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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Hey guys, I've been on these forums for over 25 years, and have met a lot of guys online, but travelled to Arlington, Texas last week and had a chance to meet up with Kevin Curnutt, whom I didn't realize lived there. It got me thinking, as we travel around, it would be nice to know where the folks from the Victory! world live. I thought I'd start a new topic, where we can share that. As most of you know, this is Mark Twitty, and as you may not know I live in Sacramento Ca.
  2. Been wondering when you were going to have them. Oh well, game almost over, though it's been over since your group made peace with the northmen. Gave you a fight, even though we're outnumbered 5 or 6 to 1
  3. Libya sure is a popular destination. Seems half of Europe is trying to get in. I get why the Portuguese or Spanish would want to, but Southern Russia and Poland?
  4. I can honestly say I didn't expect the Austrian navy to be a bigger headache then the Italian navy. Early yet, but funny. The only time I ever heard of the Austrian navy was in Sound of Music!
  5. We shall see how that works out for you
  6. Sounds like there's some truth to that Cleo
  7. We shall see Predator. I think you will not be so sanguine in a few turns. Not sure where else we would have started, you or your allies own most of it. Have to kill the king to be the king. Cleo, based on how you defended Africa, not real worried.
  8. Europe's time has come. We are coming for your wives, your children, your homes, your churches, your fields and your cities. There is no place to hide. As Michael has found out. Libya
  9. Are you hiding from somebody Michael?
  10. I love surprises! Balloons? Maybe a clown?
  11. Irritating? Hopefully they were more than that. You will see them again, maybe not for a few turns, but eventually
  12. Michael, your messages are interesting, but not sure the last ones meaning.
  13. All my escorted groups, with very experienced Spitfire escorts, were not intercepted, but the vulnerable groups without much xp, all got hammered. You have to tell me how you do that.
  14. Somebody left Michael a post to fish from at least, decent thing to do.
  15. I admit I haven't controlled the Azores since game 87, but did it suddenly become a big city? Why the huge fight?
  16. Hmm, perhaps you don't know what a score is. You shot down slightly less than 3 score B-17's total.
  17. Good point, I know since Russ got married, it's no longer his first priority. I get that, but would be nice to have some results updated.
  18. I'm pretty confident you're going to find it rather hard to cross the Suez. If the Northmen won't fight you, don't see you losing the game though
  19. Oh yeah, all ready to go. I can do this all day!
  20. Lol, I like that photo. You the one raining, or getting rained on?
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