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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Well Predator? Did the string break on your marshalls high tech communications system? Or is the news not what you wanted, so now you have stopped posting for awhile?
  2. Well, I will just bet you a nickel your boys won't get the job done. I am not sure you even have the huevos for this kind of street fighting. Seems to me that in order to avenge the death of your people at the hands of the Egyptians, you would need to attack an Egyptgian city, but then I cannot begin to understand the Tunisian mind. Enjoy your moment in the sun, then end is near!
  3. I see, and you think that will end the war? I am afraid you have mistaken me for somebody else.
  4. For who? Surely you won't quit this easily!
  5. Ahh, you are making this game so fun my little prey. I have no fear of Libya, and am perfectly willing to fight you both, as he would lose his country very fast from the east. I am glad you are so confident, I only hope I can give you a good game before you kill me, and not embarrass myself to much.
  6. Well Kevin C, I don't recall Coothunter biting off anything, you all tried to take a bite out of him. I suspect that it is going to prove awfully tough to swallow though. Predator, I did not drag anybody else into this war. You declared war on Egypt for some reason, what is he supposed to do, sit around and wait for you to do something to him? Sorry, but you have to talk to him about his actions, I do not have control of them. I stand by my original declaration, which was that I have no intention of breaking with Libya while I am fighting Tunisia. You made the one on one proclamation, and I thought it fine. Then you go out and mass DW, and I guess they are supposed to just sit home and fret about what you are going to do to them?
  7. Rasputin, in spite of the combined efforts of the airforces and navies of the entire team PISS, I am still firmly ensconced in the east. Now you must actually fight others, and since you have been unsuccesful in your attempts to dislodge me, you will turn on your former Syrian ally, and try and personnally remove me. You will have no better success. I have no problem taking one for the team, and though you have inflilcted a fair amount of casualties, it is not nearly enough, and you will see on turn 73, you will not be the victors.
  8. Marklen X- You claim to bpa with me yet you did not attack me, that gives me pause. IF this is true we will be at war when I process. I think though that post may have been a ruse to by time if I was to run my turn and not try to break with you. My mechanized divisions are looking forward to running your inf soldiers into the ground with their tracks. We will walk on the bodies of our enemies as to not get mud on our boots. DW Egypt, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., and Algeria <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lol, I claimed no such thing Predator. I only said I did not fail with BPA. LOL, ok, it was a trick, but it was completely true, as I did not fail with a BPA.
  9. HHMMM ? Recent World Events Persia has Declared War on: Great Britain Saudi Arabia U.A.E. Looks like he be on a roll he is <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He need not break with any of those nations, as he does not start with a political agreement with any of them. Predator, come out of your cities and play, we will have a great time!
  10. Oh yeah, and Predator, I did not fail with BPA!
  11. Well, some interesting RNA results! It appears this may be quite the game, there are several players in this game who's names appear all over the Hall of Victory. At least 5 with a best country, and a few who have more then 1 best country! It appears this one will not be for the faint of heart. Now that the real fun is beginning, good luck to all, even the evil Tunisians!
  12. I proposed a 24 turn extension about 10 turns ago, and got no response from anybody other then the USA. If you are interested, lets vote.
  13. My guess would be, (ok, it is an educated guess) ME!
  14. Now really Predator, you have been doing ok until this drivel, grade schoolers would not be fooled. How does not being TA'd with Tunisia prevent Morroco from beating you to the sweet spots in Algeria? He can attack me after I am engaged with you just as easily if he is not TA'd with you, as he can if he is. And do you really expect anybody to believe that with just a small stretch of Morroco preventing you and Spain from linking up after Algeria is dead, you would just say have a nice day and forget about Morroco? Takeda strikes me as a careful fellow, and I find it hard to believe he will buy that tripe. I think perhaps you did not contrive nearly a good enough excuse for refusing the TA with Morroco, but then, that is just me, perhaps he sees it different.
  15. Hehe, so those were Tunisian spies I caught! I thought so, they seemed rather uneducated and dirty! It is a bit early to know what kind of troops I will have, and PZIIs just don't really scare folks. Facing the forces I am facing, seeing to my defense seems a logical maneuver to me. Do not get too complacent though, Mr. prey, for I will be coming for you soon enough.
  16. Hehe, I think Coot has a point there Predator. Would that it were so, that you were to fight me one on one, but somehow I find it highly unlikely. I am plenty ready for you, and when the SS divisions are driving through Tunis in a couple of weeks, I will let you ride in a nice truck, (in the back of course) so you can wave to all of your former subjects. Do your worst, and let the chips fall where they may, but talk won't win this fight.
  17. I have learned of a major power block also, with Algiers as it's goal! It appears that the boy is crying wolf here, as Tunisia, Libya and Spain, with the possible help of Morroco, are plotting the overthrow of the rightfully elected government of Algeria! Meanwhile, Tunisian agents, in their typically disengenious way, are spreading rumors about the Algerians!
  18. Will be fun to see the Predator go after bigger game then he can handle. I look forward to it. Uh, by the way, we have picked out a nice little villa for your internment, in a lovely desert local, with a great view of the sand dunes!
  19. Well, I like the sound of that. I am willing to take you on mano a mano, but I hear something a little different about how far away all of your allies are. I will see if future events bear out your claims. In the meantime, just be aware, you are no longer preying on mice and squirrels, and if you wish to live up to that name, you best keep those fangs sharp!
  20. Hehe, ok Predator, I will will enjoy playing this game with you. I know you have plenty of help, but it won't be enough. You will get what you wish for, open wide, and see if you can chew all you bite off!
  21. As I recall, I offered you a alliance, never got a reponse. Never attacked you. I was busy fighting saudi and syria at the time with a little trans-jordan thrown in. When your troops flooded over my border. But On the bright side it was my first game and I learned alot. So I will look forward to a future meeting.... DezertCamel <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Now DesertCamel, that is not at all how it was. You broke with me, and invaded. TransJordan and Saudi Arabia did not fight you at all. I cut off your forces, and whupped up on em. You know the losers do not get to rewrite history to suit there purposes, I am surprised at you. BTW, Iraq and Canada are still available I hear, if you really want a crack at us, come on aboard!
  22. Sponge, there is nothing "fun" for others about you pretending to be somebody you are not. I suppose it is up to others to call your bluff, but I think it is a serious breach of board decorum. Anonymous posting on these kind of boards are always at risk of having people with no ethics pollute them with falsehoods, and this one is no exception, and I can only speak for myself, but falsely claiiming to be Germany, and now apparently Hungary, does not make me think I want to eliminate you, but that I just would not want to play a game with you at all. I have no intention of responding to anymore of your posts, and I would encourage Lil patton, Rasputin, dark monk and the others to do the same. Ignore him, he should go away eventually.
  23. Gosh Sponge, until now, I can not think of a single post in which I so much as referred to you, but I will say I agree with others that pretending to be Germany was a rather poor idea. I would love to be able to accomodate your desire for a fight, but am afraid that if you are Hungary, as you claim, we will never get the pleasure in this game. I am not sure I see where Tunisia has made any positive statements towards you, unless you are still in alias. You wouldn't be my old buddy KR would you? If so, a trick well below your standards old buddy. But then, I will see you in Tripoli to talk about it perhaps!
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