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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. One thing to remember, Victory! predates the internet. It was originally PBM. I think if ever Victory!2 gets off the ground, the first thing is to generate automatic emails to anybody when they get attacked, thus allowing somebody to play the game without TA's.
  2. It sure would be interesting to see how things turn out in the eastern Med, but has been a fun game nonetheless.
  3. Did anybody get a Friday turn back today?
  4. I second everything you said Richard.
  5. Morocco is here, and ready for some fun!
  6. Nah, if the bulk of the people aren't continuing, no reason. This game has been at times the most interesting game I have played, and at times the most frustrating. However, my turns are taking 6-8 hours to do, they are incredibly complex, (Richard has it easy, attack with T-34's, build subs and move them in Greece's way, turn over) I have come to grips with it being over, if that is how it is.
  7. Good either way. I promised to continue, so I will. The game is incredibly interesting in the Med. and would love to see it play out. At the same time, I have changed my focus to figure a 73 turn game.
  8. I am fine with it ending, I am fine with it continuing. What I am not fine with is indecision. Everything I do I would do different if it is ending.
  9. I have been playing with the long game in mind, will do things differently if it is ending. I was under the impression it is going on also.
  10. Balkans are hardly empty. If we play on, I suspect you will be surprised.
  11. The smart thing, clearly, is for you not to bother to do any more turns. Seems such a waste.
  12. Sorry, been away. Iraq moving through CR is obviously a blow, but we are committed to continuing the game. I will fight them however they get there. If they had to try and cross the pond, it would have been virtually impossible with my naval and air power, but I am not fool enough to believe I can match their armies. We shall see.
  13. I was told a vote would take place a couple of weeks ago. Not sure the holdup.
  14. Been so focused on my corner of the world, I missed that. I guess they are taking the easy way to the Balkans!
  15. Are the middle east and Russia working together?
  16. Sheesh, from the start, this game has given me the worst rolls at just the wrong time. Hard to have air missions cancelled where I am, and having the most important one in several turns cancel really hurt.
  17. Which alliance? I haven't noticed it.
  18. Ask Fleet Admiral Gonen his thoughts, if one of your subs can find his corpse.
  19. Fortunately you don't have to be limited by an arbitrary turn. There is an option for all to keep playing after the normal game ends. Have fun Rick Hurts, but I just have to pull other QM's off of non vital transport roles. In a couple of turns I will be back with more than ever. Meanwhile, I will kill 6-8 armor divisions every turn with air power, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. That of course will not really make a difference by turn 73, but it is what I can do.
  20. The war in North Africa has definitely heated up. The Greek Air Force and Navy reign supreme in the skies and waters, but the Jordanian T-34's are far more powerful then the Greek Marines. It is an interesting fight. It will be very costly, but given time, and the huge Libyan coast, the outcome would not be in doubt, as eventually the air power would win out, but I don't see Libya being liberated by turn 73.
  21. Did Ireland and Bulgaria etc. have a falling out?
  22. I believe the Russian block is against it. We have not voted, as our group is of separate minds.
  23. I am using the VOEP and having a hell of a time. I have 44 orders entered, but when I try and go to order 45, it always puts me back at 1. How do I advance past 44?
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