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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Heathens of Mecca? So now the Greeks want a holy war? It seems that you have been left alone to do pretty much as you pleased in Europe, but obviously, Europe is not enough for you. Come venture across our Sea, and find out if you like what you find my friend.
  2. Uh, Pharoah, I am in Algeria, not Iceland. And yes, Algeria is still playing, believe it or not, though I did have a brief fainting spell at the thought of the confederation being angry at me.
  3. Sweden is still alive and scuffiling around in the frozen tundra.
  4. I do not think we are neighbors with Poland yet, unless you have come west very fast. We try and keep our tanks in perfect working order, so do not worry about seeing many on blocks. We will do our best to bring the word to the infidels to the north however, so you may rest easy.
  5. Sweden is still alive and well, Norway should be counted among the fallen.
  6. Forgive me if I doubt your "good intentions". Those mines were put there for a reason....and one might consider your attempt at clearing them a hostile act. Of course, if that was true, perhaps you will contact me requesting peace and a more formal agreement (as I tried to do several times)? I can easily recompense the minimal damage. On the other hand, when additional forces move in this turn, my concerns will be proven well founded.... I won't sit idly by and allow you to make the first strike. Glad to see that things are heating up all over. Looks like a long shooting war in Iberia. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  7. Looks like the attacks in the east may finally break the back of the Italians. Come on down to the sunny Med and play, we welcome tourists of all persuasions. BTW, the new thread I started is for game 76, not game 75, so how does that relate to this game?
  8. It seems we have entered the grind period of the game. Everybody is involved in a fight somewhere, and doesn't seem to want to talk about it. I suspect things will pick up here soon, as somebody is sure to poke the hornets nest.
  9. I know the new world is very exciting, and I do not wish to make light of the nice little war going on there, but they have so dominated the other thread I thought I would start a new one. What is up with all the central European countries? We have heard nothing of Germany, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and more. Sweden is seeking friends on the continent, anybody interested?
  10. There are no Tunisian partisans. There were some, but they have all been "reeducated".
  11. This game is shaping up as a classic. With the Norse alliance, the Island alliance, the confederation, and the mideast alliances all looking rather powerful, and the Iti's and the Frogs holding out, I think it is going to be fun.
  12. Wait, I think I get it! You have heard from your old pal Predator about the splendid Saharan accomodations at our reeducation camps, and were hoping to have better communication with your guards..., err teachers. I hope you are planning a vacation on our sunny shores soon. I am sure your good friend Rasputin would let you use an Italian port for the much trumpeted Swiss navy, which I have heard is fearsome to behold. I look forward to your promised visit with great anticipation.
  13. Well lil Patton, these propaganda boards are just that, propaganda. The recent world events seem to carry a bit more weight with me, but maybe that is just because I am old and cynical. Now if I were to see those cities fall right back, I might conclude that Rasputin had gotten overextended, but for now, well....
  14. Perhaps I am reading too much into a few minor cities in Switzerland falling, after all, they can obviously afford to lose lots of territory, but I think rumors of the demise of Italy have been greatly exaggerated.
  15. It has kind of gotten quiet. I am still curious who would qualify as a satelite member of the Confederacy. Patriot, I have hid my tents and camels, so you will never find them, unless they show up unannounced in Copenhagen one of these days.
  16. I see. Well, I guess I had better dig a hole in the sand then, before you come and get me. I wish you hadn't given me such a fright just before Christmas though!
  17. So attacking Poland's total ally in Libya does not constitute cassis belli to you?
  18. Ok, PatriotX come clean. Who are the actual members of this "confederation" of yours. I see my enemy Libya is TA'd with Poland, an avowed member of the confederation. I also see a connection between the evil middle east cabal of Persia, Turkey, Iraq, TransJordan and Southern Russia is involved with known members of the confederation. How widespread is this? I would hate to think I would find myself honor bound to defend Rasputin, but the menace of what I am seeing is beginning to concern me.
  19. Obviously I am not everyone, because I don't know it. I do know that you are winning the battle for number of silly posts though!
  20. Ok, I am guilty as charged, have not posted on this forum, but am in the game. I had enough back and forth in other games, figured I would just let this one slide, but now that others are calming down, maybe I can talk some trash here! Oh yeah, I am Sweden.
  21. The Butcher of Tebessa has been executed! The evil mastermind of the siege of Tebessa, Tunisian field marshal Essoussi, has been captured and summarily executed, among the bedraggled remnants of the once proud 2nd Tunisian army, which was finally eradicated in Elkef. The 2nd army besieged Tebessa for 90 days earlier this year, starving the populace and commiting atrocities which cannot be mentioned here. Despite bold proclamations by the Tunisian premier of the emminent fall of the ancient city, they held out against all odds, and eventually lifted the siege. The victorious 3rd Algerian army was heavily engaged in bringing emergence rations to the people of Elkef, who have suffered mightily under the repressive former regime.
  22. I think that the Alliance I was in did quite well considering the fact that two of us were newbies (myself and Tunisia) and that we had to find a new player when the original had some family/personal issues and had to drop out (also Tunisia). I look forward to my next game of Victory! (Since I've now seen the proverbial Elephant. ) Thanks guys for a great time! -SK <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks all for a fun game. It has to go down as the lowest scoring game in history. Not a single 600 point country. Was a well played and enjoyable game.
  23. Wow, the confederacy sounds like some kind of workers paradise! I have had no opinion on this conflict, but the thought of being in such a collective makes me cringe. Italy, give me notice if you start to crumble, so I can keep them out of the Med. hehe
  24. Wow, this board has gone dead. I never knew how much I would miss Predator. Maybe I will have to sail across the sea and see if I can stir thing up!
  25. Thanks! Did you get a breakdown of your score? -SK <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you will get a breakdown of all the survivors, and the territory they control, but you do not get a victory point by victory point breakdown.
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