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Marklen X

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Posts posted by Marklen X

  1. Hey guys, I've been on these forums for over 25 years, and have met a lot of guys online, but travelled to Arlington, Texas last week and had a chance to meet up with Kevin Curnutt, whom I didn't realize lived there. It got me thinking, as we travel around, it would be nice to know where the folks from the Victory! world live. I thought I'd start a new topic, where we can share that. As most of you know, this is Mark Twitty, and as you may not know I live in Sacramento Ca. 

  2. Been wondering when you were going to have them. Oh well, game almost over, though it's been over since your group made peace with the northmen. Gave you a fight, even though we're outnumbered 5 or 6 to 1

  3. We shall see Predator. I think you will not be so sanguine in a few turns. Not sure where else we would have started, you or your allies own most of it. Have to kill the king to be the king. Cleo, based on how you defended Africa, not real worried. 

  4. 22 hours ago, The Fremen said:

    Somewhere in the Atlantic.....

    Klaxons sounded across the fleet as Spanish bombers approached to attack. 

    Irish Wildcat and Buffalo II fighters scrambled to meet the bombers  shooting down scores of B17’s. Anti aircraft guns then opened up and brought down scores more. All told 58 B-17’s met their doom while 2 Irish fleet carriers suffered minor damage. The 🐑 rule the high sea and its lookin like it will stay that way for quite some time. 😁

    Hmm, perhaps you don't know what a score is. You shot down slightly less than 3 score B-17's total. 

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