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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Well DC, I wish you would get on with your plan! No, the SS Panzers will not be going anywhere soon Rommel, and they have some new friends for you to play with. You are right though, that were it not for Galvorn and this silly "Carthage must be destroyed" nonsense, you would be facing considerably greater forces, ground and air.
  2. Hey DC, still slogging away here in France, with the might of the Confederation, or what is left of it, committed to stopping me. They have a ton of tanks, but I am confident that we shall prevail over the infidels. The Greeks are doing there best to divert Algerian resources, which is making this one fun fight. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi DC and Marklen X, always fun to have a great fight. The Confederation won't be able to stop the massive forces coming from the east, but we have good hopes to stop the ones coming from the south and west As for these "ton of tanks" don't know where you've seen those, at least they are not on my turnresults Looking forward to some nice fireworks the coming turns. And then the "mighty" Lowlands will finally be overrun... happened already twice this game <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well Rommel, you have two big armored forces in Southern France, and your sidekick Switzerland has another, while I have only one. Looks like a ton to me. Seems if you are being overrun from the east, you could move some of those in that direction.
  3. Hey DC, still slogging away here in France, with the might of the Confederation, or what is left of it, committed to stopping me. They have a ton of tanks, but I am confident that we shall prevail over the infidels. The Greeks are doing there best to divert Algerian resources, which is making this one fun fight.
  4. Yes he does! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whoa there Predator, I am not liking your sour grapes, after you promised to crush me on multiple occasions, and I kicked your butt in no time flat. I think you should just back off. As for you Lil Patton, you lyinig, snake in the grass, I am coming for you, and none of your rampant lies will save you, nor will your big confederation friends. I do not care for you implications. I offered you peace, you bragged all along that the confederation is all for one and one for all, but now you pass the buck that I needed peace with Lowlands. You posted my message to you, and it clearly says I would be willing to make peace, now you call me a liar when I say I offered peace. Lowlands did not need to take Barcelona to fight Iceland, since Iceland does not now and has never had any province that even borders Barcelona. I grow tired of you lying on every post, and then calling me a liar. I am sorry to rant so for all of you others. Patton, you can quit now, or waste more money, but nothing will save you.
  5. well that's what Allies are for aren't they I understand you want to attack Greece, but I don't see why you need to go through Lowlands and Swiss territory to get there? You could just send your panzers by see? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, allies are there to help, sure. But my original post was about how many holes in the confederation dyke there were, and that Lowlands may run out of fingers. Lil Patton declared you were not the only one with fingers, infering that he could handle his own business. It appears he cannot. As for attacking Greece, I have plenty of resources for both. I told Lil Patton a couple of months ago that if he stopped going west, the confederation and I would not need to fight, he could keep what he had. He basically told me to pound sand, he would take what he wanted, and then promptly moved into Spain. It is a bit late now to complain about this conflict. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Marklen First: You speak of appearances. To this all I have to say is, not all is as it appears... "is that air your breathing" . or this one..." Your eyes can decive you, don't trust them" Second: The fallowing is the message you sent me 5 months ago: Personal Message Marklen X France, Mar 12 2006, 11:26 AM Veteran Group: Members Posts: 147 Member No.: 209 Joined: 11-November 03 I initially sent this message to Denmark by mistake. You have now butted up against Algerian forces in France. If you wish to have peace, please stop your westward advance and propose an alliance with Algeria. I have no problem with peace, or no problem with war, so you decide. Marklen X Algeria, game 75 -------------------- Persia game 42 Baltic States game 45 Ireland game 57 Central Russia game 59 France game 65 Italy game 71 Algeria game 75 To this I replyed to you that Lowlands held all the boarder along Spain/France and that you needed to talk with him. I never heard back from you or if you had made contact with Lowlands or not. I assume you didn't as Lowlands moved into Spain, you DW on him and I gave support to my TEAM-MATE . I have never held any Spanish ground or any ground west of Nimes (which I had at the time of your message). I never moved west and you never sent any kind of PAP. Nor did I ever tell you to "eat dirt". I too have no complaint about this war, but with your distortion of the reasons for it I have many. This is the second time I have nailed you on distorting the facts based on how things "appear" to you. A third is coming . So come on, break out of xMarseilles, it's just one air40 between your 16 panzers and the lands I hold. You started this war, not us . So can you finnish what you start, it's clear you wont take responsibility for Starting it. With Respect for your Acomplishments thus far lil Patton <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well now, let us talk about who is revising history here. That note clearly states that we can have peace. You actually said you passed my message on to Lowlands, and he would get in touch with me. I waited, and instead of hearing from him, I saw him invade Spain. I would say that as equivilant to saying pound sand. It does not really matter at this point, because I intend to see you beside the Tunisian, Libyan and Spanish dictators in a special compound we have in the Algerian desert. I need no advice on how to fight with tanks, I have done it once before.
  6. Don't worry, he is sending panzers to me by sea as well. And the Greek army, like Algerian, has lots of reserves unable to swim the straits between us. At least my troops are garrisoning the beauty of Tuscany and not the deserts of Tunisia....hmm maybe thats why Algeria has had more success getting into Europe than Greece has had getting into Africa..... much better place to be.....perfect example of illegal immigration/prolific conquest. Galvorn Greece75 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We are just trying to spread the word Galvorn. Actually, my Panzer commanders have been hoping your marines could make it ashore someplace, so they could see some action, but alas, our pitchfork equiped landwehr have been far too tough for Greek marines.
  7. well that's what Allies are for aren't they I understand you want to attack Greece, but I don't see why you need to go through Lowlands and Swiss territory to get there? You could just send your panzers by see? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, allies are there to help, sure. But my original post was about how many holes in the confederation dyke there were, and that Lowlands may run out of fingers. Lil Patton declared you were not the only one with fingers, infering that he could handle his own business. It appears he cannot. As for attacking Greece, I have plenty of resources for both. I told Lil Patton a couple of months ago that if he stopped going west, the confederation and I would not need to fight, he could keep what he had. He basically told me to pound sand, he would take what he wanted, and then promptly moved into Spain. It is a bit late now to complain about this conflict.
  8. Uh, Lil Patton, I don't "send Morrocco" anywhere. He runs his own country, and I run mine. He is a fine ally, however, so I am glad to hear he paid you a call. As for misinterpreting, it seems rather clear. I take land from you, Lowlands counterattacks to take it back, that does not sound to me like you can handle your own business. I do not have too many fronts. In fact, the biggest problem I have is dozens of Panzer divisions standing around with nothing to do. Causing many fathers to keep their daughters close at night.
  9. \ Well, if your little digits are planning on stopping any flow from the south, it appears you will have to elbow Lowlands out of the way, as he obviously believes he needs to use his own fingers for that one.
  10. Yes, this games board has never really taken off. I know that there is a massive war in the east, however. On the dark side, Poland, Baltic States, Northern Russia, Central Russia, Austria,Greece, Yugoslavia and I believe Southern Russia. On the side of good and right, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland and Lowlands. How goes the war between Algeria and her friends against the British and allies?
  11. Yes, we have a nice little patch of desert near the Morrocan border that will be all Greek when we are done, at least for those that survive. Not much water, but a great place to work on your tan Galvorn.
  12. My bad Pharoah, just a screw up on my part, but it has been edited.
  13. Wow Galvorn, I appreciate that you don't like to see Algerian troops get their feet wet, but it seems a bit harsh to have your navy get all it's ships sunk to build a steel bridge from Tunis to Trapani. Edited to give the Greek his due!
  14. Gee Pharoah, I thought you were a fighter, and all I see are spies! Are you repositioning for the big offensive? Ok with me, I love a good fight, and hope this one does not dissapoint me. Wow, the propaganda of the confederation puts Goebbels to shame. A couple of Dauntlesses drop some bombs on a couple of cooks and that is called retaliations? Or did you stick a pin in an Algerian voodoo doll and expect that to stop us.
  15. Kudos Spongebob for fighting it out. The confederation is doomed in this game, but then, we knew that when they were talking all the trash back at the start. I see a major eastern power block that is scary though, hope the confederation has enough to slow them down.
  16. I am with you there Coot. The bane of Victory! games are the defeatist babies who lose one battle and drop the game. I love guys like Turkey and Persia, who get their butts kicked badly, but fight on when all appears lost, helping their TA's. Of course, often, it is a replacement puppet government supplied by the TA, but so what, I would rather fight a live person than a computer any day, so I have no problem with that.
  17. Well it's going to be even more fun now Fighting Iceland, Algeria, Poland, Sweden, Norway and probably the UK also in the very near future At least it's not boring <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Rommel, I am happy to hear you say that, I hope you fight it out to the end, because from my perspective, I would rather be losing a war that is bitterly fought than scarfing up computer ran cities. After all the bombast from the coalition about how we all were going to die at their hand, I don't see how you guys can complain much though.
  18. There is no war in Africa, it has been unified under our benevelent rule. As for the coalition, it clearly was a paper tiger all along, and one good whack has shown it's true colors. Pity the poor Greek children, who will suffer mightily from the misguided ways of their oppresive government. It will get better for them soon though, when we liberate them. Mike, what country are you?
  19. I suppose I am just overly sensitive. I found the prospect of a foreing power whose motto is "Carthage must be destroyed" occupying a large island right off my coast to be just a bit threatening. I doubt you can afford the cost of property in xAlgiers, but I can save a nice spot for you in our reeducation camp at Fort McMahon. I will give you a bunk next to Predator, he also was shopping in xAlgiers, but determined it was too expensive.
  20. Queen Mary's do... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Coothunter, you should know from your own fleet's experience, that you do not need to shoot at Russian ships to sink them, just put them in water.
  21. Fleur, you are welcome to bring that navy down to the Med, we will host it with pleasure. I am afraid, though, that such a voyage would wreak havoc on the ships, as they are not really built for ocean cruising. Yes, Mare Nostrum it is. It will soon be painfully obvious to the Rumanians and the Greeks that nobody sails Our Sea without our permission.
  22. Well Calamaran, I still am not sure what of my ships you have sunk, but if you wish to have your airforce be history, send it west of Sicily. I will happily pluck your feathers, and put them in my hat. I would be curious what desert you expect to fight in. You will have a hard time walking across the Med, and there sure wont be any ships making the trip. I will send you a nice not when I burn Bucharest to the ground though, I promise.
  23. I am not sure what you are referring to Calamaran, as you and I are not even at war, perhaps in your fevered dreams of world domination, you have killed Algerian troops, but I think perhaps you just ate too much spicy food late at night. I love the sig line. It also gives us great clarity. We now know you intend us great harm, and there is no reason to play nice. I have a clear vision of history being changed, and see Carthiginians dancing in the streets of Athens and Bucharest while the dirty little ragamuffins that inhabit those infidel hovels gape on in horror.
  24. Your sea? Calamaran. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, my Rumanian friend, our sea. If you have studied history, you will find the Romans always referred to it as our sea. We also consider it so, though that does not mean we would not share. Clearly, you have no intention of being so magnanamous. I have no doubts we will soon discover just whos sea it is, and I trust you will not be happy with the name.
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