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Viking pilot

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  1. I don't have the software (or at least the knowledge) to make a nice map update, but I inked in what I believe the current status to be. Hope it is useful to some.
  2. We are fighting Morocco in North Africa as we wouldn't have anything else to do for the rest of the game...
  3. A lot, yes, but not yet enough...
  4. Not that we have seen so far. SR is already up to the Barents and no resistance/activity.
  5. Looks like a busy turn 3... Syria has declared war on Trans-Jordan Denmark has declared war on Norway Tunisia has declared war on Algeria Tunisia has declared war on Morocco Switzerland has declared war on France Lowlands has declared war on France Central Russia has declared war on Baltic States Libya has declared war on Morocco Libya has declared war on Algeria
  6. The latest political TA relationships I have seen in results.... Trans-Jordan is totally allied to Iraq Trans-Jordan is totally allied to Libya Egypt is totally allied to Tunisia Egypt is totally allied to Libya UAE is totally allied to Tunisia UAE is totally allied to Libya Iceland is totally allied to Great Britain Iceland is totally allied to France Iceland is totally allied to Portugal Great Britain is totally allied to Iceland Great Britain is totally allied to France Great Britain is totally allied to Lowlands Great Britain is totally allied to Portugal Lowlands is totally allied to Great Britain France is totally allied to Iceland France is totally allied to Great Britain France is totally allied to Portugal Spain is totally allied to Italy Spain is totally allied to Switzerland Spain is totally allied to Morocco Spain is totally allied to Algeria Portugal is totally allied to France Portugal is totally allied to Great Britain Portugal is totally allied to Iceland Hungary is totally allied to Rumania Hungary is totally allied to Austria Hungary is totally allied to Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia is totally allied to Austria Czechoslovakia is totally allied to Rumania Czechoslovakia is totally allied to Hungary Italy is totally allied to Switzerland Italy is totally allied to Spain Syria is totally allied to Iraq Poland is totally allied to Denmark Rumania is totally allied to Hungary Rumania is totally allied to Austria Rumania is totally allied to Czechoslovakia
  7. RECENT WORLD EVENTS Austria has declared war on Yugoslavia Denmark has declared war on Germany Ireland has declared war on Great Britain Canada has declared war on United States Morocco has declared war on Portugal Not a bad start to the fighting, I suppose, but I can't help but wonder how many DWs failed... I know of at least one!
  8. Jeff Ball, living in Ave Maria Florida (SW part of the state in the Naples/Fort Myers area).
  9. All quiet on the boards, but not so much on the battlefield it seems... Now that Tunisia is on the ropes, Egypt jumps into the fray (albeit relatively small scale so far). Too bad the Mideast alliance dropped out or we could have had a little time to enjoy our (all too brief) ascendancy in the middle of North Africa. It seems the Italy/Swiss/Germany/LL/Denmark alliance is getting all it can handle from their eastern foes which has led to their western foes getting a pleasant reprieve. Does anyone else have any observations to share?
  10. Apparently we are up to 80% now. Another half dozen folks and we can probably get things kicked off. (And yes, I know that means there are actually 8 slots still open...)
  11. It appears Canada has dropped.  So unless GB has picked up another TA, he's probably now running blind.  Thought you would want to know.

    1. Viking pilot

      Viking pilot

      Thanks for the heads up.  Ireland and Iceland will be happy.  

      Will you be looking for a European base/landing spot soon?  I think Iceland would be interested in having assistance going into Scandinavia (or perhaps the Denmark/Lowlands area?) after he and Ireland take out GB.  I think that will take place before you finish off Canada, but don't know exactly how you are set up.


    2. USA103


      I took xToronto and xSudbery this turn and will take xPembroke and xMontreal next consolidating control of all of southern Canada.  I have troops in Nova Scotia and will take xSaint James and xQuebec within the next 3-4 turns. and then it will just be taking the last of the non-producing cities.

      Is Ireland or Iceland on the Forum? 

      My biggest slowdown is of course the slow rate at which I can build Queen Marys to shuttle troops east.

      I have some SIM,POL results that show Lowlands, Denmark, Germany + Switzerland, Austria and Italy and all in a loose TA group.  Do you know the status of the countries east of them?

      How is France holding up?

    3. Viking pilot

      Viking pilot

      Ireland is not on the forum but Iceland is.

      I know about that bloc.  East of them Poland, Czech, Hungary and Rumania are fighting against them and have taken half of Austria and have taken Yugoslavia where Italy has now moved most of their army.  Denmark appears to have had most of its army in northern Germany supporting them but lost a big stack recently.  

      France is essentially dead, but Portugal has a large army in xBordeaux and Spain a large army in Narbonne to keep a foothold against Lowlands and Switzerland, respectively.

  12. Must be those new 'PT' boats I've been hearing about (PT for Pretty Tiny?)
  13. Some minor corrections/updates: Italy took some major spots in southern France, Swiss took xNancy, Lowlands besieging Paris and destroyed a Portuguese force in xAngers (though lost bout 5 Arm divisions doing it), Denmark running unopposed along the coast as far as Cherbourg. Not sure Italy will go much farther with threat from Yugo likely approaching. Same for Swiss with Austria going down? Algeria and Morocco still in a dogfight but superior resources seem to be telling against Tunisia, though there should be a new Libyan army making its presence felt soon. Ireland vs GB fight still TBD, but IRH3 looks to be this game's Victory version of Ironbottom Sound.
  14. Has anyone heard how full the game is recently? Last I heard it was around 60%...
  15. So... Based on last set of events I see and discussion with a few allies/friends it looks like there is lots of action, but hard to tell exactly what in some spots. N Africa has a four nation scrum along the border areas with lots of casualties and a swapping of control of some significant provinces, but only xSbeitla changing hands in terms of large cities. Algeria/Morocco probably have the advantage because of ~25-30% greater size and holding xSbeitla, but situation is still in doubt. (As the one playing Algeria I of course hope that Tunisia or Libya wilts under the pressure and the other is then quickly overwhelmed, but given the quality of the players that seems unlikely) France is being swarmed by 4 countries and will have difficulty (to say the least) surviving, but he has allies and two of the countries have a back door threat looming (Austria guards Swiss back and Yugo guards Italy's back -- at least defacto) but both appear to be in serious trouble. Ireland is finishing off the large BEF ferried across the Irish Sea and now has an ally in Iceland looking to get into the fight. Should be interesting. Scandinavian war appears to be going well for Sweden, not so good for Finland, but war is expanding with DW on N Russia Haven't seen any event reports other than DW in the Middle East. Big question mark as to what is going on there. Anyone able to enlighten us? Anyone have anything to add?
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