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About elpasopete

  • Birthday 04/26/1954

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  1. I decided to join as game 109 is a loss. Baltic States checking in. Pete
  2. I am defeated! We will send our prince to Britain to marry the princess. (off to game 109) Greece
  3. Not to mention Greece too.
  4. Its been so long since I registered for this game, I dont remember my country! Will have to go through emails.................................... Pete
  5. I am Greece this game.
  6. really? I havent gotten anything from Russ. Pete
  7. Rednas, did you select a country? I just received confirmation from Russ that I am in. Game selection is at 90%. Pete
  8. Ugh, fighting on three fronts sucks more.......
  9. Game 105 went poorly. Time to look ahead. Anyone want an ally? If so, which country should I grab?
  10. Fighting on two fronts sucks! But it is early. Germany
  11. Yes Saudi is finished. I am just doing EA for a couple more turns to my remaining TAs. Pete Saudi Arabia
  12. Spain has dropped. This is the latest turn that I had to drop a country, 59. Pete
  13. I am at war with red, yes, as well as yellow. so yes.
  14. Your TA has already refused us. I dont like dropping early, but dont want to pay just to be a thorn in the side of the eventual winners. I have no suggestions as your TA team is in control of all access routes to all other players.
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