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About Paradigm

  • Birthday 09/28/1965

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    Sleeping, drinking beer, COBOL programming.

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  1. I wish Pete was better about posting updates here. It would take him a minute or two to post an estimate which would allow a lot of us to better plan our weekend. I don't need to see my turn results as soon as they come in but I would like to know whether to expect them Friday evening vs Saturday morning vs Saturday evening, etc. Giving us a best guess estimate once he has seen how processing is going would be good customer service.
  2. Yes, it is double-quoted comma delimited. Don't you have some old orders files somewhere, perhaps in your email outbox to reference? They should look something like: "OC","201","28255","Type C Whiphound","20000"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ", . . . Etc.
  3. I'm guessing from what you wrote that you changed what your windows PC uses to open and display the orders file by default, and have not changed the files themselves. If you re-save your orders from the turn entry program, they will be in the correct comma delimited format. You should be able to see the original format by right clicking and select open with notepad, or if that is not available, open with other program and then select notepad or wordpad (this is from memory as I don't have a windows PC handy at the moment).
  4. None here yet. Hopefully they are in the pipe. Is anyone else missing their results? Update: Pete saw my post and resent and turns received. Thanks Pete!
  5. New standing orders will add on to the end, not fill in.
  6. Great work. Thanks for sharing.
  7. I have no idea what you are writing about. I've never attacked an active position.
  8. The OC then DIV, ALL both takes an order block, so if the defender GATK's in the first order block while you are OC'ing the fresh divisions . . . I think after 1 turn an enemy population group should be fair game for the defender to GATK. How long do you think it should last? If a defending fleet arrives and stops further troop landings, do you think you should be able to come back 10 turns later and still have a beachhead on his homeworld? Why should an attacker be allowed to probe attack then wait a turn to see the results without risking the loss of his landing zone? This gives all advantages to the attacker. When an issue is in doubt, I think it should favor the defender. I also agree that when someone COLB's a planet, all empires that already have a population group on that body should receive a message. Also, when someone GATK's and captures an undefended body, the "defenders" should receive notification.
  9. I'm pretty sure you can specify the number to scrap. The starting Pathfinders can be useful. They can survey A and B warp points as you know. With science installations built in the same system and/or explorer/scientist characters assigned to their fleet they can survey higher level warp points. They can explore planets etc. Watch for alien ships. Or you can scrap them and build something different with the parts. It just depends on your strategy. Personally if I was starting all over again I would probably let most of them build. You can add shipyard slips if you want to clear the shipyard queue faster.
  10. I never used that option. But I think someone mentioned, that the SCRP order works for that as well. I believe you SCRP with a fleet number of zero. There is no way to change the order of ships already queued in the shipyards, short of SCRP and re SHIP everything. I don't even think the priority number field of the SHIP order is honored. I think it just builds everything in the order the SHIP orders are entered. That part of the game could use some improvement. The planet number of the shipyard report has been broken since turn 1.
  11. Just one of those crazy traditions in gameing. Someone takes your planet/homeworld/country/sword/doughnut/gold/etc. from you and you counter attack to take it back. It kind of kills the fun if the item teleports away the first time it is taken.
  12. That makes me wonder what is the point in reclaiming worlds if all the pop has been stripped from them and shipped off to parts unknown?
  13. I'll preface by saying that The Paradigm has never sent or received a division to/from another empire, but in my opinion it is so easy to work around a division transfer block as to make it not worth the effort and inconvenience. The amount of population and production required to assemble divisions is so modest that if division transfers were prohibited, players would just transfer the materials instead and have the same basic net effect. And while there are some unusual situations where such a change would affect game play, they are very minimal and easily worked around. I view it all as a simplification to make an already complex game a little less labor intensive. Perhaps all the war machines are robotic and only require someone to push buttons. I also have the feeling that a race that invests heavily in lifeform design and research for ground combat is going to be at a net disadvantage to the majority that focus on space combat abilities, so I find it a little hard to begrudge them being able to receive divisions from other empires in exchange for their services. Now what I'm not too keen on are players moving the entire population of conquered home worlds to their own. I'm not sure what the solution to that should be, but it seems unbalancing, especially when it was being done with gates and not even requiring the construction of ships capable of moving that much population. But that is a different discussion for a different thread.
  14. Excellent game. No DRM so don't pirate it please (Need license number for upgrades/patches). RTS but you can control the "clock" so not really a click-fest although you'll do plenty of clicking. Decent AI. Also fun to play "cooperative" with friends against the AI. Nice 3D graphics but still runs on fairly modest hardware including decent laptops. Expansion adds things like starbases. Recommended. Beware the Novalith Cannon. P.S. Welcome Back
  15. Erm, you are mixing up Deep Core Surveyers (these draw power) and Deep Core Heatsinks (which are buggy and draw no power). The latter is not such a biggy, but I would like to have that fixed as well, but not ASAP, as its a minor thing. Ah. I did misread that. Thanks. And I am glad to hear the Deep Core Surveyers are using power properly.
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