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  1. How about 45 mins ago! Result Pete! Turns just appeared in my mailbox. Anyone else have issues with their .pdf file? Mine came back with pages 2 and 3 blank, then page 4 starts with the Army Report... Am I the 'lucky' one this cycle? Or is there any more incidents of this happening?
  2. A good idea. But from flagritzs comments he is glad we have free speech and if cestvel takes his hw then he won't ever stop. I assume this not stopping includes using his free speech so I'm sorry Deep but I think that proposal was DOA. Nice try though
  3. A world for a world seems harsh but reasonable in light that flagritz took out komka. Guess his mouth got the best of him though. When not in a position of power one should never threaten the one offering terms of surrender. Bad form and not wise at all. That's an interesting clip. Is it from flagritz? If so it sure appears that flagritz is simply making noise to try to make you look bad. Kind of like a marketing gimmick. Repeat something enough times and some people will believe you. Seems like a case of sour grapes and now he's on the receiving end he's unhappy about it. Yep, before this there was a long paragraph of begging for mercy and then the quoted stuff. I told him I would free the KomKa HW and take one HW from him. And that from the start. Now i will take at least two more from him.
  4. That's an interesting clip. Is it from flagritz? If so it sure appears that flagritz is simply making noise to try to make you look bad. Kind of like a marketing gimmick. Repeat something enough times and some people will believe you. Seems like a case of sour grapes and now he's on the receiving end he's unhappy about it.
  5. I send that question to Pete long ago and never got an answer. I was worried, that the DCHS did not work at all, but the reduction in attrition told me otherwise. Its been a while but I think that when you build a Deep Core Heat Sink, you get no attrition reduction unless you have it powered up. However, for some reason, the power requirements are not subtracted out, even though it needs power to run. Of course this issue was around back in 2005 and I really don't recall what the remedy was and I really don't feel like looking back into old posts to see the sequence of events. But yes, I would have expected it to be fixed by this point too.
  6. Thanks Pete, awesome timing... Keep it up. Signed, A Happy Prospective
  7. Haha, that's a good one. Deny Pete the income, send out your mapping information!!! Come on Rfouasnon, send the world your mapping information!!!
  8. Bravo Locklyn!!! I can't speak for the veracity of your reports, but my assumption is you aren't a congenital liar. So, assuming you are telling the truth, then what justification does Pete have for NOT fixing HIS screwups. Dude, I don't think I've ever communicated with you directly but my god, I'd be PISSED OFF. And if it can happen to you, I am sure it could happen to me (though thankfully it hasn't in any major way). Out of curiosity, did you call him and speak to him directly? I think that it's the best way (may be the only way) to get problems fixed, there is a definite lack of responses to emails. Of course, being 1/3 of the world away from Colorado, arranging timing might be difficult but it seems to me it's the only way to get things remedied. Good luck. I hope you don't quit.
  9. Flagritz, Pay no mind to the negative comments and congrats on your victory . As we all know, this game tremendously favors an empire on the defense. Even though you had numerical advantages, if Kom Ka had played with any level of competence, he should have been able to hold you off for quite a while. At a minimum, he SHOULD have made your victory much more difficult. Well played and thanks for sharing information, so many out there don't.
  10. Can 3rd Generation Genetic Engineering horizon tech be SRP'ed? Normally I think you can SRP up to 3rd Generation horizon techs. However, this has a 2nd AND 4th Gen pre-requisite, so I'm not clear if it will burn up my Santa SRP's or not. Anyone know the answer to this question? Thanks.
  11. Pete, Can you confirm this? Can ships weapons be used in a BOMB mission? Or better yet, do ships weapons have any effects on a pop group/installations in a BOMB mission? Or are MDD's required for a BOMB mission? Also, I recently got the breakthru for the NW-88 Skyhammer... and unlike previous MDD's, this item is unbuildable. It's a ground combat upgrade which I thought was wierd. Is that intentional? Earlier MDD breakthru's had both features (ground combat upgrade plus they were buildable for deployment in a BOMB mission). Thanks.
  12. I'll confirm that. I took over a dropped neutral recently and there were 69 of one type division that sat it out and 6 of another type that did not participate. Both were in stockpiles of the HW. Nice little boost, makes up for the losses their brethern incurred on me!!!
  13. Thanks for the reply Pete. How was the Pacificon? Anything interesting happen? Meet any RTG players there?
  14. Seems that time of year will be upon us shortly. Any guesstimates how many Santa SRP's we'll get this year? Or is there the possibility there will be none this year, the topic hasn't been bandied about so far. Thoughts/comments?
  15. In a battle with fighters, will they continue to battle on even if the carrier is destroyed (during that battle)? Or is one fighter bay always required in order to keep fighter operations going? Of course at the end of battle, if the carrier is destroyed and no fighter bays remain, then no doubt the fighters are lost at that point.
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