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Marklen X

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Everything posted by Marklen X

  1. I think you are trying to deflect. If you had spent 80 hours per week on your turn the result would be the exact same. I knew this was going to happen 2 months ago. Your pain and suffering has only begun.
  2. Friends of Greece are welcome to sail in our sea.
  3. Not safe for non Greek ships to operate east of Tunis.
  4. They are heating up in the middle east. I will have a nice little surprise for Syria and Iraq next time, though I am sure the last couple were exciting to them.
  5. Lol, not going to happen, period. I stand by my assertion, how about you?
  6. Lol, not going to happen, period.
  7. The chances of Italy and Iraq meeting each other in this game are less than zero.
  8. I agree with Falco. I am happy to continue the game with the present configuration, as it is a very interesting dynamic, however, with new Russian players, it would lose my interest.
  9. Doubt that, but we shall see.
  10. True, but Hungary has fallen, and the Greek air force is considerably larger than the Turkish air force. We shall soon see how you like it.
  11. Bring it back to the Aegean, let's see how long it survives. Greece has been using maybe 10% of the Greek military in the Med, it has been a secondary front for us. Let's see how you like getting all of our attention.
  12. going to change fast now, for the next couple of turns.
  13. You should have waited one day to do this.
  14. I owe you an apology, they have been talking, and I was unaware of it. Still don't think it's a chump move though, they have a common enemy, and combining resources to beat that enemy makes perfect sense to me.
  15. As is so often the case, you are way off base. There has been zero contact all game long between CR and Turkey. Though with a common enemy, I don't see how that would be considered a chump move.
  16. No, Victory! is an unforgiving game sometimes when you make an orders mistake, good to see you have some spunk left, but as you will soon see, it is like Ardennes December 44, your last gasp. Well, I guess my forcasting skills were pretty good.
  17. Been a rough month of March for the Hungarian air force, and it's going to get worse.
  18. Doesn't seem to have helped much.
  19. LOL, who writes your stuff?
  20. Hungary is not beating the Greeks. You should remember the name of this board.
  21. I have had 5 of 9 air strikes cancelled in the past 3 turns, which has given you some breathing room, no more. We will see how it plays out, and how many of those SS divisions ever see Hungary again. You will feel some pain on your next turn I predict.
  22. No, Victory! is an unforgiving game sometimes when you make an orders mistake, good to see you have some spunk left, but as you will soon see, it is like Ardennes December 44, your last gasp.
  23. I was pleasantly surprised, guess I won't need the other groups I sent down. You were asking to see some Greek planes, after all.
  24. It seems the Iraqis make their battleships out of paper mache.
  25. Lol, now that's funny. Obviously, you have no idea what has been going on in the Balkans, but that is ok.
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