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The Flock

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  1. delusions? read third line from bottom and look at the dates. cestvel Old Hand Members 944 posts Gender:Male Location:Germany Interests:Playing Games, Programming Sent 29 July 2006 - 02:16 AM Greetings to the Flock, seems my empire made hostile contact with Megachiroptera: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** NAVAL BATTLE REPORT ** ----- REGENGAR [ F (Yellow-White) 3 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 73871 ----- Gorn Industries # 1956 (No Naval Commanders) Total tonnage: 234,000.....Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge] Megachiroptera Empire # 2964 (No Naval Commanders) Total tonnage: 3,900.....Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge] Fleet 702 Gorn Industries #1956 Senior Ambassador D-1 Fleet 702 Gorn Industries #1956 Voyager S-2 Fleet 702 Gorn Industries #1956 Chief Scientist T-8 ------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------ Gorn Industries # 1956 [Planetary System On A Yellow Circle] Fleet 702 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 234,000) [Deploy Location 12] 1 AUXH Surveyer Mk IV (Heavy Auxiliary - 234,000 tons [each]) <5 Colony Beacon>--<40,172 Fuel> ------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------ Megachiroptera Empire # 2964 [bloody Fangs On A Sable Field] Deathwatch [ROE: X] *Guillotine* (Fleet Tonnage: 3,900) [Deploy Location 1] 1 CO Aneurysm (Corvette - 3,900 tons [each]) <278 Fuel> ** Battle Damage Assessment Report ** -------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 ------------------------------------------------------------ **MINOR DAMAGE** AUXH Surveyer Mk IV (Heavy Auxiliary - 234,000 tons) [integrity: 392,865 / 395,000] (Green, Timid) 300 6cm Gatling CIDS, 14,000 Cargo Bay, 1 Drone Rack, 35 Fuel Shuttle, 50,000 Fuel Tankage 10 Mk II Short Range Sensor, 12 Mk III Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 500 Mk IV Nuclear Engine 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 4 Survey Lander, 35,000 Titanium Composite Armor, 5 Type B Science Lab Missile: 76,800 Maneuverability: 4.27, Missile Defense: 44.20 %, Sensors: 2.10 % ** Battle Damage Assessment Report ** -------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ **DESTROYED** [1st] CO Aneurysm (Corvette - 3,900 tons) [integrity: 0 / 6,260] [shields: 0 / 600] (Green, Timid) 400 Fuel Tankage, 2 Medium Beam Laser, 2 Mk I Force Shield, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 6 Mk I Standard Missile 2 Mk II Fusion Engine, 200 Reflective Armor Coating, 400 Titanium Composite Armor Coherent Beam: 2,640, Missile: 1,200 Maneuverability: 1.03, Missile Defense: 11.40 %, Reflective Coating: 20.50 % ================================================================================ ========================================= Which kind of makes us allies. Is the Flock thinking alike? Can you share some intelligence on them? CEO Cestvel of Gorn from Gorn Industries
  2. RoFL the famous backstabbers both complaining about being backstabbed. Cestvel and MEg both backstabbed the Flock way way back. Now they cry.
  3. Ahh, wow you really were provoked then! I mean how dare he get blown up by you! LOL Correct I am superior, that is the first thing you got right in 1206 posts.
  4. LOL, you mean your explorer ships got blown up in his area, and that was no provocation? Maybe Russia should send tanks to New york city, according to your logic, that is not provocation.
  5. The PA is still here and yes, they did drop and give away 15 empires and some unconquered HW's
  6. Robotic Shipyards: Advances in cybernetics and related fields have resulted in the development of advanced robotic workers capable of reasonably sophisticated manufacturing tasks. Aside from substantial social unrest caused by living workers being replaced by machines, limiting their current use to the shipyard sector, they are extremely efficient and require minimal time off for maintenance, but are somewhat inflexible in their job roles. Once designed to install a section of hull plating, thread wires through hull structures or perform a myriad of other tasks, the machines are left alone to do their jobs. As a result, and to maximize their efficiency in working with a wide variety of starship components, starships of less than 25,000 tons in total mass are ignored by the robotics in favor of larger vessels. This means that once this technology is developed, any design placed in a shipyard anywhere in the empire must be at least 25,000 tons in size or it will not ever be completed. Ships placed in a shipyard to be scrapped are excluded from this restriction, as the robots simply tear apart anything they can get their disassembling appendages on, regardless of tonnage. The benefit of using robotic workers in empire shipyards, however, is substantial: ship construction output is doubled to 20,000 tons of assembly per shipyard over the normal 10,000 tons. As another benefit, existing shipyards are refitted with robots and do not need to be reconstructed. WARNING: Once this technology is developed, ships of less than 25,000 tons can no longer be constructed. Smaller units can be scrapped, but all new construction must be for 25,000+ ton units. Classification: Repair Yard This Item cannot be manufactured, and is either a ground combat upgrade or a prerequisite for other technologies Prerequisite Technologies: 4th Generation Android Technology, 4th Generation Cybernetics, 4th Generation Social Engineering
  7. The Story of The Flock aka Battlestar Gaflocktia In the beginning the Flock created their first space ship and set out to explore space, the final frontier. They boldly headed out to go where no Flock had gone before, but space is a dangerous place, and within 8 time periods aliens showed up at the Flock HW. Terrible creatures that attacked and destroyed the Flock ships, mobilizing the HW, the Flock stopped the initial attack fleet that had destroyed the scouts at the HW warp point, and sent out more scouts. These scouts sighted a large fleet incoming, and the HW scrambled to build one large ship to stop this fleet. Remember at this time there were no Transwarp drives. The Flock had 3 turns to build the ship. Luck was on the Flock’s side, as explorer finds suddenly were finding more weapons than anything else, and the in system convoy routes brought the items to the HW. With very little data on how the weapons worked the weapons were all added to the last chance ship being built, a ship that would meet the enemy fleet at the warp point. A scout at the HW warp point saw the enemy fleet come in and in the next time period the Flock ship came out of the shipyards and moved immediately to the warp point, destroying the enemy fleet and the troop fleet at the warp point. Victory! Now to find the enemy HW’s to end this threat. The Flock sent out scouts to find the Realm of Atlantis A Sunken City Populated By Sentient Crabs and House Faringian A Flashing Red Light. These two empires were the attackers at the Flock HW. At this time the Flock set all scouts to X-ray, to insure no enemy ships got past the fleet scouts without a battle, as the Flock HW was still weakly defended. Most of the effort at the HW was being put into scout ships and a mobile war fleet. The Flock leaders were sure the two enemies could out build the one Flock Empire. Soon the Flock sighted the Cestvel empire Gorn Industries # 1956 and Megachiroptera Empire Bloody Fangs On A Sable Field. Soon we were able to set up a border with these two new empires. Though both were upset at battles with scouts, and apparently allowed other races to fly right to their HW before they thought it ok to have an X-ray fleet setting, but I digress. Anyway at least the two enemy empires did not show up again at all at any warp point. It was unbelievable that the enemies found us so fast, but we could not find them. Then MEG showed up one jump from our HW, obviously having found another path to our HW, as we still had scout ships used as pickets at all warp points we sighted other alien fleets. Shortly there after MEG with 3 allies attacked at our HW, and captured it, breaking the border agreement. This was the only Flock Hw and the Flock were done, or at least those of less resilient metal would have given up. The Flock however had 2 colonies, one in system, with 6000 pop and one out of system with 700 pop. The in system colony had a 20 man defending army, and 4 screen ships of 1000 tons each and an explorer ship searching for alien items. Immediately the surviving Flock leaders set the colony up to build ship parts. There are Transwarp drive ships by this time. Talking with allies that were recently sighted in the area they kept building ship parts and scouting to see if they could find a way to each other, as there was a one way warp point in the way. For the next few months (realtime) they scouted, until there was only one scout ship left. The Flock set up to build screen ships at the colony (Xship) and went into cryosleep ( Dropped the Empire for 1 year) One year later, the ally first sighted had been conquered, but a third ally discovered a world in common with the ally that had been conquered and this common world was a way around the one way warp point. The small Flock colony had not been conquered, and had build 4000 screens, and a fair amount of ship parts. The combination of the 3 star maps finally showed a path to a planet with a large population of Flock friendly birds. (IE Dropped HW) It took several more months to build all the items needed for the Flock Ragtag fleet fleeing MEG tyranny searching for a world called Earth. At this time the colony/troop ship named Colony One, and small warship set out with the last remaining scout ship in the lead. Slowly the scout moved forward, surveying and insuring there were no ships in the way, easing forward just two or three systems a turn, then the Colonial One would follow the scout ships path from the previous time cycle. The path went thru MEG and BAD areas, near conquered HWs. Then one day in one of these areas the scout was lost. Colony One could go no further, this path was the only known path. Two time periods later the small warship moved forward and found the BAD fleet had moved on, and so the Colony One moved on toward their new home Earth. Almost there and the small warship was lost, to the scout of an unknown Empire. Again Colony One waited, then moved forward, the last non screen ship in the Flock Empire. At last at the new HW, would the people there accept the Flock leaders? (IE 20 troops vrs HW) Yes, the natives amazed by the technology of the Flock, accepted them as new leaders. Today the Flock owns multiple Hws and has just recently aided the Parrots in retaking a HW conquered by Cestvel.
  8. Read back up the thread where you said you only saw someone take the pop and run once, when attacked by a former friend, that referred of course to You being attacked by MEG. I am pointing out that was untrue as you also removed to pop from the Parrot Hw, and the Parrots were definalty not a friend that suprise attacked. The Parrots cleared the skies with Brilliant fleet design, and a billiant 2 prong attack, which negated much of your 9 times armor advantage. The Flock just sent in the army. Considering both the Parrots (lost 2 hw's to you) and the FLock(lost HW to MEG) both lost their starting HW's, while you have several Hw's, your loss was really very poor play. The Parrots cleared 29 billion tons of your defense forces at the HW with only 39 billion tons of fleet, and lost only 10 billion tons from the attacking fleet. Also that fleet that ran into part of the Parrot attack fleet, was being chased by that fleet that blew it up, the fact you finnally moved to where it was instead of it just missing you was very kind of you. Also Skisk(SP) was a trap hopin you would move some more mobile fleet there from the Parrot Hw, that is why the attack was delayed two turns past your sigfhting of part of the fleet. We knew most of the pop would be gone, as I knew you were not as honorable as you profess to be. The Parrots never did any thing to your empire, except blow up your probes at one of their other HW's and tell you they were peaceful and please leave that area. Now they took back the HW, and you have no idea where their new HW is located. You should just be glad you found the colony the Parrots build IN THE SYSTEM right under your nose, after you had cleared their colonies, by sneaking into the system, where they built 5000 insystem screens, or you would of lost the HW sooner. I glad it was obvious to you that you were going to lose, it shows you realize how great the Parrots are with their small empire verses your 5 to 6 times in size empire.
  9. I believe you also took the pop and ran at the Parrot HW, when the Parrots came to take it back. SO much for the high ground there. You know the PArrot HW pop group number transfer the pop to it and I will post message saying how honorable you are, Until then you are full of IT Cestval
  10. The 2 billion fuel limitation is important, and seems to limit fleet size to about 10 to 20 billion tons if you are moving long distance, for example a 50 billion ton fleet will use 1.6 billion fuel going thru 2 E warp points. shrink the fleet size to 10 billion and the fleets can go thru 12 E Warp points.
  11. It is worse than that, if they bomb you and 10,000 Industry are destroyed, that pop and ine Contracution material will be in stock and the next turn you can repbuild, the industry, and the MDD's that will destriy the planet, only destroy empty planets.
  12. Really, the game is 10 years old, this houldof been fixed 7 years ago
  13. I had not problems with windows 7 and snrote, but is the reason i get a weird message when I try to open the data file the unlocking data file problem you had
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