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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Sure am glad I am not a Greek Marine. I never saw such a suicidal bunch.
  2. I won't have to pack a lunch, I will have you for breakfast..... It would be much shorter, if I didn't have to take the long way around to get to you.... Looking forward to the rumble in the desert...... DezertCamel I didn't know there was desert in Central Europe!
  3. I really like the the sound of that, it's got a certain ring too it..... DezertCamel Algerian tourists are already queueing up for tickets to the big parade in Red Square. We are in debate as to whether Desert Camel will be allowed to watch from the spike in his head, or not. DC, now maybe we can fight that fight you thought we fought so long ago in game 42, before I knew you were senile. I look forward to it. Bring a lunch, it is going to be a long job for you.
  4. Well well well! I love Polish food, so this is a pleasant surprise. We still have plenty of space left in the scenic Algerian desert. I commend you on your excellent smack, as this board has been silent too long. I shall deight in destroying what passes for a Polish army.
  5. Enough to do the job my friend. I have plenty of cards up my sleeve for Lil' Patton still. We have only begun to rain terror on you.
  6. Well well, my old prey back. Glad to hear from you. Good luck in your quest to top my Persian score. It was a fun game, and at the end, my tanks rolled into Amsterdam, a long journey from where they began. Keep me informed of your progress, I am interested in how it goes.
  7. Hey Lil Patton, I know that the HA Shermans are the cutting edge of Swiss technology, but they still need ammunition!
  8. Oops, sounds like trouble afoot for the mapmakers!
  9. Something tells me it is a little bit late for you to be rolling into Switzerland Koenus. JSStrait and company seem to be rolling a little larger rock in the opposite direction.
  10. Nothing will make me happier Spongie. Bring your A game though, or it will hurt. Too bad you don't have the guts to say what country you are playing, make it a bit of fun. Now when I kill you, I will not get the same satisfaction.
  11. Here again, as Great Britain. Sponge, I could care less what country you are.
  12. A few Rumanian tanks would be a very interesting addition I am sure. Divers would appreciate it, if nothing else. We are now constructing a massive tower out of used Greek aluminum in Msaken. We are hoping, with just a few more air raids, we will be able to spy on Sicily from the top of it.
  13. There is Rumanian navy but you guys just haven't found it yet. As soon as you do, I will pitch in as all of you have. Calamaran. Well, remember, we are talking Western Med. I gotta admit, I have not spent much time looking for a Rumanian navy, having been a bit busy, but I think it only decent you send it out west, and lets us see it in all of it's glory.
  14. Uh, Calamaran, there have been a whole lot more Greek contributions to the reef than Algerian. If there was such a thing as a Rumanian navy, and it would venture forth from it's ports, we would welcome their contributions also.
  15. Sounds like there are plenty of new places for the fish to hang out in. I applaud you for your great efforts in support of conservation Takeda.
  16. Which russia are they, northern, central, southern??? If you can give a discription of what they look like (type of boats, flag flown,ect...) we'll be happy to keep an eye open for them so we can direct them in in the proper direction. okie. No need to to makes every bodies do the guessings. It me. And Takeda; I know we far from the Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands, but we not lost. Thank you, Morocco coast very sunshine bright. "petit" Patton; no required that you do that. I have been advised by several peoples of the sightings, and some even send me the reports by e-mail. Why the large fuss? No happy glad, to see some Russe BB in the Mediterranean's seas? There so many oother of us here, we wanteds to join the parties too. Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-Lis In your flurry of posts, I see no explanation of Northern Russian ships in the Med. Are you now looking for warmer climes to spread your brand of truth?
  17. Lord Vader, I think you need to do some more exploring. I hardly would call the Tunisian coast the Eastern Med. Hey Marklen, We dont call the it the Eastern Med anymore either. It has been officially renamed the Gulf of Syria and it does extend to the coast of Tunisia. Takeda Good to know, we will have new maps printed immediatly
  18. Lord Vader, I think you need to do some more exploring. I hardly would call the Tunisian coast the Eastern Med.
  19. Might you be counting your chickens while you still have foxes in the henhouse?
  20. I would like to thank you for that..... Here's to two front wars..... DezertCamel <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are not welcome. It amazes me that more that 50 Swiss and Lowlands mech/armor divisions are still committed to the western front, with you knocking on the door of their frontier.
  21. It is too bad that so many Lowlands and Swiss resources have been spent in Southern France. I find it hard to believe they will be much of a challenge to the eastern powers. There losses in the west are serious, and mounting. Two front wars abound in this game. The interesting thing about the war in Europe, I am actually aiding Central Russia by drawing off lots of planes and tanks to France, which allows him to send more planes and tanks to fight my total allies in the middle east.
  22. Sweden is still here, and we own a fair piece of Poland, for the time being, and most of Norway.
  23. So I guess my ground units in persia, fighting against uae don't exist....If my bombers had the range I would love to fly from central russia instead, but I don't have american or british tech. And as for conquering dropped countries, I guess germany, lowlands, switzerland and the new guy in denmark all have dropped according to you. I think they missed that memo... And for your armies, I have plans for them. they are to die in an overly elaborate trap, just like james bond.....except with an unhappy ending - they die Look at it this way, we may finally get to fight, compared to game 65. DezertCamel <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I find it hard to believe Lowlands or Switzerland are really fighting you, since I have a bunch of 18 division tank armies running around southern France that sure seem to have their markings all over them.
  24. "Carthage must be destroyed" just sounded so much better than "Amsterdam must be flooded"...... Galvorn Greece75 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Besides, neither Amsterdam nor the dykes existed during the life of Cato the Censor, so it would of been a remarkable quote to attribute to him.
  25. I enjoy a good fight as much as the next guy, and I am loving the way this one is shaping up.
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