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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. well, lets see if we can get this thread back on a game track. We have some interesting dynamics shaping up. Among the alliances we have the Asians, (also known as PISS), what I call the African-American group, the Nordic group, The Island group, the Northern Europeans, and us poor little Southern Europeans right in the middle. I imagine Algeria and Libya are still fighting, though I don't know. Should be some major sparks flying soon!
  2. Rasputin, that is easy, when only one total alliance, or player, is still active, the game is over. Beltira, I have been in more then one game where at turn 73, there was a knock down drag out fight going between my alliance and another. It was very unfortunate that we were not able to settle it in the game instead of by an arbitrary point system. In one of those games, over 90 percent of the cities were controlled by the two principal combatants, but a third party, with fewer then 5 of his own cities remaining, voted not to make it an openended game after the two principal combatants both asked Russ to continue. I can tell you, it was a very unsatisfactory ending, even though my side won the game. The point is, yes, I would enjoy fighting it out to a finish in the scenario you describe. Play until only one side is left turning in turns.
  3. Of course Rasputin, hehe. My point is simple, I have played in many a game of victory! and at the end of the games, there is rarely a clear winner, but rather 2 or more very competitive alliances. I believe in competition, it is the reason I play. In competition, there must be a winner, and the points system devised by RTG, while all we have, is woefully poor at choosing who would actually win if played to a conclusion. I find it hard to believe that you would commit to doing a turn every 2 weeks for almost two years, and complain that you do not have enough time to play another 6months or whatever to determine an actual winner. As for the victory conditions, those are simple, when all but one are done, the one wins. You will have to come up with a better argument then that, because if you have time to play now, why won't you have time to play in a year and a half?
  4. no Shadow, they leave it for you to figure out. I would guess right now we are at about half. I do think if we are going to vote again, it needs to be around turn 50. The problem we will have, is that some people will think they are not doing well, and will make it to 73 but not survive an open ended game. That will be where the no vote comes from, though from my perspective, that shows a combination of lack of competitiveness and lack of backbone, plus a complete disregard for what is obviously the will of the majority.
  5. Good to see Pete and Russ get the kudos they deserve. I go way back with them, to the days when they were with Schubel and Sons in Sacramento in the early 80s. I have been in half a dozen games of victory, and like every game I have played of theirs, it is a brilliant game fairly moderated. Pete and I were once unbeatable at Dip, and it makes me happy to see how well they have persevered.
  6. Nobody seriously thinks that the no voter will cop to it do they? That would be sorta like covering yourself in seal blood and paddling along the surface of the ocean in a pool of hungry Great White Sharks.
  7. That is pretty funny Slob, why would I have any resentment, seething or otherwise. Unlike some people, I know this game has ups and downs, and losing a few tanks is no cause for alarm. None of the divisions were killed, and with all that Austrian armaments production I will have in a couple of turns they will be rebuil soon! I also always knew that my American tanks could not fight T-34s even up. I also know about teamwork however, and thus we have made mincemeat of your advance. I find it humorous that you have lost more of Austria then I have of Italy, yet you sound like you have won something. To win at this game requires nerve, brains and most of all the willingness to fight on. I will be here on 73, and maybe I will remember you, but likely not. Oh, and one more thing. Do you have a picture of me? How did you describe me so perfectly? Your starting to freak me out man!
  8. Actually, Beltira, one thing we do not lack in Italy is balls, as we are awash in them. I am sure you will find out soon enough....
  9. Totally off the current subject, I hear that we had one no vote for the open ended game, and that means we are playing only until turn 73. I for one am hugely dissapointed, as the game is shaping up to have several very powerful alliances, and there is no chance this will be settled by turn 73. To assign a winner on an artificial points system in this game would leave all who remain with a bitter taste in their mouths. I know that some think they may not survive if we go to open ended, but they can make it to 73, but think of your fellow players, wouldn't it be nice to play to a conclusion?
  10. Slobodan Funny, I guess you only can fight those who don't fight back, like the Czechs. It is very impressive that you attacked 40 US tech divisions with only 75 or so T-34s (a few mechs were mixed in) and in only 10 turns you have already taken a city! What a genius, if you only fought like you talked, you would of been in Rome. Now none of those tankers will ever see Austria again, and you have led your country to ruin, by chasing all over looking for a set of balls.
  11. The Italian people have spoken, and there will be no asylum for the political refugee Signor Von Doom. We are very pleased with the new regime, as the abuses of the populace have stopped we understand, and more importantly, the smear on the honor of German arms by their ingnominous retreat from the lesser life forms in Austria will now be avenged!
  12. I started a thread some time ago about making this an open ended game. There were 0 no votes, thought Russ said some did not reply. I suspect we have more then 22 left, but is there any reason we cannot now make this an open ended game? As we get closer to the end of the game, those who are not doing well will begin to feel they are better off not playing an open ended game, so I would like to get this resolved.
  13. Generalismus Peter, you call those wooden boxes that have a guy with a pistol in them Panzers? I think maybe you should get your buddies to show you a real picture.
  14. Yes Shadow, we find that the coast is much more kind then the mountains.
  15. then Beltira, what may I ask is the point of your first post? I specifically said fuel, you then talked about lofting.
  16. ahh my friend Beltira, you must think about something before replying! Hydrogen is not fuel for a Zeppelin, it is what makes it lighter then air. The fuel is of couse what allows it to move. I believe you learn more from doing it yourself, so I will let you look up how Zeppelins move.
  17. Stonecrest I did not say I was going to stay neutral forever, re read what I wrote. If you central European nations were as tough as you are verbose, the war would already be over. But since I see no DOWs, perhaps all we have here is Zepplin fuel.
  18. Well, it sure seems like Central Europe will be fun! We Italians wish all you combatants to know that we will not be taking any sides in this conflict, at least until we do!
  19. Thanks Stan, for the nice accomodations. I especially enjoyed the hot tub with the swim up bar and the lovely bartender!
  20. Russ, this is great, but is there any chance you can include something on turns? The reason I ask is that all players do not read these boards, and some may not realize that we are voting.
  21. I don't think it matters how many capitols you control, because well before somebody is in a position to take the last capitol, they will be the only person or alliance tuning in turns. The game should go until only one alliance our person is turning in turns, making an obvious winner.
  22. Ok, so Russ, how about a vote now? Sounds like all are for it. I know from past experience, some of them will change their minds soon, hehe.
  23. Perfect! That was the response I was expecting. Would of been fun if somebody had painted a big target on themselves, but guess I will just have to figure it out like the other rookies!
  24. So, now that most of you have posted, who do we really have playing? How many games have you guys played? Any wins? Any entries in the Hall? Just trying to measure up my potential friends and enemies! How about some war stories? Arrivederci from Rome!
  25. Russ has no problem with it, it is up to the players.
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