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  1. I second that, it's been fun, even though having to plough your way through endless and endless mostly barren provinces is not what I am looking for next time. The Saudi Highway Construction dudes did what they promised, not that we expected to come even near we when proclaimed to end the road to xmoscow before the end of this game. And yes at a very costly price in the very last turn(s?), what a mistake-a to make-a... Ah well, no better way to learn from your mistakes. Ah well... Northern Russia has been invaded deeply, xMurmansk was just out of reach, over to Vic80!
  2. You're so good it hurts... Bit sensitive are we, trying to make up for something? Not getting the recognition you would like? Of course I was referring to Turkey, Persia, the Southern, Central & Northern Russias...
  3. ...well pigs can fly apparently... I didn't know any of my enemies had it in them looking at 72 turns of crappy results... oh well....
  4. It only takes a few of us to keep Vic80 on the top line by replying on it and irritating past and present enemies to join that game of all games...
  5. And let's not forget it took some precious turns for our friends to find out you owned them, just enough to get all those crappy old fighters upgraded to state of the art... Intell, intell, intell, nothing more valuable in this game...
  6. Well keep flying those planes in! Although you can't beat your pall North Russia in testing the Saudi jet fighter jocks... ...which experience is only surpassed by his total lack of LDBs in all of his major cities.....?!?!??!?! 2 more turns and then we can put this training round to rest and focus on #80
  7. Give that man a siiiiiiiiiiiiiigar! Remember... be there or be square, vic80 will be the Mother of all Vic games!
  8. Did I read that right in the Vic72 section? You are making me cross the ocean aren't you?
  9. I'm deeply honored... I think.... Have we met before??!?!? Oh what ever, it's better to have things clear from the beginning. a-hunting we will go, even if it takes us to the USA and Canada.... PS I'm still waiting for our Swedish Chef, the game wouldn't be the same without him... maybe he can even become my spokesperson?
  10. Should we read this as Sponge and Monk signing up for #80? Keep it coming dudes and dudettes, I ain't got the patience to wait for a couple of months!
  11. Vic72 is nearing its end. Let's be honest, if you ain't playing in #80 you definitely will be missing out the game of all Vic games...... So sign up!
  12. Oye! Wots this? Since when does sh#t come falling out of the air? Oh I see, it's coming out of those remaining Finish and North Russian planes, man you gotta love the fireworks display they put up for everybody to enjoy these last few rounds... Keep sending them, the Me-262A-2 fighter jocks are enjoying it too... Our friends are really desperate to keep the Saudi Highway Dudes from connecting xMoscow... hmmm.... Time for another round of air drops I guess....
  13. Shuckszzz..... Well next game I hope to fight some serious enemies instead of chasing them all across the map picking of some lousy units and supporting this Black Financial Hole that's your partner... But then again, the fight for Moscow is making up even though it's the very latest stages of the game!
  14. Talkin' about the end of the game, anybody in for a new one? I fancy that if the Chef decides to pick the Good Ol' US of A we might decide to do a 'NADS' from the East to the West...
  15. Ouch! That must have hurt our friend, somebody's having a not so nice x-mas I'm afraid... NB It does makes me wonder when he decides to make serious business of reconquering his own country... It's amazing how he copied the same style of the Great Syrian Leader...
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