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Henry Morgan

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About Henry Morgan

  • Birthday 05/03/1976

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  • Location
    Belize City
  • Interests
    I enjoy swimming, playing Cricket, and scuba diving.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Pirate, Amazing that we find an empire swapper comment about others who swap and do the exact same bloody thing that he has done. Some people were against skimming gas giants but do it now because it is part of the game whether they liked it or not. The precedent has been set for empire swapping. My mum always said "be careful what you wish for, you might just get it". You, indeed, have gotten what you wished for; both empire swapping, and plenty of attention. I hope that your bombers do enjoy the incoming 6cm Gatling Gauss Gun CIDS in the upcoming Eeyore Turkey Shoot. Cheers, Henry Morgan
  2. Nay, no need to fear me, young lad. The Royal Admiralty has just decided that your role as a drunk, braggart pirate is most entertaining and your empire shall be spared to serve as Royal Court Jester. It appears that the Lords have given up on you ever becoming a worthy foe and have thusly focused upon Eeyore's value as our harmless stooge. Jolly good news for your donkey empire. clap. clap. Carry on, Governor Henry Morgan
  3. I am here. I am enjoying the humour of your bumbling exploits against a defenseless dropped position, and eagerly awaiting the day that you find your tail to become a worthy foe. However, I shan't hold my breath. Carry on, young lad. Governor Henry Morgan
  4. Ur Lord Tedric, I would say that in this case that British math is a bit more precise than Yankee math. :lol: -Henry Morgan
  5. Pirate, Har! Extend that schedule out a bit mate. It is a two turn cycle. You just lose the first turn setting it up. That's OK ole chap, you'll find your tail someday. -Henry Morgan
  6. Pirate, If you want a two turn convoy route, why even use NTWD? What a bloody waste of resources for a colony one system out. You can do two turn routes with beginning tech. -Henry Morgan
  7. I, for one, am a bit disappointed with this "time honoured tradition of transferring PBM assets", such as taking over worlds controlled by an ally who left the defenses down. I know it happens, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I would like to see some type of attrition occur such as a 10% chance of each item, installation, and population unit being eliminated during any hostile (non-diplomacy on neutral) take over. A mandatory state of war for a minimum of many turns (25) also makes sense. This type of activity is much like back in the days of Duelmasters where people threw matches to their own gladiators to build them up, or starweb when players used a second empire to funnel resources to a primary one so that it could win on points. Because everyone's definition of cheating is different, perhaps an official statement/policy as to what is cheating and isn't, and the punishments for the cheaters would help prevent this and other such abuse without much in-game coding needed. -Governor Henry Morgan.
  8. role-playing game n. A game in which players assume the roles of characters and act out fantastical adventures, the outcomes of which are partially determined by chance, as by the roll of dice. ---------------------- I'm quite curious if people who call Supernova an RPG have ever played a real RPG. In an RPG such as Dungeons & Dragons or Traveller you play the role of a character. Supernova isn't any more a role playing game than is the new Risk 2210. Granted. both have characters, but in Supernova, you do no acting in-game, don't interact as a character in the game, and don't have a human moderator providing background colour to the game. You may want it to be an RPG, you may want Pete to morph it into an RPG, and you may wish to use RPG stereotypes to paint yourself as good and you enemy as evil, but the game itself isn't an RPG, any more than chess or draughts is. So yes, one need not be a median poacher and can take a stance to define a game, and use a proper definition. For some, war has already broken out. -Governor Henry Morgan
  9. I have not yet gotten the tech but my first best guess would be that you need at least 4th gen Space Science, Advanced Superconducter, amd at least MK II fusion Engine. with the possible addition of some level of force shield and some Advanced Materials. Just a guess of course Such a guess is a very good start to AM tech. Like most key tech breakthroughs, I found that there was one key component, for me, that was blinkin' unexpected. -Governor Henry Morgan
  10. Do characters still have personal shuttles to move with inside a system? Personally, I would have preferred allowing characters to remain alone in a fleet but use a toggler switch like the FUEL with a default of always transferring characters (for those who are inattentive to the game) but allowing others to override the auto transfer and be able to keep their characters in an empty fleet aboard a personal shuttle. I realise that this would involve more coding, but I liked being able to have characters have personal shuttle craft. -Governor Henry Morgan
  11. Aye, if pirates wish to hurl spelling insults, then at least spell your namesake :lol: Caribbean :lol: correctly and know the difference between a sail and a sale. -Governor Henry Morgan
  12. Finding one's tail part 1: In an effort to help novice pirate would-bes, the Royal Command would suggest research into MK IV jump survey sensors. Once those are complete and deployed, fledgling Eeoyore cadets may some day advance beyond training exercises against dropped positions and vault into real competition. Even with SRP, AM tech takes longer than a year to research all prerequisites and finish. However, the investment is quite worth it -Governor Henry Morgan
  13. Sabre rattling dropped positions and shadow boxing supposed neighbours is nothing like fighting a live opponent. Try it some time ole chap, it is jolly good fun. When pirate would-bes finally sack a living prize such as Panama, without getting gnawed up by the line of anti-pirate sharks deployed against you, then Royal command may consider the Eyre, or is it Eeoyore, a worthy opponent. Well, that is, once Pirate scientists finally realise that fusion technology is archaic and discover AM technology. Best of luck finding your tail, mate. -Governor Henry Morgan
  14. Aye, just as vile braggart buccaneers make jolly good targets for every one of their neighbours.
  15. Will there be any new alliances or trade cartels forming in the Mooney Cluster?
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