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Marklen X

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Posts posted by Marklen X

  1. I don't dispute it's abused, but there are so many other things that are far more gamey in my opinion. Top of the list is delaying your turn to blind an opponent, which has happened to me a couple of times in 105 already. I agree with Dag that the legacy of a PBM game that hasn't been updated is a big cause of gamey behavior. With today's technology, it would be easy to email any battle reports to somebody involved when they happen. 

  2. I'll weigh in. Victory! is both a wargame and a diplomacy game. Not being privy to the discussions between the two parties, I can't say what the actual truth is here. What I will say, is virtually everybody in this game has both been a TA of mine and an enemy of mine at some point. Some people believe a good backstab is a winning strategy. Some believe that they must keep a deal even if it costs them the game. Both are viable options in a game of this sort, and ultimately it's up to the individual to make the deals he thinks will work out for him. 

  3. 3 hours ago, dageraad said:

    New map: 

    At the beginning of turn 5, the map for turn 3. 
    The first wars are getting clear and there seem to be some major conflict: 
    Dark green vs. Pink vs Yellow vs Dark blue and the Blue Middle East against the rest. 


    Greece should be with Yugoslavia et al (aqua?) and is at war with the CE alliance (lt. blue?) I think a major city has changed hands between pink and green. 

  4. 11 hours ago, The Fremen said:

    That’s true but my snake in the grass remark wasn’t directed at Tunisia or its ruler. At least you dealt with the 🐑 somewhat honestly. Since game 101 we have been conducting genetic experiments on our 🐑 genome and have come up with savage warlike bloodthirsty 🐑 Warriors with an eye on each butt cheek. Our neighbors are in for a very rude awakening. Baaaahahaha😈

    Hmm. I can't think of anything dishonest myself or our group did with you in 101. Not sure to whom this is directed.

  5. 8 hours ago, schmutti said:

    I am probably the most peaceful player no one should really care abbout ... 🙂

    I already started to build up touristic infrastructure on the coast to give all of you a warm welcome in beautiful Yugoslavia.
    (by the way, it's indeed a wonderful country with very nice beaches and great old cities like Dubrovnik, Zagreb, etc.)

    Hmm, sounds fun, will the Austrians give me access?

  6. In the books, a very fun game. Thanks to the western allies for fighting to the end, and a big shout out to Tunisia and Algeria, who though crushed early, and clearly having no possibility of victory, fought on. I play Victory! for the fun fights with competent players, and this one will rank with my favorites!

  7. Well, here's the stats over Bilbao.

    Canada lost 452 combined P-47N's and P-51B's and didn't get through to the target

    Ireland lost 390 P-38J's and did 1.29 divisions damage to air 39 and Mtn 41 divisions

    Ireland lost 127 A-26B's and 297 P-51H's and didn't get through to the target

    In all these combats, Libya lost 163 fighters. 

    I'd call that a Slaughter. As for reducing significantly, I think a better example is the 6 full strength mech 44 divisions of the USA in xLisbon. Airstrikes reduced them to 0. We obviously have a different take on things here. 

    And it has been a fun game. Would of been a great time to play it out, but you guys alone couldn't fight us without the eastern bloc chipping in. I appreciate you putting out the effort thought! To my mind, the bane of Victory! is people who have a couple of things go wrong and then just drop because it's going to be hard. I hate fighting computers, and the best thing in this game is I haven't fought one yet. 

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