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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. Good for you Saint Michael. Victory! needs more players who play on when things don't go well. Are you Egypt?
  2. Sounds like a fun game, seriously, which group has the biggest advantage?
  3. Just curious, no dog in the fight, but who are the alliances you're fighting Pred? Monk, wouldn't the Egyptians be brother Muslims? Do you have them in trouble?
  4. aren't you CR? I didn't say anything about you, other than good job Greece. Or do I have my wires crossed, and you're Iraq?
  5. Nice shooting Tex! Lot's of burning panzers in the western Saudi desert.
  6. I suspect there might be 6 or 7 playing.
  7. Are we talking about the Syrian air force?
  8. Have you been playing Tunisia all this time?
  9. Been away awhile, but let's see if we can get some discussion going. The desert war has been wild, but is close to being over. In the Middle East the collapse of Turkey and Persia early has created a juggernaut in Iraq-Syria. Europe looks ablaze, whats happening up there? Are USA and Canada coming east soon?
  10. The war in the western desert of Africa rages on. Algeria has suffered devastating losses in men, and some major cities, but they fight on.
  11. Neither does Turkey I think. But we shall see how far west they can go, I think they are going to come up short of their goal.
  12. I have to agree, I was thinking of taking Norway, but spoke to a friend whom I won't reveal, and realized Norway is on the menu for some big TA. Germany and Hungary are tough plays when you have friends close, but alone? Forget about it. Greece is a strong position, but alone won't do well. I could see Germany, Hungary and Greece doing ok, but not without some breaks.
  13. I don't think the RPD is a bug, it was written that way. I have always known it was free if you got no effect. The FC thing is a known bug. The issue, as stated above, isn't that you shouldn't be able to defend a TA's territory, but that the game becomes unbalanced when you can only escort with 25 fighters. The bugs in my opinion are really a non issue, they are so rarely used. There are certain things I consider "gamey" that are more of a concern, but overall, Victory! is a great game, and I take issue with anybody who says you have to take advantage of the rules to win.
  14. Richard, I am not in 101, but I have won plenty of games of Victory! and have never used any of the loopholes. Sound strategy, good tactics, and good friends are the key. Those who use loopholes are the bane of the game.
  15. Why didn't you bring your task forces into the med? What kind of task forces did you have, other than the millions of subs I dealt with every turn.
  16. Happy to share, Morale 997 (crap) Treasury 90549 avg 9558 income 28641 Naval losses 24534 Air destroyed 146135 ground casualties65155 Original 100% ADL 196 IMDL 311 Cities 58 Provinces 58 Army 31900 airforce 84000 Navy 30000 Estimates
  17. I guess you are taking advantage of the propaganda. Bulgaria got far more help from his allies than I did. Italy bombed him EXACTLY 1 time. Meanwhile, Bulgaria ceding provinces to the network of TA's throughout Europe saved him from elimination 10 turns ago. No reason to have facts get in the way of a good narrative though. I would like to say that I was not trying to make anything personal out of what I said. But I am also not responsible for how what I say is taken. Rick is right, you should give your TA’s a bit more credit than you do. By my records, Italy made 3 runs before I moved my turn and stop getting reports for Bulgaria. And I totally forgot about Turkey’s early contributions. And the help Bulgaria got was never an issue. So why are you now trying to make it one. I said what I said because it made a good lead into everything else I said. If you are going to take it personal, I can’t do anything about that. But please good sir, don’t then turn around and tell me how wrong I am if you have nothing to show me where I am wrong. I assure you, I am not one to let a bad Narrative get in the way of solid facts!! Yes, this is the propaganda ministry, and I am using it for it’s intended purpose. And while I might not be technically correct on every little tidbit in my statements. I will not overtly and knowingly lie in my posts. As you have tried to infer that is what I have done. Play Well Good Sir J ED, Ire99 Battle reports for Bulgaria from Ireland's turn sheets: Tech6: Turkey has attacked Bulgaria at xIstanbul with a tactical air strike on Friday, June 17, 2016 Tech7: Aircraft of Turkey were intercepted over Plovdiv by Bulgaria on Friday, July 1, 2016 Tech8: Turkey conducted a coastal bombardment of xBurgas on Friday, July 15, 2016 Tech9: Only Greece attack this round Tech10: Italy has attacked Bulgaria at xMaritsa with a tactical air strike on Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Thech11 Italy has attacked Bulgaria at xMaritsa with a tactical air strike on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 Tech12 Only Greece attacks this round Tech13 Italy has attacked Bulgaria at xSofia with a tactical air strike on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 Tech14 <No battles were reported this turn> Tech15 <No battles were reported this turn> Tech16 <No battles were reported this turn> Tech17 <No battles were reported this turn> Not to belabor the point, but you must also mention that Yugoslavia and Denmark both did TAS for Bulgaria. Richard, I think the game was actually won on the first turn of battle. You made a smart move, not knowing the disposition of my forces, by putting your mech divisions on withdrawal in Salonica. Problem was, my infantry and air divisions in the city never could have kicked them out without the withdrawal order, and with Salonica in your hands, Greece would have wilted away and died. Once I got my infantry into the province, you could never retake it. Either way, a very fun fight, and look forward to the next round!
  18. Well, not counting what I may have killed on the final turn after mine, I was at 146k. Turkey dropping changed the whole war. Our economies were very intertwined, and I didn't notice that his rail in Plovdiv was carved up by partisans. That caused 2500 fuel to not make it to Greece, which cancelled 50 P-51H's on FC, which allowed your TA's to badly hurt some air bases. It also caused 6 line Marine 44's to not make xBenghazi on turn 72, which meant I couldn't let you get two turns on me, or I would have run on the last day. Oh well, was a fun game. I don't think you could have held Africa, but I would have had to deal with the Turkish situation. Good game. BTW, I sent air regiments to xAbudhabi and xRiyadh on the last turn, which I know were undefended, but I went through a province you hadn't bothered to take, so both missions were conquered, a good reason not to conquer useless provinces.
  19. Well, I find in my 60's my memory isn't what it was, but I only remembered one. With no TA's on either side, I would have rolled into Sofia when you couldn't defend it back around turn 10, and the game would have been over. Petrich has changed hands more in this game then then Palermo has in history! Been a fun game. If you are going to take over Rumania, I am all for it. I will even make you a pact now, no help from my allies, and vice versa. That includes ceding of course! Feels like I have been fighting you forever, and having 97 end and Bulgaria fall in 99 at basically the same time leaves a hollow feeling.
  20. I guess you are taking advantage of the propaganda. Bulgaria got far more help from his allies than I did. Italy bombed him EXACTLY 1 time. Meanwhile, Bulgaria ceding provinces to the network of TA's throughout Europe saved him from elimination 10 turns ago. No reason to have facts get in the way of a good narrative though.
  21. NOO! You can't play Greece, after trying to kill Greece for so long! Well, Marklen, have YOU signed up for game 101 yet??? Sorry Kevin, I have my plate full at the moment.Don't see me getting into another game for a bit. I like to keep it at 2, and I am in 98,99,and 100, and 97 will end this turn, that's enough.
  22. NOO! You can't play Greece, after trying to kill Greece for so long!
  23. So, we have several groups now. Known TA's. Saudi Arabia UAE Southern Russia Iraq Syria Bulgaria Baltic States Northern Russia Central Russia Persia Turkey Greece Libya Egypt Trans Jordan Morocco Tunisia Algeria France Portugal Spain Lowlands Switzerland Austria Germany Italy Ireland Great Britain Iceland Any others? Looks like a pretty well split up group!
  24. 4 is a long ways from a supergroup. Next to your 2 I guess it looks big. ME has 3 separate groups, should be interesting to see the Turkey/Persia/Greece group fight the SR/Bulgaria/Syria/Iraq group, with the SA/UAE folks on the fence?
  25. Finally, the Bulgarian campaign is over! Well fought Richard, I had to go to war with virtually all of Europe to secure the damn place, but it is over. 1 on 1 wars against a quality opponent are my favorite part of this game.
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