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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Playing the US/Canada/Iceland in an advanced start game will mean that you won't enter the European warzone until T50, unless the US and Canada start fighting eachother which will delay their arrival at the European theater. It would be interesting however to combine one of the coastal countries(Morocco/Portugal/France/Norway) with US or Canada, this would give the Naval powers an early start in the fight. But an advanced game would be interesting! What about an advanced start & all tech game....? Don I WOULD LOVE TO PLAY IN A "10 TEAM - 4 NATIONS PER TEAM" GAME. I ALSO LIKE THE SUGGESTION OF TEAMING US/CANADA/ICELAND WITH ONE OF THE EUROPEAN COASTAL COUNTRIES. I AM PRETTY SURE I COULD GET A 4 PERSON TEAM TOGETHER FOR THIS. ARE THERE ANY OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES? LORD VADER I'm game, but I would suggest that Russ decide what 4 countries are in each group, so he could 'balance' them if at all possible. For Example, wouldn't put all 4 next to each other, such as Persia/Iraq/Saudi/UAE. I'd suggest that none of the TAs be adjacent, with the possible exception of the US/Canada. Then randomly assign the 4 country teams to the players. I would also suggest that the TAs not be allowed to be broken for this game only. If a player drops, find a replacement. If a country gets destroyed, tough. My thoughts anyway. Cheers! I would agree that russ decide. Plus I would split canada and usa into two different teams. this way they have to worry about someting not just building stuff. The only thing we really need to decide now is this an advanced game or a team advanced game. Not everyone who is for the advanced game will play in a team game. I will play in either one, providing I can be on someones team. Maybe I could play with those I have been fighting so often. But that will be up to them. DezertCamel I was planning on getting into this game as a free agent. However, if need be, I suppose I could come up with a team, or maybe beg for an invite from somebody else
  2. hehe, now let's get the true story out there. Great Britain made a deal with Denmark to take Calais, and build up for a possible attack on the French. (Not sure what Hungary has to do with this, but the Danes were always a bit squirelly). The Danes agreed to pull out of Finland, which they had attacked amphibiously, in exchange for British friendship. The following turn, not only did they not withdraw, they attacked in Finland again. Cain tried mightily after that to make peace with Britain, but the crown would have none of it. Now, Denmark is paying the price for the foolishness of their leader. That price will only get steeper. And lest folks think me a French toady, for talking game 79 in the game 79 thread, I presume you were Baltic States in game 59 from.
  3. I hope you didn't need those battleships for that Cain. It did not appear you were using them, so I had just thought I would play with them a bit. So you guys this is Game79 and not some old revival, because if I start to list up all those games I have played....it takes tooooo long and to be honest nobody is waiting for that to read. So please focus on VIC79, if you still are a part of it..... Rednas The British, on principle, refuse to cow down to French demands. Though we felt the thread needed to be brought back to game 79, and thus our taunting of the brave yet foolish Danes, we now would like to know if anybody here was in game 57? Not Game 57.....but I did play in another game with you.......We were enemies. It was a good fight. I think I was the game leader when you finally broke my back in game 59. Dear Form, Well that is what I meant...just continuing on jiberjabber on old gone by games, VIC57 was a long time ago and it seems that you didn't learn anything new during that time...still on the looser side. Hungary a nice country and I will be thinking of you tonight because me girlfriend just finished cooking Goulash. Well if you play always in this manner, you are gonna be me favarit enemy...jummie lot's of VIC points. By the way, why are you using the same picture as Sven Drake, are you and him one and the s(h)ame person, how original. For me no difference I will eat you both. Dear GB, Sometimes it is time to change ones principles and if I can help to do this, give me a clear sign. Greetings Rednas I am not anti French, you know, just refuse to do what they tell me, there is a difference. We have actually enjoyed our stay in the Free French city of Calais. We have the same enemy, which clearly makes us friends, if only of convenience.
  4. Hey From. Game 59 was one of the most fun games I ever played. My good friend, D Maier was Hungary, and his country was overrun TWICE, yet he played until the end. That is a true gamer. I retook it both times and ceded it back to him. It was a non stop fight the entire way, with Persia coming in through the back door of my country at the end. I had the highest score, but because Hungary was my TA, I did not get the win. Worth it though, TA's like that do not come around that often. What country were you? I had so many huge fights that game, which is how I got so many land kills. My French Foe.....I try to keep it loose. It makes the game fun that way! As far as learning something or not, I do know you and have never met you before this game. I know that you have played in many games and finished quite a few as well. I am no stranger to Victory and have counted myself among the survivors of a game or two. With regard to playing 'this way'----- keep making assumptions you know nothing about. Happy New Year to you and all the rest of the clan.
  5. I hope you didn't need those battleships for that Cain. It did not appear you were using them, so I had just thought I would play with them a bit. So you guys this is Game79 and not some old revival, because if I start to list up all those games I have played....it takes tooooo long and to be honest nobody is waiting for that to read. So please focus on VIC79, if you still are a part of it..... Rednas The British, on principle, refuse to cow down to French demands. Though we felt the thread needed to be brought back to game 79, and thus our taunting of the brave yet foolish Danes, we now would like to know if anybody here was in game 57?
  6. where did you get that word? I would be surprised if this game starts for a few weeks.
  7. I hope you didn't need those battleships for that Cain. It did not appear you were using them, so I had just thought I would play with them a bit.
  8. Playing the US/Canada/Iceland in an advanced start game will mean that you won't enter the European warzone until T50, unless the US and Canada start fighting eachother which will delay their arrival at the European theater. It would be interesting however to combine one of the coastal countries(Morocco/Portugal/France/Norway) with US or Canada, this would give the Naval powers an early start in the fight. But an advanced game would be interesting! What about an advanced start & all tech game....? Don The USA and Canada have some value in an advanced start game, as there are no real navy units early in the game that are ultimately useful for invading Europe, and the no time limit for an ending allows them to be a factor.
  9. believe it or not, game 65 was one of my favorite games. I was attacked by Germany, Lowlands and Sitzerland out of the gate, but held on for over 20 turns, and may have survived, if not for Spain deciding to attack also. 65 was a fun game, I was the USA in that one. Actually, as Coothunter pointed out, my alzheimers was working on me there. I was France in 67, not 65.
  10. For a long time, there was no way to break a TA. The problem came because many are not reliable, and would drop the game for no apparent reason, even though they had a decent position. It is for that reason that Russ put in the 5% chance to break. I would not be against a rule that you could not break with a TA that was still controlled by it's original owner.
  11. A few years back, Rolling Thunder ran a couple of games that started on turn 25, with 25 turns of stockpiles, and was an open ended game. The games were quite fun, and the advanced start meant a huge difference in battle sizes at the start. Russ says if there is interest, he would happily run another, anybody out there want to play in one?
  12. believe it or not, game 65 was one of my favorite games. I was attacked by Germany, Lowlands and Sitzerland out of the gate, but held on for over 20 turns, and may have survived, if not for Spain deciding to attack also.
  13. Well, since I know who is Northern Russia, and Central Russia is basically dead, I would presume you are Southern Russia by your comment. In what game have we played before?
  14. I love that attitude Cain, and it will be a pleasure to help you look forward to your next game. Truthfully, I wish every player would play to the last man, but it just does not work out that way. Ok Limburgia, have we fought before? Are you in game 79? What country are you?
  15. If words were bullets they would be singing my death song, but alas, it is not to be.
  16. So, how is that going for you Cain? btw, 8 countries isn't close, when you get over 20, you can whine, but if you are really fighting, you need to get into the 20s. What interest do you guys have about a location without population......it's only use would be a staging point against Iceland...... No idea what you are talking abou limburgia, but I am quite sure there is population in Copenhagen and Odense.
  17. So, how is that going for you Cain? btw, 8 countries isn't close, when you get over 20, you can whine, but if you are really fighting, you need to get into the 20s.
  18. Calamaran, you killed a few planes, but I think things are going to get ugly for you pretty soon. Poland, you are moving awful slow for a guy with a 4 to 1 numerical advantage!
  19. Great Britain is alive and well.
  20. The bad guys have officially reached their high water mark in the west, and I will begin to push you back now. Greece, where did you go? I had a beautiful reception all ready for you in Geneva, and you don't show up. No call, now note, I am crushed. Poland, enjoy those French women while you can, because there will be none in the desert of Algeria when you arrive at the POW camps.
  21. Nice surprise. Here I am thinking you are out of pea shooters and you shoot down lots of my nice planes. Good move on your part. Makes it interesting. The surprises in store for you have only begun my friend.
  22. Wow, how much longer can Greece continue to lose 18 division armies each turn and keep advancing? Come on Greece, you know you want to move those tanks into Geneva, go ahead, it will be ok. How much longer can Poland absorb 1500 plus losses in TU-2's before the skies above Switzerland and southern France are no longer dark with the Polish menace? How much longer can Rumania continue his adventures in Africa while his brother in arms, Greece, is being devastated at every turn? How much longer can Algeria hold out against the determined attacks of all of the above? Methinks it will be fun to get these answers.
  23. Glad you came out to fight Pharoah. The Greeks are so busy getting themselves killed, it is hard to see you over the corpses. There is no question, the overwhelming force your side has brought to bear is gradually moving the line back, for now. You have some surprises to come though.
  24. Ahh, the Danish government continues with the disinformation. First of all, We have never bombarded Alborg, or any other Danish city. Secondly, we happen to know that the "fishing boats" in question carried the Danish marines to France for the imfamous rape of Calais. We have intercepted plans showing that the fleet was next to be used against the Faeroe island patriots who convinced the Irish to help them throw off the yoke of their Danish oppressors.
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