both sides. It would be a tough fight, but if this game went 200 turns, you would not take Algiers, are even Tunis. Rumania can drive through all the useless desert provinces he wants, but whenever I want, I can turn on him and crush him, that far from his home. I see no reason to come to him. The fight is in Europe now, and you will not be able to hold what you have, let alone retake Lyon.
  12. Hey Poland, glad you hit me with your TU-2s this turn. I just about figured you had given up running the fighter gauntlet, and as you see, was down to only one group of me-262s on fc. Had you waited one turn, you would of come in unopposed probably, but now you will have to fight 50 no matter where you go. Should be no problem for the brave lads in the Polish air armada, who press home their attacks in spite of horrific losses. And wowie, even Southern Russia is fighting me now. Love all the attention boys.
  13. Greetings Rednas P.s. who cares about me social skills they don't win wars for me, only me fighting skills. So take a look in about 50 turns at the forum and see the winners declared. Positive thinking this is. Nighty night you Tigerlight. Rednas, Good to know the outcome of the game already, I guess I can save myelf a lot of time now! My wife will be very pleased. Monk, There is a better chance of snow in Phoenix in August than that Iceland survives long enough for you to meet up with him.
  14. I would be proud to start next to you Takeda, you have proven to be a reliable ally, and you can ask for little more in this game. I think, however, Predator has plans other than friendly for me if he is placed next to me.
  15. Been there, done that Predator. If you do that, bring more friends this time.
  16. Who in the rip cares what country you are playing Bob? From what I see, you are merely a loud talking nothing that does nothing but bleed all over everybody else.
  17. Talked to Russ today, he said the only holdup is folks who submitted only one nation on their preference list. They will be bumped, and he is not sure they will play.
  18. Predator, looking at your sig line, it seems you may have forgotten game 75. I never give up untill the last bullet is fired and the last trooper is dead! Hey Saint Michael, I sent you a pm, just wanted to say, Go Ducks!
  19. Let me get this straight. You are playing Iceland. You are willing to meet the Persian navy for a fight any place or any time. But when Great Britain and Ireland both offer to accomodate you, you back down, because they are actually in a position to meet you. Sponge, if you wonder why your reputation is so poor, this is the evidence.
  20. Spongie, will you make me the same offer? Or do you only pick guys you know you will not have to fight?
  21. Sorry Monk, won't be anything left for you. Sponge picked the wrong side in this game, though with all those RIPs on his resume, it seems to be a pattern.
  22. Too bad this game is about to end. It has been a well fought game all along. Now that the Poles are in full retreat in France, and the evil axis air force has lost its nerve, I would like to finish the job. Then again, the Rumanians probably think they are going to march through Libya unopposed. Would be fun to have another 20 turns.
  23. If I were in just one game, I would love that, but I find it hard to allocate time for all my turns as it is, so I would probably decline, but I like the thought. Perhaps a fast game for the first 20 turns or so would be fun. It generally does not take a long time to do early turns. By turn 50 I am taking half a day it seems.
  24. Bomb away, and good luck to you. Your revisionist history is a nice story, but Great Britain did EXACTLY what we said we would do. It is a fact that after communicating to me that you would not attack in Finland anymore, and were going to pull out, you took more territory. At that point, the Finns insisted we break off diplomatic relations with Denmark, and I sent you an email to that effect. To state you broke them off with us is a joke. I fear you have fallen under the spell of an incompetent advisor. As a new player, I would happily offer my services to you if you wish to get the taste of this game out of your mouth, though obviously not in this game. I suspect that Sponebonehead is in Iceland giving you advice, which of course would doom you from the beginning.
  25. For the record, I have no interest in a random game. After thinking about it, I really do not wish to play in a pre selected alliance game either. I started this thread for those who wish to play an open ended game, with an accelerated start. If you want to play a different game, please start a thread, and let people respond to that who wish to play in it. I have to agree with Predator, the bane of all victory players are the cowardly punks who lose one fight and quit.
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