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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Hey Desert Camel, you have had a crack at me already. You broke our non aggresion pact ni 42 and brutally attacked me. The fact that 3 turns later, you had to drop when Persian Panzers took Baghdad and Maidan, does not mitigate you have had your chance. Now, if you want ANOTHER crack at me, that is ok with me, let's just make sure we have it right
  2. hey Desertcamel, I had no idea you played Iraq in 42. It has been so long ago, I had forgot much of that game. I hope you are hanging around longer these days!
  3. Atta boy Coot, let em have it. I was about to give you some grief about not saying what country you are playing, but then I read your sig line.
  4. Gosh Predator, let me at least put in a BPA before I am called evil. And how would you know what happens in 1992? It is 1939!
  5. My goodness, I don't check the board for a couple of days, and have to read 5 pages of mostly drivel. A few things I feel the urge to respond to. SPGraves, so good to again play with you. We are far apart, but then we were in game 42 also, and managed to have a rather large meeting late. Looking forward to seeing you progress. Predator, I cannot help but infer you are referring to me when you say you fear a darkness may overcome us all. I must say, we Algerians are only going to spread goodwill and love, and are shocked by the threatening statements emanating from Tunisia. Rasputin, perhaps you are being too coy. Many know of your allies in the game, in the interest of future trust, perhaps you should "come clean"as was suggested. Europe, do not believe Predators anti Algerian propaganda. We do no like cold climates, and plan to stay in our beautiful desert, unless provoked. When you see the Tunisians and Libyans declaring war on our peaceful people, you will know the face of the true aggressor.
  6. Algeria present and accounted for, looking forward to another challenge. By the way Tunisia, that email does not work, you may wish to change it. send all correspondence to TDCinc@aol.com
  7. Although I am in favor of an open ended game, the 25 turn extension sounds like a reasonable compromise, can't remember who proposed it. I for one will vote for an extension to turn 98. It would be nice to make a decision, as all of us can make better long term plans. It certainly appears there will be no victor by turn 73 in the bitter war in the east.
  8. Russ and Pete, Having known you guys personally for over 20 years, and played face to face many times in addition to online games with you, I find it amazing that some would question the integrity with which you run your games. As you know, I have been a loyal customer since the early Schubel days, and will continue to be as long as you feel you wish to continue in the business. I know from personal history, that some people, when losing, will blame everything but the one resposible, themselves. Don't take it personally, you guys are the best, and nobody can please em all! All the best Mark Twitty
  9. I can tell you, if you start playing HOI, you will miss meals, lose family members, and generally give up the rest of your life, because you will be unable to do anything else. Heroin has nothing on this game!
  10. and Coot, an outstanding post BTW!
  11. Beltira, and excellent suggestion. I believe that the current conflict between our alliance and yours cannot possibly be decided by turn 73, however, an additional 25 turns would surley do the trick. I am not certain of victory, but I would personally rather lose on the battlefield then win on points.
  12. Rasputin, my question is simple, if your alliance and our alliance both have US tech and both have Russian tech, how is that a tech advantage for us? I am not arguing one over the other, merely saying that we have as great a disadvangate of Russian tech, if there is one, as you do, but we are not afraid to play it to a conclusion, and let the best alliance win.
  13. Shadow, I think the German is the overall strongest, due to the things you mentioned and some others. The US tech gets the great planes and ships. The British lag a little behind, but they still have great fighters. As for the contention that our alliance has an advantage, the three of us fighting Team Piss have Russian, British and US tech, so we suffer the same inadequacies as your group Rasputin. I see no tech advantage for either side. I just like the idea of the winner being the folks who win the war, not the ones who are ahead at an artificial time. BTW Rasputin, were you in game 59? As Norway?
  14. That is a crock. I would of given anything for an open ended game in my last game, and I was Russian tech in that game. I think the Russians have plenty of advantages, including cheap units and great tanks. I also do not believe you would be giving us an advantage here.
  15. Hehe, I was hoping to get a good response, this board has been dead for far too long. This promises to be a fun fight, my biggest concern is that we are starting it so late, we won't finish it. Since it seems you are very confident in victory, why don't we revisit the open ended game question?
  16. The Central European nations can no longer sit idly by while the hoarde from the east subjugates the freedom loving peoples of the world! Iraq's cowardly sneak attack on Italy's fleet while they were on maneuvers, has proven that we must deal with this menace once and for all. No longer will we sit and watch while innocents are slaughtered by the evil empires of the middle east. It is time for all freedom loving peoples to rise and defeat the beast! DEATH TO PISS!
  17. Rapoza, I would dearly love to do that, but I think we still have a no voter around. It appears there are some significant alliances, and it would be fun to fight it to a finish. Beltira, I think you are on to something, but you left out the most important one. S- surrender.
  18. Ok, I plead guilty to making this board boring by removing gulliblepratt and slob, but lets get some activity back. How about a roll call of who is left? I know for sure that Persia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Morroco, Tunisia, USA, Portugal, Lowlands, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Germany and Central Russia are playing. Did I miss anybody?
  19. Beltira, I was thinking about a vacation, and the pyramids of Giza sound like a perfect historical spot to go. Would we be welcome there? Or should I bring some marines? From what I read, maybe I should be asking that question of Morroco or Tunisia though, as they may soon be the new managers of the facility.
  20. Well Slob, I will give you credit for fighting on when all is lost, very few do that, so my hat is off to you. It appears we have drastically reduced the players, I can only count 16 left. Perhaps another roll call is in order? Heres to all the people that have made it this far, now it will really get interesting.
  21. I am ok with that, I would even consider a no TA rule, only because I agree, many have pre set alliances, and that would actually be more of a test of the individual. BTW, you seem suspiciously like the Northern Russia player in game 42!
  22. I think it would be fun to have a game of Victory! set up with all players who either have a win under their belts, or a best country. If we need to expand it, we could include anybody who is listed in the halls of victory. We could make it an open ended game and so play it out to the end. I think it would be a great deal of fun to know everybody you were up against was an experienced and capable player! Any interest?
  23. I like the idea, and would field a team. I think the idea of a team without TAs is silly though, as if you cannot have the benefits of a TA, what good are they?
  24. Uh, Shadow, you can do more then 60 orders now.
  25. Perhaps when one country or alliance controls 70 percent of the capitols? That would be 28 of 40, and it would be clear there would be no stopping them at that point.
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