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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Given the erratic behavior of the Danish government that his Majesties represetatives in Copenhagen have reported back to London, we have determined that we will not allow the Danes to go back to the Faeroes.
  2. I guess you forgot to mention the third option, counterattack and kill you. I am sure, with your 3 or 4 to one numerical advantage, I cannot hold, or can I?
  3. Calamaran, things certainly look bright for your side. With the eastern front rolling, you have been able to conentrate on the west, and the Greek-Rumanian-Polish combo certainly has control of the skies at the moment. But to win this war, you are going to have to do it in the mud ultimately. You will find that Algeria will not roll over and play dead just because the skies darken with enemy aircraft. I love being outnumbered 3 to one. Let those Greeks come forward and take back their provinces, see what happens to them. Let the Poles venture forth from their cities with their full armies, and see what happens. If you are able to beat us back, with just that little 3 to 1 advantage, I will be impressed, but I still doubt it. I heard this Carthage must fall stuff back around turn 30, and yet I have yet to see any ground troops from your alliance make headway against Algerian troops.
  4. Good luck, You'll need it..... to answer your questions? iceland and great britain, will not slow anything down - hint see you soon..... Egypt, will not have much left to call his own. So he will not be a factor anymore you are right about Saudi Arabia and UAE, the only line they can defend is the line of retreat. Greece is in trouble, but he has friends, so he will be okay. You better hope that morocco can help you, but then again the only help will be it's airpower. DezertCamel I am anxious to meet you on the battlefield DC. A good joke, how many eastern bloc countries does it take to beat Algeria, answer, more than 3, but who knows. Egypt has a large and talented air force, that will be of great value in the coming campaigns. I think UAE may surprise you, he has not yet begun to fight, to quote some US historty. Greece's friends will slow down his collapse, but will not stop it. Morocco may be too late, but his air force has capabilities none of the current combatants on the front can boast.
  5. Lots of reasons why. Big wars, competent players. I am going to love fighting the combined air forces of Poland, Greece and Rumania. Will they slow my methodical advance across the Alps? Maybe. I relish the challenge. Can Iceland and Great Britain provide enough of a challenge to Northern and Central Russia to keep them out of my hair? I think so. Will Egypt fall to the Rumanian hordes? I kind of doubt it. Will UAE and Saudi Arabia find a line in the sand they can defend? Seems doubtful. Will Carthage fall? No chance. Will Greece fall. Likely. Can Morocco bring enough force to bear to relieve some pressure from Algeria. Hope so. Will Spongebob come back. No chance!
  6. My dear old Greece seems to have been taking it on the chin for quite some time from those Algerian panzers of yours....my Brit tanks leave something to be desired. And all those Ruskie beasts moving to my north....could be 'yikes' for us both! And I so wanted to be on the Riviera for Cannes...or was that Cannae? Galvorn I told you it was going to hurt, this "carthage must fall" stuff. Cheer up though, I should all be over soon. And yes, I see those T-34s. Life would be a lot harder for you if all my panzers were free to gobble up Greek possesions.
  7. am I the only one still having fun in this game?
  8. Hello Marklen X, Really, that is interesting. Some contact from the Spongiebaby yet or is he out of the game (at last). Herewith I am making contact to you also, is this diplomacy? But be carefull what to write and what not on the forum. Greetings Rednas Ruler of jknhiuztööaä Rednas, I have had no contact with whats his name. I am not worried about what I write here. I have no real secrets in this game. I am Great Britain. Every knows who my allies go. When I am against somebody, they know that, when I work with somebody, they know that. When I am talking to people about my options, they know that too.
  9. I will say, this game does not lack for diplomacy. Virtually every country on the continent has contacted me looking for an ally in their wars. Great Britains long time policy of not taking part in continental wars is being severly tested.
  10. While we have the greatest respect for the Danish people, who are so hearty they swim naked in the freezing waters of the Gulf of Finland, the combined nations seeking to reduce the peace loving peoples of Finland to slavery cannot be tolerated. I am perfectly willing to leave alone all who would have peace with the Finns.
  11. Wow, a bunch of naked Danes in Northern Russia, I hope you have war correspondents with cameras along.
  12. Hello there Pharoah. I see we are pretty much nose to nose. We are looking at your sentries there in Zurich, Bellinzona and Frieburg. Looks like that balloon is about to go up. Hope you got your chinstrap buckled.
  13. Ok Sponge, you win. I cannot take any more sleepless nights waiting for you to kill me. My fear of you is so great, I just sit and sweat. Send me an alliance request, and I will respond.
  14. Sheesh Greece, why so silent? It is just now getting interesting, no time to stop talking. Poland, what is keeping you? Have a nice reception all ready for you, and you are leaving me hanging!
  15. All of what friends around me sponge? Ireland? Surely Spain does not scare you. By your own words, France and I will soon be at war. Who is it that scares you? If it will help, I will fight you one on one. If I can't take you out by myself, I probably don't deserve to play this game anymore anyway.
  16. I was thinking the same thing. I would like to see a little more chatter going on. Come on Baltic States, come out of your holes and fight! Central Russia, now that you have broken with Poland, when can we expect to see some of your shiny new T-34s arrive on our front? Takeda, how is that gulf of Syria thing going? You on the march to Algeria yet?
  17. I have nothing against Rednas, and do not see that we will be fighting soon. I hate to see you temporizing after all your bombastic talk earlier sponge. You know where I am, and I realize as tight as your panties are, you are unable to reveal your position. I really don't care, I suspect you are Iceland, but please stop boring me to death, I would rather fight it out. Come on already, attack me.
  18. Spongie, no fair starting wars with other people. You promised to kill me first. I would be so hurt if you attacked somebody else first. I know we have already hidden all our sheep in anticipation of your arrival.
  19. Dont worry monk, I intend to get some of that fun.
  20. If only you had the cojones to back up that threat, I would be all over it. I can think of nothing I would rather do than have a war with you Sponge. Of course, since you don't even have the huevos to say what country you are, the chances of you starting a war with me are pretty slim. Still, fun to dream. Maybe Im Already Kicking your Butt into next week Don't think so, it seems to be right where I last saw it. Sponge, if BS were dynamite, you could blow up the world. Perhaps you are Iceland? Does not really matter, I can not imagine a less scary prospect than war with you. So you look at it often then do you, is that so you can kiss it goodbye
  21. If only you had the cojones to back up that threat, I would be all over it. I can think of nothing I would rather do than have a war with you Sponge. Of course, since you don't even have the huevos to say what country you are, the chances of you starting a war with me are pretty slim. Still, fun to dream. Maybe Im Already Kicking your Butt into next week Don't think so, it seems to be right where I last saw it.
  22. If only you had the cojones to back up that threat, I would be all over it. I can think of nothing I would rather do than have a war with you Sponge. Of course, since you don't even have the huevos to say what country you are, the chances of you starting a war with me are pretty slim. Still, fun to dream.
  23. Once again it appears Great Britain is being forced against her will to become embroiled in a continental war.
  24. It was merely a flesh wound. "Forward, the Light Brigade!" Was there a man dismay'd? Not tho' the soldier knew Someone had blunder'd: Their's not to make reply, Their's not to reason why, Their's but to do and die: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Oh and.... Death to Carthage! I will say this Galvorn, you die with a certain style all your own. Makes want to kill more of your guys, so I can read more prose. Ok. I understand killing off all of my "light brigade" Marines, but to come out and kill off their horses (LSTs) is a little too much. Just had to make a reef of my own for Jaques Cousteau....but I did add a few of your ships this time. Hvy Torp planes seem to be much more useful at this than my lumbering Lancasters. Amazing how many times they engaged....medals and grog for all....oh, forgot we are Greek...pass the sheep. Oh yes.... and Death to Carthage! I think you should be quite happy your LST fleet intercepted my fleet, or your out of munition battle fleet would not of fared well. Yes, your torpedo planes did yeoman like work, and are to be commended. We look forward to having any that survive the war on our future documentaries!
  25. It was merely a flesh wound. "Forward, the Light Brigade!" Was there a man dismay'd? Not tho' the soldier knew Someone had blunder'd: Their's not to make reply, Their's not to reason why, Their's but to do and die: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Oh and.... Death to Carthage! I will say this Galvorn, you die with a certain style all your own. Makes want to kill more of your guys, so I can read more prose.
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